$EZ-EDS2.0生成电子数据表dscext ='EDS for AmetekHDRPERS 'MP1SCR设备网头''CreateDate=05-28-2006创建时间=13:23:28ModDate=1101-2006ModTime=11:37:15修订版=1.1VendCode=977销主代码VendName=AmetekHDR电源系统ProdType=0元产品类型predTypeStr=Generic设备ProdCode=97元产品代码MajRev=1元RevMinRev=1$Min Rev验证码=MP1SCR设备网头Catalog=MP1默认值=0x0001$投票IO默认pollInfo=0x0001,$2$ Default = Output1 $ $$$ Input Connections $$$$ Input1 = 1, $ 1 byte 2, $ 2 bits are significant 0x0001, $ Poll "Extended Overload", $ Name String 6, $ Path Size "20 04 24 97 30 03", $ Symbolic Path for Assy instance 151 "Bit0 = Faulted, Bit1 = Warning"!$ Help string Input2 = 8, 0, 0x0001, "Status & 3 Param Based Data", 6, "20 04 24 98 30 03", ""!Input3 = 16, 0, 0x0001, "Status & 7 Param Based Data", 6, "20 04 24 99 30 03", ""!Input4 = 24, 0, 0x0001, "Status & 11 Param Based Data", 6, "20 04 24 9A 30 03", ""!Output1 = 1, $ 1 byte 1, $ 1 bit is significant 0x0001, $ Poll "Basic Overload", $ Name String 6, $ Path Size "20 04 24 66 30 03", $ Symbolic Path for Assy instance 102 "Bit2 = FaultRst"!$ Help string Output2 = 4, 0, 0x0001, "Cmd/Mode/Ref", 6, "20 04 24 67 30 03", ""!Output3 = 10, 0, 0x0001, "Cmd/Mode/Ref & 3 DAC Out Data", 6, "20 04 24 68 30 03", ""!MaxInst=223描述符0x008Cfgserm=0[Params] Param1 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 6,"20 65 24 01 30 14", $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0074, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "Iin Actual Peak%", $ Name "%", $ Units "Actual Peak Input Current as % of Input XFMR Rating", 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default data values 1,1,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset factors ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links 1!$ decimal places Param2 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 15", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Iin Actual RMS", "A", "Actual RMS Input Current", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param3 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 16", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Iin Actual RMS%", "%", "Actual RMS Input Current % of Full Rating", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param4 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 17", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Vin Actual RMS", "V", "Actual RMS Input Voltage", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param5 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 18", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Vin Actual RMS%", "%", "Actual RMS Input Voltage % of Full Rating", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param6 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 19", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "KVAin Actual", "KVA", "Actual Input KVA", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param7 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 1A", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "KVAin Actual%", "%", "Actual Input KVA % of Full Rating", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param8 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 1B", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Iout Actual RMS", "A", "Actual RMS Output Current", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param9 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 1C", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Iout Actual RMS%", "%", "Actual RMS Output Current % of Full Rating", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param10 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 1D", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Vout Actual RMS", "V", "Actual RMS Output Voltage", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param11 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 1E", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Vout Actual RMS%", "%", "Actual RMS Output Voltage % of Full Rating", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param12 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 1F", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "KWout Actual", "KW", "Actual Output KW", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param13 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 20", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "KWout Actual%", "%", "Actual Output KW % of Full Rating", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param14 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 21", 0x0074, 0xC3, 2, "Ambient Temp C", "�C", "PCB Ambient Temperature Celcius", -40,125,0, 1,1,1,, ,,,, 0!Param15 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 22", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Frequency Actual", "Hz", "Actual Input Frequency", 0,700,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param16 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 23", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Nom Input Freq", "Hz", "Nominal Input Frequency", 500,600,600, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param17 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 24", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Power Factor", "", "Input Power Factor = KW Output / KVA Input", 0,100,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 2!Param18 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 25", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Resistance Ratio", "", "Load Resistance Ratio = %Vrms / %Arms * 100, if Vrms > 10%", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param19 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 26", 0x0032, 0xD2, 2, "Status Auxiliary", "", "Status of additional alarm/status flags", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum19 = 0,"Vin RMS High", 1,"Vin RMS Low", 2,"Iin Peak Fault", 3,"Iin Timed OL", 4,"Heatsink OT", 5,"SCRShort/OutOpen", 6,"SCR Short/w Amps", 7,"Frequency Deviation", 8,"High Ambient", 9,"Fuse Switch Out", 10,"Load Res High", 11,"Load Res Low", 12,"Reserved12", 13,"Reserved13", 14,"Opt Intern Input", 15,"External Fault"!Param20 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 27", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Conductance%", "%", "% Conductance used for Resistance Regulation", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 1!Param21 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 49", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Vout Prop Gain", "", "Output Voltage Proportional Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param22 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 4A", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Vout Integ Gain", "", "Output Voltage Integral Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param23 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 4B", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iout Prop Gain", "", "Output Current Proportional Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param24 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 