$ es - eds版本3.9生成电子数据表$ Denso Wave PCI(主从)电子数据表$ $ *1)从模式下的I/O数据大小取决于控制器的设置。$ Poll Input1 size <- Robot Controller $ Poll Output1 size <- Robot Controller $ $ File Description Section [File] DescText = "Robot Controller EDS File";CreateDate = 05-15-2012;CreateTime = 09:00:00;ModDate = 05-15-2012;ModTime = 09:00:00;修订= 1.1;$ Device Description Section [Device] VendCode = 171;$ Vendor Code VendName = "DENSO WAVE Inc.";$ Vendor Name ProdType = 12; $ Product Type ProdTypeStr = "Communications Adapter"; $ Product Type String ProdCode = 23; $ Product Code MajRev = 1; $ Major Rev MinRev = 1; $ Minor Rev ProdName = "RC8 DeviceNet Slave"; Catalog = "0"; $ I/O Characteristics Section [IO_Info] Default = 0x0001; $ Poll Only PollInfo = 0x0001, $ Poll Only 1, $ Default Input = Input1 1; $ Default Output = Output1 $ Input Connections Input1 = $ Input(Producing) 32, $ *1) By the controller 0, $ All bits are significant 0x0001, $ Poll Only Connection "Input Data", $ Name 6, $ Path Length "20 04 24 65 30 03", $ Assembly Object Instance 101 "Robot Input Data"; $ Help $ Output Connections Output1 = $ Output(Consuming) 32, $ *1) By the controller 0, $ All bits are significant 0x0001, $ Poll Only Connection "Output Data", $ Name 6, $ Path Length "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Assembly Object Instance 100 "Robot Output Data"; $ Help [ParamClass] MaxInst = 0; Descriptor = 0x0000; CfgAssembly = 0;