$E1+设备网侧峰模块dectext=E1+设备网侧峰模块EDS文件CreateDate=0824-2005创建时间=16:ModDate=0824-2005ModTime = 16:修订版=1.6HomeURL = "http://www.ab.com/networks/eds/DN/0001000300C80100.eds"!VendCode=0x1VendName=Rockwell自动化/Allen-BradleyProdType=0x3脉冲Str=Mortor超载ProdCode=0xC8MajRev=0x1MinRev=0xProdName=E1+超载中继Catalog=193EDN图标表示E1.coIO_Infos 1_COSetSize默认=0X0001$ Polled IO is the default PollInfo = 0x000D, $ Poll & COS 3, $ Default = Input3 3!$ Default = Output3 COSInfo = 0x0005, $ Poll & COS 3, $ Default = Input3 3!$ Default = Output3 CyclicInfo = 0x0009, $ Poll & Cyclic 3, $ Default = Input3 3!$ Default = Output3 $$$$ Input (Produced) Assemblies $$$$ Input1 = 1, $ 1 byte1 1, $ 1 bit is significant 0x000D, $ Poll, COS, Cyclic "Trip Status", $ Name String 8, $ Path Size "21 04 00 25 32 00 30 03", $ Path for Assy instance 50 "Bit0 = Trip Status"!$ Help string Input2 = 1, $ 1 byte 2, $ 2 bits are significant 0x000D, $ Poll, COS, Cyclic "Basic Status", $ Name String 8, $ Path Size "21 04 00 25 33 00 30 03", $ Path for Assy instance 51 "Bit0 = Tripped Bit1 = Warning"!$ Help string Input3 = 1, $ 1 byte 6, $ 6 bits are significant 0x000D, $ Poll, COS, Cyclic "E1 Status", $ Name String 8, $ Path Size "21 04 00 25 6a 00 30 03", $ Path for Assy instance 106 "Tripped, Warning and IO status"!$ Help string InputExa3 = 1, $ 1 byte 6, $ 6 bits are significant 0x000D, $ Poll, COS, Cyclic "E1 Status", $ Name String 0, $ Path Size not applicable VariantExa1, $ Variant for choosing Input assembly "Tripped, Warning and IO status"!$ Help string Input4 = 6, $ 6 bytes 48, $ 48 bits are significant 0x000D, $ Poll, COS, Cyclic "Extended E1 Status", $ Name String 8, $ Path Size "21 04 00 25 6e 00 30 03", $ Path for Assy instance 110 "Extended E1 Status"!$ Help string Input5 = 8, $ 8 bytes 64, $ 64 bits are significant 0x000D, $ Poll, COS, Cyclic "Parameter Based", $ Name String 8, $ Path Size "21 04 00 25 64 00 30 03", $ Path for Assy instance 100 "Format reflects params 30-33"!$ Help string $$$$ Output (Consumed) Assemblies $$$$ Output1 = 1, $ 1 byte 3, $ 1 bit significant 0x000D, $ Poll, COS, Cyclic "Trip Reset Cmd", $ Name String 8, $ Path Size "21 04 00 25 02 00 30 03", $ Path for Assy instance 2 "Bit2 = Trip Reset"!$ Help string Output2 = 1, $ 1 byte 1, $ 1 bit significant 0x000D, $ Poll, COS, Cyclic "E1 OutA Cmd", $ Name String 8, $ Path Size "21 04 00 25 65 00 30 03", $ Path for Assy instance 101 "Bit0 = OutA"!$ Help string Output3 = 1, $ 1 byte 3, $ 3 bits are significant 0x000D, $ Poll, COS, Cyclic "E1 Command", $ Name String 8, $ Path Size "21 04 00 25 67 00 30 03", $ Path for Assy instance 103 "Bit0=OutA, Bit2=Trip Reset"!$ Help string OutputExa3 = 1, $ 1 byte 3, $ 3 bits are significant 0x000D, $ Poll, COS, Cyclic "E1 Command", $ Name String 0, $ Path Size not applicable VariantExa2, $ Variant for choosing Output assmebly "Bit0=OutA, Bit2=Trip Reset"!