4C", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iout Integ Gain", "", "Output Current Integral Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param25 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 4D", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "KWout Prop Gain", "", "Output KW Proportional Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param26 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 4E", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "KWout Integ Gain", "", "Output KW Integral Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param27 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 4F", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Resist Prop Gain", "", "Resistance Proportional Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param28 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 50", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Resist Integ Gain", "", "Resistance Integral Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param29 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 51", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "ExtFB Prop Gain", "", "External Feedback Proportional Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param30 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 52", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "ExtFB Integ Gain", "", "External Feedback Integral Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param31 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 53", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iin Prop Gain", "", "Input Current Proportional Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param32 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 54", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iin Integ Gain", "", "Input Current Integral Gain", 0,25,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param33 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 55", 0x0044, 0xC7, 2, "Vin High%", "%", "Input Voltage % High Trip Point", 25,150,125, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 0!Param34 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 56", 0x0044, 0xC7, 2, "Vin Low%", "%", "Input Voltage % Low Trip Point", 25,100,85, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 0!Param35 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 57", 0x0044, 0xC7, 2, "Iin PeakFault%", "%", "Input Current % Peak Fault Level.0300011000Param36 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 58", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iin Peak Retry", "", "Input Current Peak Overload Retry Count", 0,8,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param37 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 59", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iin Peak Timer", "Sec", "Input Current Peak Overload Retry Time", 10,600,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param38 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 5A", 0x0044, 0xC7, 2, "Iin RMS OL%", "%", "Input RMS Current Overload %", 0,200,125, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 0!Param39 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 5B", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iin RMS OL Timer", "Sec", "Input Current RMS Overload Timer", 10,600,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param40 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 5C", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Res Ratio High", "", "Resistance Ratio High Alarm Setting", 0,65535,10000, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param41 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 5D", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Res Ratio Low", "", "Resistance Ratio Low Alarm Setting", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param42 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 5E", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "Freq Deviation", "Hz", "Frequency Deviation From Nominal Alarm Setpoint", 1,4,4, ,,,, ,,,, 0!+++2Hz3++3Hz4++4HzParam43 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 5F", 0x0044, 0xC7, 2, "Ambient OT Limit", "�C", "Internal Circuit Ambient Overtemperature Alarm Limit", 0,85,75, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 0!Param44 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 3B", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "KVAin Rating", "KVA", "Nominal Full Load Input KVA Rating", 18,7200,288, ,,,, ,,,, 1!Param45 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 3C", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "KWout Rating", "KVA", "Nominal Full Load Output KW Rating", 18,7200,288, ,,,, ,,,, 1!Param46 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 3D", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Vin PT Primary", "V", "Input Voltage Potentential Transformer Tap Rating", 60,600,480, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param47 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 3E", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Vout PT Primary", "V", "Output Voltage Potentential Transformer Tap Rating", 60,600,480, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param48 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 3F", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Current XFMR Cnt", "", "Current Transformer Count 1= Input only, 2 = Input + Output", 1,2,1, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param49 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 40", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iin XFMR Rating", "A", "Input Current Rating of 5A Current XFMR", 30,1200,60, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param50 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 41", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iout XFMR Rating", "A", "Input Current Rating of 5A Current XFMR", 30,1200,60, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param51 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 45", 0x0044, 0xC7, 2, "Iin RMS% Limit", "%", "Input Current RMS% Limit.万万无损0 150110 111000000Param52 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 46", 0x0044, 0xC7, 2, "Vout RMS% Limit", "%", "Output Voltage RMS% Limit.1225110 1110000Param53 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 47", 0x0044, 0xC7, 2, "Iout RMS% Limit", "%", "Output Current RMS% Limit.