$ Denso Wave PCI (Master&Slave)电子数据表[File] DescText = "机器人控制器PCI EDS文件";CreateDate = 07-29-2009;CreateTime = 11:21:50;ModDate = 07-29-2009;ModTime = 11:21:50;修订版本= 1.0;[Device] VendCode = 171;VendName = "DENSO WAVE Inc.";ProdType = 12;ProdTypeStr = "通信适配器"; ProdCode = 22; MajRev = 1; MinRev = 1; ProdName = "RC7 EtherNet/IP Adapter"; Catalog = "RC7 EtherNet/IP Adapter"; [Device Classification] Class1 = EtherNetIP; [Params] Param1 = 0, ,, 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Assembly Output Size", "", "", 5,32,32, ,,,, ,,,, 0; Param2 = 0, ,, 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Assembly Input Size", "", "", 4,32,32, ,,,, ,,,, 0; [Connection Manager] Connection1 = 0x04010002, $ Trigger and Transport 0x44244405, $ Point Multicast ,Param1,, $ OT RPI Size format ,Param2,, $ TO rpi size format ,, $ config 1 ,, $ config 2 "Data, In/Out ", $ connection name "Assembly Object In/Out Data", $ help string "20 04 24 01 2C 64 2C 65"; $ path [Port] Port1 = TCP, "Port 1", "20 F5 24 01", 2; [Capacity] ConnOverhead = .004; $ Connection Overhead MaxIOConnections = 3; $ Maximum number of Class 1 Connections MaxMsgConnections = 5; $ Maximum number of Class 3 Connections TSpec1 = TxRx, 10, 1400; $ packets per sec @ 10 bytes TSpec2 = TxRx, 100, 1300; $ packets per sec @ 100 bytes TSpec3 = TxRx, 200, 1120; $ packets per sec @ 200 bytes $ **************************************************************************** $ EOF $ ****************************************************************************