EZ-EDS 3.0版本生成的电子数据表美元基本EDS Woodhead DC100-DN设备网扫描仪网络接口卡。莫莱克斯(C) 2007美元新加坡私人有限公司[文件]DescText =“DC100DNM EDS”;CreateDate = 08-20-2007;CreateTime = 15:32:58;美元更新产品名称一样的身份名字美元也设置默认IO投票。ModDate = 12-24-2007;ModTime = 15:18:37;修订= 1.1;(设备)VendCode = 8;由瑞斯亚洲美元在新加坡VendName =“莫仕公司”; ProdType = 12; ProdTypeStr = "Communications Adapter"; ProdCode = 65; MajRev = 1; MinRev = 1; $ Updated to match Identity Name ProdName = "SST-DNM-D100 DNMASTER"; Catalog = "DC100DNM-C"; DNetQC = $ For network protocol test, Quick Connect feature is supported $ at power up. $ However to do timing test, this master support quick connection on $ a node by node basis and has to be configured appropriately via $ the AddDevice command. 0x0003, $ Use Autostart mode with pre-saved device configuration. 4000; [IO_Info] $ Normally as an communications adapter there is no default. $ Default is set to POLL to facilitate ODVA test. Default = 0x0001; PollInfo = 0x000F, 1, 1; StrobeInfo = 0x000F, 1, 0; COSInfo = 0x0007, 1, 1; CyclicInfo = 0x000B, 1, 1; Input1 = 1, 0, 0x000F, "Input Data", 6, "20 04 24 01 30 03", ""; Output1 = 1, 0, 0x000F, "Output Data", 6, "20 04 24 02 30 03", ""; [ParamClass] MaxInst = 0; Descriptor = 0x0000; CfgAssembly = 0;