万万无损0 150110 111000000Param54 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 48", 0x0044, 0xC7, 2, "KW Output% Limit", "%", "Output KW% Limit.1225110 1110000Param55 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 65", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "Firing Mode Sel", "", "Firing Mode Selector", 0,5,1, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum55 = 0,"ZF-Zero Fire", 1,"PF-Phase Fire", 2,"ZFT-Fixed Time", 3,"PFZF Data Switch", 4,"PFZF Discrete Sw", 5,"PFZF Timed Sw"!Param56 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 66", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "PFZF Dly Time(r)", "Sec", "PFZF Time Delay Timer for Firing Mode 5", 10,9999,360, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param57 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 67", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "ZFT SPD Selector", "", "Zero Fire into XFMR Starting Point Delay Selector", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum57=0,使用dnetadr,1,使用RS485adrParam58 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 68", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "ZFT Walk Up Time", "", "Zero Fire into XFMR Initial Walk Up Time, Number of Cycles", 3,10,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param59 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 69", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "ZFT Rep Cycle%", "%", "ZFT-Repetitive Firing, Initial Duty Cycle of First Half Cycle", 10,90,50, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param60 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 6A", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Slew Rate Limit", "", "Slew rate limit of firing control as 'cycles for 100% change'", 3,1000,10, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param61 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 63", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Ramp Up Time", "Sec", "Minimum seconds for 100% setpoint ramp up.", 0,360,2, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param62 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 64", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Ramp Down Time", "Sec", "Minimum seconds for 100% setpoint ramp down.", 0,360,2, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param63 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 02", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "ZeroWord", "", "Zero value UINT", 0,0,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param64 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 03", 0x0054, 0xC7, 2, "Firmware Rev", "", "FW Revision in EDS viewable format", 0,65535,1001, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 3!Param65 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 04", 0x0030, 0xC6, 1, "MAC ID Switch", "", "Current Mac Id Switch Value (0-99), (64-99)=programmable.", 0,99,63, ,,,, ,,,, !Param66 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 05", 0x0030, 0xC6, 1, "BAUD Switch", "", "Current Baud Switch Value (0-9), (3-9)=programmable.", 0,9,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param67 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 06", 0x0030, 0xC6, 1, "NV Dnet MAC ID", "", "Dnet MAC ID stored in non-volatile memory.", 0,63,63, ,,,, ,,,, !Param68 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 07", 0x0030, 0xC6, 1, "NV Dnet BAUD", "", "Dnet BUAD stored in non-volatile memory.", 0,2,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param69 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 08", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord0 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,11, ,,,, ,,,, !Param70 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 09", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord1 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,9, ,,,, ,,,, !Param71 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 0A", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord2 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,13, ,,,, ,,,, !Param72 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 0B", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord3 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,10, ,,,, ,,,, !Param73 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 0C", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord4 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,8, ,,,, ,,,, !Param74 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 0D", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord5 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,12, ,,,, ,,,, !Param75 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 0E", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord6 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,5, ,,,, ,,,, !Param76 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 0F", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord7 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,4, ,,,, ,,,, !Param77 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 10", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord8 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,18, ,,,, ,,,, !Param78 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 11", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord9 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,3, ,,,, ,,,, !Param79 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 12", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "AssyWord10 Param", "", "Param# whose value may be placed in programmable input assy.", 1,223,2, ,,,, ,,,, !Param80 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 15", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "Output Assembly", "", "Specifies Poll Output Assembly loaded at power-up", 102,104,102, ,,,, ,,,, !Param81 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 16", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "Input Assembly", "", "Specifies Poll Input Assembly loaded at power-up", 151,154,152, ,,,, ,,,, !Param82 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 78", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "Log config", "", "Select what items to log", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Enum82=0,唯一SCR事件,1,adddnet事件Param83 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 79", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Log Count", "", "Number of past log entries", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param84 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 7A", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Last Entry ID", "", "Log ID of last entry", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param85 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 7C", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Last Entry T Lsb", "", "Least sig.上32位数日志时间0 655350Param86 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 7D", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Last Entry T Msb", "", "Most sig.