EZ-EDS美元3.0版本生成的电子数据表[文件]DescText =“HMS Anybus-M DEV”;CreateDate = 07-28-1999;CreateTime = 11:12:10;ModDate = 12-10-2007;ModTime = 10:50:57;修订= 3.1;(设备)VendCode = 90;VendName =“HMS网络”;ProdType = 12;ProdTypeStr = "通信适配器”; ProdCode = 38; MajRev = 3; MinRev = 1; ProdName = "Anybus-M DeviceNet"; Catalog = "Anybus-M DeviceNet"; 1_RSNetWorx_DNetTool = "SdnCnfg.DnScannerDevice"; [ParamClass] MaxInst = 3; $ Max Instances - total # configuration parameters Descriptor = 0x0000; $ Parameter Class Descriptor - No parameters CfgAssembly = 0; $ The config assembly is not supported. [Params] Param1 = 0, $ parameter value slot 6,"20 01 24 01 30 67", $ path size, path (Run/Idle parameter) 0x0002, $ descriptor (Enum) 0xC6, 1, $ USINT, 1 byte "Master state", $ parameter name "", $ units string "", $ help string 0,1,0, $ min, max, default (0) ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ scaling links not used 0; $ decimal places Param2 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 6,"20 90 24 01 30 11", $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC2, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "AutoScan Fixed Map Size", $ name "", $ units "", $ help string 1,32,4, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links ; $ decimal places Param3 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 6,"20 90 24 01 30 10", $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC1, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "AutoScan", $ name "", $ units "", $ help string 0,1,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links ; $ decimal places [EnumPar] Param1 = "Run", "Idle"; Param3 = "Disabled", "Enabled"; [1_Scanner] MemoryTables = 0; $ Generic SlaveMode = 1; $ We support SlaveMode SharedInputs = 1; $ We support SharedInputs ADR = 65404; $ Amount of config recovery space available QuickConnect = 1; $ We support QC InputTable0 = "Input Table", $ Input table definition 1, $ Base unit (SINT) 512, $ Length (in Base units) 0; $ Nr of read only bits OutputTable0 = "Output Table", $ Output table definition 1, $ Base unit (SINT) 512, $ Length (in Base units) 0; $ Nr of read only bits