XM-124 (1440-SDM02-01RA)Std动态计量模块电子数据表文件描述段CreateDate=06-04-2012CreateTime = 17:ModDate=03-18-2015ModTime = 17:修订版=8.2HomeURL = http://www.ab.com/networks/eds/DN/001006D004900.eds$设备描述段VendCode=01VendName=Allen-BradleyProdType=109ProdTypeStr=特殊I/OProdCode=73MajRev=8MinRev=9ProdName=XM-124Std动态计量模块Catalog=1440-SDM图标表示xm.ico1_RSNetWorx_DNetTool = "RSI.DeviceNet.EDSApplet"!sNetWorx_notoEexistics sectionpoll和COS,不是StrobepollInfo=0x0007, $poll,Strobe和COS2, $默认输入#0默认输出#COSInfo=0x0007,元poll,Strobe和COS1xdede输入0$默认输出#StrobeInfo=0x0007,$poll,Strobe和COS0$ Default Output# $ Input Connections (produce) InputExa1= $ COS Data 8, $ size in bytes 0, $ All bits are significant 0x0004, $ COS "Alarm and Relay Status", $ Name 6, "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Assembly Object Instance 100 Attr 3 "The COS Data contains Alarm, Relay, and Setpoint Multiplier status values.\n" "Byte 0: bits 0-2 Alarm 1 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 2 Status, bit 6 Setpoint Multiplier, bit 7 Relay 1 Status.\n" "Byte 1: bits 0-2 Alarm 3 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 4 Status, bit 6 Transducer 1 Status, bit 7 Relay 2 Status.\n" "Byte 2: bits 0-2 Alarm 5 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 6 Status, bit 6 Transducer 2 Status, bit 7 Relay 3 Status.\n" "Byte 3: bits 0-2 Alarm 7 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 8 Status, bit 6 Tachometer Status, bit 7 Relay 4 Status.\n" "Byte 4: bits 0-2 Alarm 9 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 10 Status, bit 6 Reserved, bit 7 Relay 5 Status.\n" "Byte 5: bits 0-2 Alarm 11 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 12 Status, bit 6-7 Reserved.\n" "Byte 6: bits 0-2 Alarm 13 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 14 Status, bit 6-7 Reserved.\n" "Byte 7: bits 0-2 Alarm 15 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 16 Status, bit 6-7 Reserved."!$ Help Input1= $ COS Data 8, $ size in bytes 0, $ All bits are significant 0x0004, $ COS "Alarm and Relay Status", $ Name 6, "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Assembly Object Instance 100 Attr 3 "The COS Data contains Alarm, Relay, and Setpoint Multiplier status values.\n" "Byte 0: bits 0-2 Alarm 1 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 2 Status, bit 6 Setpoint Multiplier, bit 7 Relay 1 Status.\n" "Byte 1: bits 0-2 Alarm 3 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 4 Status, bit 6 Transducer 1 Status, bit 7 Relay 2 Status.\n" "Byte 2: bits 0-2 Alarm 5 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 6 Status, bit 6 Transducer 2 Status, bit 7 Relay 3 Status.\n" "Byte 3: bits 0-2 Alarm 7 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 8 Status, bit 6 Tachometer Status, bit 7 Relay 4 Status.\n" "Byte 4: bits 0-2 Alarm 9 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 10 Status, bit 6 Reserved, bit 7 Relay 5 Status.\n" "Byte 5: bits 0-2 Alarm 11 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 12 Status, bit 6-7 Reserved.\n" "Byte 6: bits 0-2 Alarm 13 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 14 Status, bit 6-7 Reserved.\n" "Byte 7: bits 0-2 Alarm 15 Status, bits 3-5 Alarm 16 Status, bit 6-7 Reserved."!$ Help InputExa2= $ Poll Data Param992, $ size in bytes 0, $ All bits are significant 0x0001, $ Poll , $ Name , $ Connection Path Size VariantExa2, $ Variant paths !$ Help Input2= $ Poll Data 176, $ size in bytes 0, $ All bits are significant 0x0001, $ Poll "Default Poll Assembly 101", $ Name 6, "20 04 24 65 30 03", $ Assembly Object Instance 101 Attr 3 "The Poll Data contains Overall, Gap, Speed, Band, Vector and other measurement values."!$ Help $ Output Connections (consume) Output1= $ Strobe Request 1, $ Strobe bit is used 0, $ All bits are significant 0x0002, $ Strobe "I/O Trigger Request", $ Name 6, "20 04 24 02 30 03", $ Assembly Object Instance 2 Attr 3 "The Strobe Request bit indicates whether a trigger is requested for this node."!maxInst=489描述符=9Cfgserm=0[Params] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Transducer 1 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param1 = $ Transducer 1 Sensitivity Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 01 30 05", $ Transducer Object instance 1, attribute 5 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 1 Sensitivity", $ Name "mV/Sensitivity Unit", $ Unit string "The sensitivity of the transducer.", $ Help 0.001,10000,200, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param2 = $ Transducer 1 Sensitivity Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 01 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 1, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Xdcr 1 Eng.Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The native units of the transducer.", $ Help 0,8,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum2=0,Mlssllslips2g3psi4volts5msParam3 = $ Transducer 1 Fault High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 01 30 07", $ Transducer Object instance 1, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 1 Fault High", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string "The maximum expected DC bias voltage.", $ Help -24,24,-2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param4 = $ Transducer 1 Fault Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 01 30 08", $ Transducer Object instance 1, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 1 Fault Low", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string "The minimum expected DC bias voltage.", $ Help -24,24,-18, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param5 = $ Transducer 1 Power Type 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 01 30 09", $ Transducer Object instance 1, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Xdcr 1 Power", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The type of power supplied to the transducer.", $ Help 0,4,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum5=0,None,1,IEPE,2,+24V,3,24V,4,Bias洋流$ Param6 = $ Transducer 1 DC Bias Time Constant $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 28 03 24 01 30 0D", $ Transducer Object instance 1, attribute 13 $ 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) $ 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) $ "Xdcr 1 DC Bias Time Constant", $ Name $ "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) $ "The time constant used for exponential averaging (low-pass filtering) of the transducer DC bias measurement.", $ Help $ 0.001,120,1.769, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 3!