上32位数日志时间0 655350Param87 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 7E", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Last Entry Event", "", "Event code for last log entry", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param88 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 7F", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Last Entry Data1", "", "Data1 of last log entry", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param89 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 80", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Last Entry Data2", "", "Data2 of last log entry (optional)", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param90 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 81", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Last Entry Data3", "", "Data3 of last log entry (optional)", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param91 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 82", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Log View ID Req", "", "ID to use for log lookup", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param92 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 83", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Log View ID", "", "ID of past log available for display", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param93 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 85", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Log View T Lsb", "", "Least sig.字32比特日志时间065350Param94 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 86", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Log View T Msb", "", "Most sig.字32比特日志时间065350Param95 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 87", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Log View Event", "", "Event code of log available for display", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param96 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 88", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Log View Data1", "", "Data1 of log available for display", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param97 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 89", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Log View Data2", "", "Data2 of log available for display (optional)", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param98 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 8A", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Log View Data3", "", "Data3 of log available for display (optional)", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param99 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 71", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Modbus A Addr", "", "RS-232 Modbus Address", 1,247,1, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param100 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 72", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "ABaud Rate", "", "RS-232 Baud Rate", 0,3,3, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum100 =0,2400,1,4800,2,9600,3,19200Param101 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 73", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "AParity/StopBits", "", "RS-232 Parity and Stop Bit Selection", 0,2,2, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enm101=0none+2stopParam102 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 74", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Modbus B Addr", "", "RS-485 Modbus Address", 1,247,1, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param103 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 75", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "BBaud Rate", "", "RS-485 Baud Rate", 0,3,3, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum103 = 0,2400,1,4800,2,9600,3,19200Param104 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 76", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "BParity/StopBits", "", "RS-485 Parity and Stop Bit Selection", 0,2,2, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum104=0none+2stopParam105 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 7F", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "ARtnBusMsbCt", "", "RS232-Return Bus Message Count", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param106 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 80", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "ARtnBusComErrCt", "", "RS232-Return Bus Communication Error Count", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param107 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 81", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "ARtnSlaveExErrCt", "", "RS232-Return Slave Exception Error Count", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param108 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 82", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "ARtnSlaveMsgCt", "", "RS232-Return Slave Message Count", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param109 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 83", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "ARtnSlaveNoRspCt", "", "RS232-Return Slave No Response Count", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param110 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 84", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "AbuffOverflowCt", "", "RS232-Buffer Overflow", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param111 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 85", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "BRtnBusMsbCt", "", "RS485-Return Bus Message Count", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param112 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 86", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "BRtnBusComErrCt", "", "RS485-Return Bus Communication Error Count", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param113 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 87", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "BRtnSlaveExErrCt", "", "RS485-Return Slave Exception Error Count", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param114 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 88", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "BRtnSlaveMsgCt", "", "RS485-Return Slave Message Count", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param115 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 89", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "BRtnSlaveNoRspCt", "", "RS485-Return Slave No Response Count", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param116 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 8A", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "BbuffOverflowCt", "", "RS485-Buffer Overflow", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param117 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 6B", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out1 FS", "", "16-bit mA DAC out, specifies 100% value for %-type input data", 0x3FFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param118 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 6C", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out2 FS", "", "16-bit mA DAC out, specifies 100% value for %-type input data", 0x3FFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param119 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 6D", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out3 FS", "", "16-bit mA DAC out, specifies 100% value for %-type input data", 0x3FFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param120 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 