电子数据表(EDS)美元rl64ea - 355 dn - 000[文件]DescText =“EDS_FILE_RL64EA_355DN_000”;CreateDate = 09-08-2006;CreateTime =就是;ModDate = 09-08-2006;ModTime =就是;修订= 1.1;(设备)VendCode = 43;VendName =“巴鲁夫有限公司”;ProdType = 7;ProdTypeStr =“通用离散I / O”; ProdCode = 2; MajRev = 1; MinRev = 1; ProdName = "RL64EA-355DN-000"; Catalog = "RL64EA-355DN-000"; [IO_Info] Default = 0x0001; $ Poll PollInfo = 0x0001, $ Poll 1, $ Default Input = Input1 1; $ Default Output = Output1 Input1 = 9, $ 9byte 65, $ 65 bits are significant 0x0001, $ Poll "Parallel Inputs", $ Name of this I/O 6, $ Path Length "20 04 24 11 30 03", $ Class 4 , Instance 11 , Attribute 3 ""; Output1 = 4, $ 4byte 0, $ All bits are significant 0x0001, $ Poll "Parallel Outputs", $ Name of this I/O 6, $ Path Length "20 04 24 24 30 03", $ Class 4 , Instance 24 , Attribute 3 "";