$ decimal precision Param7 = $ Transducer 1 Measured DC Bias Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 01 30 03", $ Transducer Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 1 DC Bias Value", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string (Volts) "The measured DC Bias value.", $ Help -50,50,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param8 = $ Transducer 1 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 01 30 04", $ Transducer Object instance 1, attribute 4 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Xdcr 1 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether a transducer fault exists.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum8=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param9 = $ Channel 1 Output Data Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 03 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 3, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Output Data Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The data units of the measured values.", $ Help 0,8,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum9=0,Mlssllslips2gsi3psi4vorts5msParam10 = $ Channel 1 Low Cutoff Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 01 30 05", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 5 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 High Pass Filter", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The high pass filter corner frequency (low cutoff frequency) selection.", $ Help 0,4,2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum10=0,VeryLow,2,Medium,3,High,4,VeryHighParam11 = $ Channel 1 Synchonization Option 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 01 30 06", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Ch 1 Sampling Mode", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the sampling is synchronized with the tachometer signal.同步采样时间/频率测量Synchronous " "sampling yields position/order based measurements.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum11=0Param12 = $ Channel 1 Internal Gear Teeth 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 01 30 07", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Ch 1 Tachometer Rotations", $ Name "Rotations or Teeth", $ Unit string "This is the first of two parameters used to specify a gear ratio.表示外部轴旋转数" "Alternately, the number of teeth on the internal gear (the gear connected to the buried shaft).", $ Help 1,50000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param13 = $ Channel 1 External Gear Teeth 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 01 30 08", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Ch 1 Rotor Rotations", $ Name "Rotations or Teeth", $ Unit string "This is the second of two parameters used to specify a gear ratio.表示嵌入轴相对于外部轴旋转数" "Alternately, the number of teeth on the external gear (the gear connected to the tachometer source shaft).", $ Help 1,50000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param14 = $ Channel 1 Full Scale 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 01 30 0A", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Full Scale", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The maximum signal level expected to be processed by the channel, specified " "with the same units and signal detection type as the overall measurement.", $ Help 0,10000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Overall 1 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param15 = $ Overall 1 Measurement 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 22 03 24 01 30 06", $ Overall Object instance 1, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Overall 1 Signal Detection", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measurement (or calculation) performed to produce the overall value.", $ Help 0,4,4, $ min, max, default values (True Pk2Pk) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum15=0,RMS,1,Calcatepeak,2,Calcatepeak对Peak,3,ruepeak,4,ruepeak对Peak$ Param16 = $ Overall 1 Time Constant $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 22 03 24 01 30 07", $ Overall Object instance 1, attribute 7 $ 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) $ 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) $ "Overall 1 Time Constant", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string $ "The detection time constant associated with the output smoothing filter " $ "of the RMS meter, or the decay rate of the peak meter.", $ Help $ 0.001, 100, 1.5, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 3!$ decimal precision $ $ Param17 = $ Overall 1 Damping Factor $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 22 03 24 01 30 08", $ Overall Object instance 1, attribute 8 $ 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) $ 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) $ "Overall 1 Damping Factor", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string $ "The damping factor associated with output smoothing filter of the RMS meter.", $ Help $ 0.7072, 1.0, 1.0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 3!$ decimal precision Param18 = $ Overall 1 Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 22 03 24 01 30 03", $ Overall Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Overall 1 Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured overall value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Transducer 2 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param19 = $ Transducer 2 Sensitivity Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 02 30 05", $ Transducer Object instance 2, attribute 5 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 2 Sensitivity", $ Name "mV/Sensitivity Unit", $ Unit string "The sensitivity of the transducer.", $ Help 0.001,10000,200, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param20 = $ Transducer 2 Sensitivity Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 02 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 2, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Xdcr 2 Eng.Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The native units of the transducer.", $ Help 0,8,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum20=0,Mlssllslips2gsi3psi4vorts5msParam21 = $ Transducer 2 Fault High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 02 30 07", $ Transducer Object instance 2, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 2 Fault High", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string "The maximum expected DC bias voltage.", $ Help -24,24,-2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param22 = $ Transducer 2 Fault Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 02 30 08", $ Transducer Object instance 2, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 2 Fault Low", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string "The minimum expected DC bias voltage.", $ Help -24,24,-18, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param23 = $ Transducer 2 Power Type 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 02 30 09", $ Transducer Object instance 2, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Xdcr 2 Power", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The type of power supplied to the transducer.", $ Help 0,4,0, $ min, max, default values (No Power) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum23=0,None,1,IEPE,2,+24V,3,24V,4,Bias洋流$ Param24 = $ Transducer 2 DC Bias Time Constant $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 28 03 24 02 30 0D", $ Transducer Object instance 2, attribute 13 $ 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) $ 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) $ "Xdcr 2 DC Bias Time Constant", $ Name $ "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) $ "The time constant used for exponential averaging (low-pass filtering) of the transducer DC bias measurement.", $ Help $ 0.001,120,1.769, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 3!$ decimal precision Param25 = $ Transducer 2 Measured DC Bias Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 02 30 03", $ Transducer Object instance 2, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 2 DC Bias Value", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string (Volts) "The measured DC Bias value.", $ Help -50,50,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param26 = $ Transducer 2 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 02 30 04", $ Transducer Object instance 2, attribute 4 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Xdcr 2 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether a transducer fault exists.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum26=0,无故障,1,故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param27 = $ Channel 2 Output Data Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 04 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 4, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Output Data Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The data units of the measured values.", $ Help 0,8,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum27=0,MLSlllslips2gs3psi4Param28 = $ Channel 2 Low Cutoff Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 02 30 05", $ Channel Object instance 2, attribute 5 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 High Pass Filter", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The high pass filter corner frequency (low cutoff frequency) selection.", $ Help 0,4,2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum28=0,Very Low,2,Medium,3,High,4,VeryHighParam29 = $ Channel 2 Synchonization Option 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 02 30 06", $ Channel Object instance 2, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Ch 2 Sampling Mode", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the sampling is synchronized with the tachometer signal.同步采样时间/频率测量Synchronous " "sampling yields position/order based measurements.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum29=0,同步性1,同步性Param30 = $ Channel 2 Internal Gear Teeth 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 02 30 07", $ Channel Object instance 2, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Ch 2 Tachometer Rotations", $ Name "Rotations or Teeth", $ Unit string "This is the first of two parameters used to specify a gear ratio.表示外部轴旋转数" "Alternately, the number of teeth on the internal gear (the gear connected to the buried shaft).", $ Help 1,50000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param31 = $ Channel 2 External Gear Teeth 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 02 30 08", $ Channel Object instance 2, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Ch 2 Rotor Rotations", $ Name "Rotations or Teeth", $ Unit string "This is the second of two parameters used to specify a gear ratio.