EZ-EDS 3.9版本生成的电子数据表COM-C-DNS美元电子数据表1.2版本文件描述部分美元[文件]DescText =“XBL-DSEA EDS文件”;CreateDate = 04-15-2014;CreateTime = 11:24:22;ModDate = 04-15-2014;ModTime = 11:24:22;修订= 1.1;HomeURL = " www.lsis.com ";设备描述部分(设备)VendCode美元= 259;VendName = " LS工业系统有限公司”;ProdType = 12; ProdTypeStr = "Communications Adapter"; ProdCode = 17; MajRev = 1; MinRev = 1; ProdName = "XBL_DSEA"; Icon = "S_DEF.ico"; $ I/O Characteristics Section [IO_Info] $ support Poll, Cyclic, Bitstr, COS Default = 0x0001; $ Default Poll PollInfo = 0x0001, $ Default 1, $ Default Input = Input1 1; $ Default Output = Output1 StrobeInfo = 0x0002, 2, 0; COSInfo = 0x0004, 1, 1; CyclicInfo = 0x0008, 1, 1; $ Input Connections Input1 = 2, $ 2 Byte (2~256 Byte) 64, 0x000D, $ Poll, Cyc, COS default input "Input Data", $ Name 6, "20 06 24 66 30 03", $ Assembly Object Instance ID 102 "HS buffer"; $ Help Input2 = 8, $ 8 Byte (2~8 Byte) 64, 0x0002, "Str Input Data", $ Bit strobe Input data 6, "20 04 24 68 30 03", $ Assembly Instance ID 104 ""; $ Output Connections Output1 = 2, $ 8 Byte (2~256 Byte) 64, 0x000D, $ Cyc, Poll, COS Default Output "Output Data", $ Name 6, "20 04 24 65 30 03", $ Assembly Object Instance ID 101 $ Poll, Cyc, COS supported ""; $ Help [ParamClass] MaxInst = 1; $ Number of parameters described in this file Descriptor = 0x0003; $ Contains bit flags that describe the behavior of the $ device's parameter objects $ 0-bit : Supports Parameter Instance $ 1-bit : Supports Full Attributes $ 2-bit : Must do non-volatile Storage Save Command $ 3-bit : Params are stored in non-volatile Storage CfgAssembly = 0; $ We don't support a configuration assembly [Params] Param1 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 6,"20 64 24 01 30 03", $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0001, $ Descriptor 0xD1, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "Word Swap", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string 0,1,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links 0; $ decimal places $ End of LSIS DNS EDS