6E", 0x0182, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out1 Select", "", "Selects data driver for mA transmitter", 0,65535,4, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum120 = 0,"Fixed Min Output", 1,"Vin Actual RMS%", 2,"Iin Actual RMS%", 3,"KVAin Actual%", 4,"Vout Actual RMS%", 5,"Iout Actual RMS%", 6,"KWout Actual%", 7,"Analog Setpoint%", 8,"Analog Feedback%", 9,"Setpoint Actual%", 10,"DutyCycle Actual%", 11,"DAC Out1 Ref", 16383,"Fixed 25%", 32767,"Fixed 50%", 49151,"Fixed 75%", 65535,"Fixed 100%"!Param121 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 6F", 0x0182, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out2 Select", "", "Selects data driver for mA transmitter", 0,65535,5, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum121 = 0,"Fixed Min Output", 1,"Vin Actual RMS%", 2,"Iin Actual RMS%", 3,"KVAin Actual%", 4,"Vout Actual RMS%", 5,"Iout Actual RMS%", 6,"KWout Actual%", 7,"Analog Setpoint%", 8,"Analog Feedback%", 9,"Setpoint Actual%", 10,"DutyCycle Actual%", 11,"DAC Out2 Ref", 16383,"Fixed 25%", 32767,"Fixed 50%", 49151,"Fixed 75%", 65535,"Fixed 100%"!Param122 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 70", 0x0182, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out3 Select", "", "Selects data driver for mA transmitter", 0,65535,6, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum122 = 0,"Fixed Min Output", 1,"Vin Actual RMS%", 2,"Iin Actual RMS%", 3,"KVAin Actual%", 4,"Vout Actual RMS%", 5,"Iout Actual RMS%", 6,"KWout Actual%", 7,"Analog Setpoint%", 8,"Analog Feedback%", 9,"Setpoint Actual%", 10,"DutyCycle Actual%", 11,"DAC Out3 Ref", 16383,"Fixed 25%", 32767,"Fixed 50%", 49151,"Fixed 75%", 65535,"Fixed 100%"!Param123 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 03", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Run1", "", "See run/stop event matrix in manual.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum123+0+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Param124 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 0C", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Remote Relay Req", "", "Dnet remote relay request.中继掩码比特=1启动Enum124=0,Relay非主动性,1,Relay主动性Param125 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 0C", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "FaultRst", "", "SCR Fault Reset on 0->1 transition.反射自动Enum125=0,无动作,1,0->1复位Param126 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 0D", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "NetKW Hour Reset", "", "Reset KW Hour Meter on 0->1 transition.自动重采机0100Enum126=0,无动作,1,0->1复位Param127 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 0E", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Net PFZF Select", "", "Selects ZF or PF firing mode if 'Firing Mode Select' = 3.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum127=0,相位火,1,零点火Param128 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 05", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "NetCtrl", "", "Requests Run1 control from net.CtlFromNet确认0100Enum128=0,无网控件,1,请求控件Param129 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 01", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "NetRef", "", "Requests Setpoint control from net.RefromNet确认Enum129=0,无Dnet定点,1,请求定点Param130 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 11", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "ForceFault Trip", "", "Force Fault Trip of SCR Controller.01000Enum130=0,无动作,1,0->1TripParam131 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 7E", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "", "", "Future Use.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param132 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 04", 0x0102, 0xC6, 1, "Auto RegMode", "", "Controls Regulation Mode.inits对Auto RegmodeNV启动Enum132 = 0,"No Change", 1,"Voltage Reg", 2,"Current Reg", 3,"Power Reg", 4,"Resistance Reg", 5,"Analog Feedback", 6,"Open Loop"!Param133 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 05", 0x0044, 0xC7, 2, "Net Setpoint%", "%", "Control Setpoint if 'NetRef'='RefFromNet=1.", 0,12500,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 2!Param134 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 11", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out1 Ref", "", "DAC data input if 'DAC Out1 Select' = 11.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param135 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 12", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out2 Ref", "", "DAC data input if 'DAC Out2 Select' = 11.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param136 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 13", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out3 Ref", "", "DAC data input if 'DAC Out3 Select' = 11.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param137 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 68", 0x0002, 0xD2, 2, "Warning Mask", "", "Bit Mask to enable warnings", 0,65535,0x0004, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum137 = 0,"Comm Fault", 1,"Comm Idle", 2,"High Ambient", 3,"SCRshort/OutOpen", 4,"Vin RMS High", 5,"Vin RMS Low", 6,"Summary Limiting", 7,"Freq.Deviation", 8,"Iin Timed OL", 9,"SCR Short/w Amps", 10,"Load Res High", 11,"Load Res Low", 12,"Fuse Switch Out", 13,"Max Duty Cycle", 14,"Internal Exc", 15,"Reserved15"!Param138 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 69", 0x0002, 0xD2, 2, "Fault Mask", "", "Bit Mask to enable fault trips.", 0,65535,0x4002, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum138 = 0,"INPUT1", 1,"Heatsink OT", 2,"High Ambient", 3,"SCRshort/OutOpen", 4,"Vin RMS High", 5,"Vin RMS Low", 6,"Reserved6", 7,"Iin Peak Fault", 8,"Iin Timed OL", 9,"Reserved9", 10,"Reserved10", 11,"Comm Fault", 12,"Comm Idle", 13,"Warning", 14,"External Fault", 15,"Reserved15"!Param139 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 6A", 0x0002, 0xD2, 2, "Relay Mask", "", "Bit Mask to enable Relay", 0,65535,0x0100, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum139 = 0,"INPUT1", 1,"Heatsink OT", 2,"High Ambient", 3,"SCRshort/OutOpen", 4,"Vin RMS High", 5,"Vin RMS Low", 6,"Warning", 7,"Freq.Deviation", 8,"Fault", 9,"SCR Short/w Amps", 10,"Load Res High", 11,"Load Res Low", 12,"Fuse Switch Out", 13,"Local Relay Req", 14,"Remote Relay Req", 15,"Reserved15"!Param140 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 44", 0x0002, 0xD2, 2, "Invert Discretes", "", "Selects logic for discrete inputs and output (relay)", 0,65535,0x0000, ,,,, ,,,, !Enum140 = 0,"INPUT1", 1,"Output Enable", 2,"External Fault", 3,"Fuse Switch", 4,"Heatsink OT", 5,"Optional Input", 6,"Reserved", 7,"Reserved", 8,"Reserved", 9,"Reserved", 10,"Reserved", 11,"Reserved", 12,"Reserved", 13,"Reserved", 14,"Reserved", 15,"Relay Output"!Param141 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 10", 0x0002, 0xC6, 1, "NetFaultMode", "", "Action for Net Fault (no established connections)", 0,2,1, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum141 =0,故障停止,1,Ignore-warn选择,2,CntrlsParam142 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 14", 0x0002, 0xC6, 1, "NetIdleMode", "", "Action for Net Idle (Idle I/O messages without data)", 0,2,1, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum142 =0,故障停止,1,Ignore警告选择,2,CntrlsParam143 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 32", 0x0074, 0xC8, 4, "Control Time On", "Hr", "Time that power has been applied.32位数"00xFFFFFFF001103Param144 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 33", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Control Time Lsb", "", "Time that power has been applied.