帮助字符串 MaxInst=41描述符=11Cfgserm=0Param1 = 0,8,2C0250306C0x741992OVILAOOOLAOLAONOVAOVAOVAOVILLAOOOOOOOOOOOPARAM2 = 0,8,212C02500000000000PARAM3 = 0,8,21,2900 25013064,0x32,2102,Trip StatusParam4 = 0,8,21,2900 25013065,0x32,2102,Warning状态Param5 = 0,8,21,2900 25013066,0x32,2102,Trip日志0Param6 = 0,8,21,2900 25013067,0x32,2102,Trip日志1Param7 = 0,8,21,2900 25013068,0x32,2102,Trip日志2Param8 = 0,8,21,2900 25013069,0x32,2102,Trip日志3Param9 = 0,8,21,2900 25010306A,0x32,2102,Trip日志4Param10 = 0,8,21,2900 2501306B,0x32,2102,DeviPARIM11=0 8B40250130C0x741992FirmwareParam12 = 0,8,21,2900 2501306C,0x2,210,2TripEntParam13 = 0,8,21,2900 2501306D,0x2,210,2WarningEntiveParam14 = 0,8,21,2900 250130C0x22,1981,Trip重置Param15 = 0,8,212C002501307F,0x2,198,1Single/Thisspram16 = 0,8,21,2900 2501306E,0x2,198,1 OL重置模式Param17 = 0,8,212C025000000000000Param18=082C02501308D0x01981JamInhibit时间SecParam19 = 0,8,212C02501308E0x441981JamTripteParam20=0,8,212C02501308F,0x0,1992,JamTripseParam21 = 0,8,212C0250130900x01992Jam Warn级别Param22 = 0,8,212C0250130910x01981ULInhibit时间Param23 = 0,8,212C00250130940x01981UL警告级Param24 = 0,8,21B40025013012,0x2,193,1程序锁Param25 = 0,8,21B40025013013,0x221931,set todefatsParam26=0,8,21B400250130F00x2,1931AutoBaudEntableParam27 = 0,8,21B400250130060x121981Nevol包率Param28 = 0,8,21B40250130100x0,1981输出集成Param29=0 8B40250130110x01981输入集成Param30=0 8B40250130070x4001981AsyWS0ParamParam31=0 8B40250130080x4001981AsyWS1ParamParam32 = 0,8,21B40250130090x4001981AsyWS2ParamParam33 = 0,8,21B40250000A0x4001981AsyWord3ParamParam34=0 8,2100000000000000000Param35=0 8,2100000000000000000Param36 = 0,8,21,09002501305,0x2,193,1OutADnFlt StateParam37 = 0,8,21,090025013006,0x2,193,1ODADnFltvalueParam38=0,8,21,0900250130070x2,193Param39=0 8,210000000000000Param40 = 0,8,21,2900 2501306F,0x2,198,1NI赋值Param41 = 0,8,21,2900 25013070,0x2,198,1,IN2赋值poramN下定义指设备中不存在的隐形参数$网络成员名编码符号EPATHsPARAM1000000x2000xC11spalm1001000x2000xC11spalm1002000x2000xC11PARAM1003000x2000xC11Param1004000x2000xC11PARAM1005000x2000xC11Param1006000x2000xC11Param1007000x2000xC11PARAM1008000x2000xC11Param1009000x2000xC11Param1010000x2000xC11Param1011000x2000xC112PARAM1012000x2000xC11PARIM3表示超载 相位损耗 JAMPARIM4表示“超载”、“非用”、“JAM”、“下载”、“非用”、“负故障”、“CommIdle”、“非VolMem故障”param5 = 超载, 相位损耗, jamspram6 = 超载, 相位损耗, jamparam7 = 超载, 相位损耗, jamparam8 = 超载, 相位损耗, jamparam9 = 超载, 相位损耗, jamPram10 = Trip,Warning,ExputA,输入#1,输入#2,Mostor流param12=非用、非用、Jamparam13 = 超载,非用,Jam,下载,非用spram14=Ready重置Tripspram15=Single相位 三相位spram16=手册,自动机param24表示非锁锁 锁住param25表示重置默认param26 = 残疾,babledspram27 = 125k包德 250k包德 500k包德param34=Fltvalueiparam35=开关param36=Fletvalueparam37=开关param38=Idlvalue延迟最后状态spram39=开关param40 = "Nationalservset", "Trip重置","OL联系人"param41 = 指针重置 OL联系人第1组=监听器 6 12 3 4 1011组2=Trip历史5 5 6 7 8 93组=重置/锁 3 1424 25第4组=高级搭建111213151617181920212223Group5=DNet搭建 826272829303233Group6=I/O搭建 8、3435363738394041Assem2=Trip重置5Assem50 = Trip status,210400253200303Assem51 = 基本状态,21400253003,10,1Param1002元Assem100 = Paramedbased,21400256400303,80x20,16Param3016Assem101 = E1outAcmd,210400256500303Assem103 = E1命令,2140025673003,10,1Param1005元输出A1,1Param1006Assem106 = "E1 Status", "21 04 00 25 6A 00 30 03", 1, 0,,, 1, Param1007, $ Dummy ParamN for Tripped 1, Param1008, $ Dummy ParamN for Warning 1, Param1009, $ Dummy ParamN for Out A Stat 1, , 1, Param1010, $ Dummy ParamN for Input 1 1, Param1011, $ Dummy ParamN for Input 2 1, , 1, Param1012!mamyParamN汽车电流110=Expend E1状态,21400256E3003,60,8Assem1068,16Param116Param2变式Exa1 =,,,,,,,,,,,Param29,0x32,Assem50,0x33,Assem51,0x6a,Assem106,0x6e,Assem110,0x64,Asssem100变式Ex2=,0x02,Assem2,0x65,Assem101,0x67,Assem103