最小值比特数0653500Param145 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 34", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Control Time Msb", "", "Time that power has been applied.最大比特数0653500Param146 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 35", 0x0074, 0xC8, 4, "Output Time On", "Hr", "Time that output has been enabled.32位数"00xFFFFFFF001103Param147 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 36", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Output Time Lsb", "", "Time that output has been enabled.最小值比特数0653500Param148 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 37", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Output Time Msb", "", "Time that output has been enabled.最大比特数0653500Param149 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 38", 0x0074, 0xC8, 4, "KW-hour Meter", "KWH", "Resettable KW-hour meter.32位数"00xFFFFFFF00110Param150 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 39", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "KW-hour Lsb", "", "Resettable KW-hour meter.最小值比特数0653500Param151 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 3A", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "KW-hour Msb", "", "Resettable KW-hour meter.最大比特数0653500Param152 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 0A", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "Faulted", "", "SCR fault/trip.输出失效重置Enum152=0,无故障,1,故障Param153 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 0B", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "Warning", "", "Summary warning flag.01000Enum153=0,无警告,1,警告Param154 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 07", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "Running1", "", "Indicates SCR gate drive is on.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum154=0,不运行,1,运行Param155 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 06", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "SCR AC Input Status", "", "Indicates SCR AC power is present and Voltage and Freq OK.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum155=0,非合格性,1,合格性Param156 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 09", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "Ready", "", "Requires SCR AC input on, discrete Enable Output on, no fault.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum156=0,不准备,1,准备Param157 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 0F", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "CtrlFromNet", "", "Acknowledges 'NetCtrl' request.启动Run1控制Enum157=0,无网控件,1,Net控件开Param158 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 02", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "RefFromNet", "", "Acknowledges 'NetRef' request.启动网定控件0100Enum158=0,无净定点,1,NetREF启动Param159 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 03", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "At Setpoint", "", "Confirms that output matches active setpoint.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum159=0,非定点,1,At定点Param160 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 07", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "CtrlFromLocal", "", "Confirms Local Run1 has overriding control.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum160=0,无局部控件,1,局部控件开Param161 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 08", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "RefFromLocal", "", "Confirms that 'Local Setpoint' controls output.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum161=0,无局部参考物,1,Lible REF主动性Param162 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 09", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "RefFromAnalog", "", "Confirms that analog input controls output.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum162=0,无模拟REF,1,AnalogREFOTParam163 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 0F", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "Relay State", "", "Active if at least 1 bit set in Relay Status.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum163=0,非活动性,1,主动性Param164 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 10", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "Output Enable", "", "Indicates state of discrete Output Enable terminal.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum164=0,残疾,1,EnableParam165 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 0B", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "Max Duty Cycle", "", "Indicates that SCR controller is phased full on.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum165=0非最大输出Param166 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 0A", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "Summary Limiting", "", "Indicates if output is limited by any limit setting.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum166=0,不限制,1,imiming onParam167 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 8B", 0x0032, 0xC1, 1, "INPUT1 Discrete", "", "Indicates if discrete INPUT1 is active.", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum167=0,INPUT1非活动性Param168 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 28", 0x0032, 0xD2, 2, "Limit Bit Status", "", "Indicates status of each output limit.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum168 = 0,"Iin Limiting", 1,"Iout Limiting", 2,"Vout Limiting", 3,"KWout Limiting", 4,"Reserved", 5,"Reserved", 6,"Reserved", 7,"Reserved", 8,"Reserved", 9,"Reserved", 10,"Reserved", 11,"Reserved", 12,"Reserved", 13,"Reserved", 14,"Reserved", 15,"Reserved"!Param169 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 64", 0x0032, 0xD2, 2, "Internal Exc", "", "Indicates any internal exceptions.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum169 = 0,"Int24VdcLow", 1,"Reserved1", 2,"Reserved2", 3,"Reserved3", 4,"Reserved4", 5,"Reserved5", 6,"Reserved6", 7,"Reserved7", 8,"Reserved8", 9,"Reserved9", 10,"Reserved10", 11,"Reserved11", 12,"Reserved12", 13,"Reserved13", 14,"Reserved14", 15,"Reserved15"!Param170 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 65", 0x0032, 0xD2, 2, "Warning Status", "", "Status of Warning Flags.旗子效果必须带面罩启动 0653500 e,,,,,,,,,,,, 0Enum170 = 0,"Comm Fault", 1,"Comm Idle", 2,"High Ambient", 3,"SCRshort/OutOpen", 4,"Vin RMS High", 5,"Vin RMS Low", 6,"Summary Limiting", 7,"Frequency Deviation", 8,"Iin Timed OL", 9,"SCR Short/w Amps", 10,"Load Res High", 11,"Load Res Low", 12,"Fuse Switch Out", 13,"Max Duty Cycle", 14,"Internal Exc", 15,"Reserved15"!Param171 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 66", 0x0032, 0xD2, 2, "Fault Status", "", "Status of Fault Flags.旗子效果必须带面罩启动 0653500 e,,,,,,,,,,,, 0Enum171 = 0,"INPUT1", 1,"Heatsink OT", 2,"High Ambient", 3,"SCRshort/OutOpen", 4,"Vin RMS High", 5,"Vin RMS Low", 6,"Reserved6", 7,"Iin Peak Fault", 8,"Iin Timed OL", 9,"Reserved9", 10,"Reserved10", 11,"Comm Fault", 12,"Comm Idle", 13,"Warning", 14,"External Fault", 15,"Reserved15"!Param172 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 67", 0x0032, 0xD2, 2, "Relay Status", "", "Status of Relay data driving Relay State", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum172 = 0,"INPUT1", 1,"Heatsink OT", 2,"High Ambient", 3,"SCRshort/OutOpen", 4,"Vin RMS High", 5,"Vin RMS Low", 6,"Warning", 7,"Freq.Deviation", 8,"Fault", 9,"SCR Short/w Amps", 10,"Load Res High", 11,"Load Res Low", 12,"Fuse Switch Out", 13,"Local Relay Req", 14,"Remote Relay Req", 15,"Reserved15"!Param173 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 6B", 0x0032, 0xC7, 2, "Warn Code", "", "Code of last warning event.", 0,15,15, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum173 = 0,"Comm Fault", 1,"Comm Idle", 2,"High Ambient", 3,"SCRShort/OutOpen", 4,"Vin RMS High", 5,"Vin RMS Low", 6,"Summary Limiting", 7,"Freq.Deviation", 8,"Iin Timed OL", 9,"SCR Short/wAmps", 10,"Load Res High", 11,"Load Res Low", 12,"Fuse Switch Out", 13,"Max Duty Cycle", 14,"Internal Exc", 15,"None"!Param174 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 6C", 0x0032, 0xC7, 2, "Fault Code", "", "Code of last fault event.", 0,15,15, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum174 = 0,"INPUT1", 1,"Heatsink OT", 2,"High Ambient", 3,"SCRShort/OutOpen", 4,"Vin RMS High", 5,"Vin RMS Low", 6,"Reserved6", 7,"Iin Peak Fault", 8,"Iin Timed OL", 9,"Reserved9", 10,"Reserved10", 11,"Comm Fault", 12,"Comm Idle", 13,"Warning", 14,"External Fault", 15,"None"!Param175 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 6D", 0x0032, 0xC7, 2, "Relay Code", "", "Code of last relay event.", 0,15,15, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum175 = 0,"INPUT1", 1,"Heatsink OT", 2,"High Ambient", 3,"SCRShort/OutOpen", 4,"Vin RMS High", 5,"Vin RMS Low", 6,"Warning", 7,"Freq.Deviation", 8,"Fault", 9,"SCR Short/wAmps", 10,"Load Res high", 11,"Load Res Low", 12,"Fuse Switch Out", 13,"Local Relay Req", 14,"Remote Relay Req", 15,"None"!Param176 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 29", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Setpoint Actual", "", "The final setpoint driving regulation after ramp up-down limits.", 0,65535,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 2!Param177 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 2A", 0x0032, 0xC7, 2, "Reg Mode Actual", "", "Regulation mode currently controlling output.", 1,6,1, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum177 = 1,"Voltage", 2,"Current", 3,"Power", 4,"Resistance", 5,"Analog Feedback%", 6,"Open Loop"!Param178 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 2B", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "DutyCycle Actual", "%", "Duty Cycle of SCR control output.", 0,10000,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 2!Param179 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 2C", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out1 Actual", "", "16-bit data currently driving A/D converter.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param180 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 2D", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out2 Actual", "", "16-bit data currently driving A/D converter.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param181 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 2E", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "DAC Out3 Actual", "", "16-bit data currently driving A/D converter.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param182 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 2F", 0x0032, 0xC7, 2, "FiringModeActual", "", "Indicates firing mode & PFZF controlling source", 0,8,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum182 = 0,"ZF-Zero Fire", 1,"PF-Phase Fire", 2,"ZFT Firing", 3,"PFZF>PF-Data", 4,"PFZF>ZF-Data", 5,"PFZF>PF-INPUT1", 6,"PFZF>ZF-INPUT1", 7,"PFZF>PF-Timer", 8,"PFZF>ZF-Timer"!Param183 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 30", 0x0074, 0xC7, 2, "Local Setpoint%", "%", "Monitor any setpoint in use by local control panel.", 0,12500,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 2!Param184 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 31", 0x0032, 0xC7, 2, "Local RegMode", "", "Monitor regulation mode used by local control panel.", 0,6,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Enum184 = 0,"Use Auto Mode", 1,"Voltage", 2,"Current", 3,"Power", 4,"Resistance", 5,"Analog Feedback%", 6,"Open Loop"!Param185 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 02", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "", "", "", 0,0,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param186 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 02", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "", "", "", 0,0,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param187 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 02", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "", "", "", 0,0,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param188 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 02", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "", "", "", 0,0,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param189 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 02", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "", "", "", 0,0,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param190 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 02", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "", "", "", 0,0,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param191 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 02", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "", "", "", 0,0,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param192 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 02", 0x0010, 0xC7, 2, "", "", "", 0,0,0, ,,,, ,,,, !Param193 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 7B", 0x0074, 0xC8, 4, "Last Log Time", "Hr", "Time of last log entry.32位数"00xFFFFFFF001103Param194 = 0, 6,"20 8D 24 01 30 84", 0x0074, 0xC8, 4, "Log View Time", "Hr", "Log viewer time stamp", 0,0xFFFFFFFF,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 3!Param195 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 43", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "AutoRun", "", "Non-volatile internal Run Command.手册011Enum195=0,停止,1,RunParam196 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 42", 0x0002, 0xC6, 1, "Auto RegMode NV", "", "Non-volatile.默认起始值汽车Regmode",1,6,1,3Enum196 = 1,"Voltage", 2,"Current", 3,"Power", 4,"Resistance", 5,"Analog Feedback%", 6,"Open Loop"!Param197 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 C8", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "VinRMS Unscaled", "", "Unscaled VinRMS measurement.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param198 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 C9", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Vin CAL ZERO", "", "Voltage Input Zero Calibration", 0,100,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param199 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 CA", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Vin CAL SPAN", "", "Voltage Input Span Calibration", 2047,8190,4095, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param200 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 CB", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "VoutRMS Unscaled", "", "Voltage Output Unscaled Input", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param201 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 CC", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Vout CAL ZERO", "", "Voltage Output Zero Calibration", 0,100,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param202 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 CD", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Vout CAL SPAN", "", "Voltage Output Span Calibration", 2047,8190,4095, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param203 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 CE", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "IinRMS Unscaled", "", "Unscaled IinRMS measurement.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param204 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 CF", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iin CAL ZERO", "", "Current Input Zero Calibration", 0,100,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param205 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 D0", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iin CAL SPAN", "", "Current Input Span Calibration", 2047,8190,4095, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param206 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 D1", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "IoutRMS Unscaled", "", "Unscaled IoutRMS measurement", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param207 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 D2", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iout CAL ZERO", "", "Current Output Zero Calibration", 0,100,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param208 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 D3", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Iout CAL SPAN", "", "Current Output Span Calibration", 2047,8190,4095, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param209 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 D4", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "KWout Unscaled", "", "Unscaled KWout measurement.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param210 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 D5", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "KWout CAL ZERO", "", "KW Output Zero Calibration", 0,100,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param211 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 D6", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "KWout CAL SPAN", "", "KW Output Span Calibration", 2047,8190,4095, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param212 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 D7", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "Conduct Unscaled", "", "Unscaled Conductance measurement.", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param213 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 D8", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Conduct CAL ZERO", "", "Conductance Zero Calibration", 0,100,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param214 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 D9", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Conduct CAL SPAN", "", "Conductance Span Calibration", 2047,8190,2047, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param215 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 DA", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "ADC Setpoint Raw", "", "Unscaled Analog Setpoint", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param216 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 DB", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "ADC Setpt Zero", "", "Analog Setpoint Zero Setpoint", 0,10000,2500, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param217 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 DC", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "ADC Setpt Span", "", "Analog Setpoint Span Calibration", 819,20475,4095, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param218 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 DD", 0x0074, 0xC3, 2, "Analog Setpoint%", "%", "Scaled Analog Setpoint", -32768,32767,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 2!Param219 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 DE", 0x0030, 0xC7, 2, "ADC FeedBck Raw", "", "Unscaled Analog Feedback Measurement", 0,65535,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param220 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 DF", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "ADC Feedbck Zero", "", "Analog Feedback Zero Calibration", 0,10000,2500, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param221 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 E0", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "ADC Feedbck Span", "", "Analog Feedback Span Calibration", 819,20475,4095, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param222 = 0, 6,"20 65 24 01 30 E1", 0x0074, 0xC3, 2, "Analog Feedback%", "%", "Scaled Analog Feedback", -32768,32767,0, 1,1,1,0, ,,,, 2!Param223 = 0, 6,"20 AE 24 01 30 14", 0x0000, 0xC6, 1, "Program Lock", "", "Future Use", 0,5,0, ,,,, ,,,, !第1组=7 444546474950第2组=Firing模式65556575859603组=减量4 51525354第4组=Ramp率2 6162Group5=高级搭建 8 137 138 139 140 141 142 145 196Group6 = AlarmSetpoints11,33343536373839404142437组=MADAC搭建 6 117 118 119 120 121 1228组=调控PI12222324262728293031329组=Dnet接口20,63646566676869707172737475767778798081223组10=控件 13 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136第11组 = 确定 21 12 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 218 222Group12 = "Monitor Params", 34, 152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161, 162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171, 172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181, 182,183,184,19!第13组=Timers9 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150151Group14=Event日志1982838419385868788899091921949394959698组15 = A/B串行港 18 9911101105106107108109110102103104111112113114115116Group16 = "CalibrationParam", 32, 197,198,199,5,200,201,202,11,203,204, 205,3,206,207,208,9,209,210,211,13, 212,213,214,20,215,216,217,218,219,220, 221,222;