表示嵌入轴相对于外部轴旋转数" "Alternately, the number of teeth on the external gear (the gear connected to the tachometer source shaft).", $ Help 1,50000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param32 = $ Channel 2 Full Scale 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 02 30 0A", $ Channel Object instance 2, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Full Scale", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The maximum signal level expected to be processed by the channel, specified " "with the same units and signal detection type as the overall measurement.", $ Help 0,10000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Overall 2 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param33 = $ Overall 2 Measurement 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 22 03 24 02 30 06", $ Overall Object instance 2, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Overall 2 Signal Detection", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measurement (or calculation) performed to produce the overall value.", $ Help 0,4,4, $ min, max, default values (True Pk2Pk) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum33=0,RMS,1,Calcatepeak,2,Calcatepeak对Peak,3,ruepeak,4,ruepeak对Peak$ Param34 = $ Overall 2 Time Constant $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 22 03 24 02 30 07", $ Overall Object instance 2, attribute 7 $ 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) $ 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) $ "Overall 2 Time Constant", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string $ "The detection time constant associated with the output smoothing filter " $ "of the RMS meter, or the decay rate of the peak meter.", $ Help $ 0.001, 100, 1.5, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 3!$ decimal precision $ $ Param35 = $ Overall 2 Damping Factor $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 22 03 24 02 30 08", $ Overall Object instance 2, attribute 8 $ 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) $ 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) $ "Overall 2 Damping Factor", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string $ "The damping factor associated with output smoothing filter of the RMS meter.", $ Help $ 0.7072, 1.0, 1.0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 3!$ decimal precision Param36 = $ Overall 2 Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 22 03 24 02 30 03", $ Overall Object instance 2, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Overall 2 Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured overall value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Transducer 3 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ Param37 = $ Transducer 3 Sensitivity Value $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 28 03 24 03 30 05", $ Transducer Object instance 3, attribute 5 $ 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) $ 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) $ "Xdcr 3 Sensitivity", $ Name $ "mV/Sensitivity Unit", $ Unit string $ "The sensitivity of the transducer.", $ Help $ 0.001,10000,200, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 1!$ decimal precision $ $ Param38 = $ Transducer 3 Sensitivity Units $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 0F 00 24 09 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 9, attribute 1 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) $ "Xdcr 3 Eng.Units", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "The native units of the transducer.", $ Help $ 0,8,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum38=0,MLslslips2gg3psi4Param39 = $ Transducer 3 Fault High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 03 30 07", $ Transducer Object instance 3, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 3 Fault High", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string "The maximum expected DC bias voltage.", $ Help -24,24,-2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param40 = $ Transducer 3 Fault Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 03 30 08", $ Transducer Object instance 3, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 3 Fault Low", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string "The minimum expected DC bias voltage.", $ Help -24,24,-18, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $ Param41 = $ Transducer 3 Power Type $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 28 03 24 03 30 09", $ Transducer Object instance 3, attribute 9 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) $ "Xdcr 3 Power Type", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "The type of power required by the transducer.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values (No Power) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!$ decimal precision $ $ Param42 = $ Transducer 3 DC Bias Time Constant $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 28 03 24 03 30 0D", $ Transducer Object instance 3, attribute 13 $ 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) $ 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) $ "Xdcr 3 DC Bias Time Constant", $ Name $ "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) $ "The time constant used for exponential averaging (low-pass filtering) of the transducer DC bias measurement.", $ Help $ 0.001,120,1.769, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 3!$ decimal precision Param43 = $ Transducer 3 Measured DC Bias Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 03 30 03", $ Transducer Object instance 3, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 3 DC Bias Value", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string (Volts) "The measured DC Bias value.", $ Help -50,50,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param44 = $ Transducer 3 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 03 30 04", $ Transducer Object instance 3, attribute 4 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Xdcr 3 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether a transducer fault exists.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum44=0,无故障,1,故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Tachometer Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param45 = $ Tachometer Pulses Per Revolution 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 26 03 24 01 30 03", $ Tachometer Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Pulses Per Rev", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The number of tachometer signal pulses per revolution of the shaft.Enter zero to disable the tachometer.", $ Help 0,50000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param46 = $ Tachometer Auto Trigger 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 26 03 24 01 30 04", $ Tachometer Object instance 1, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Auto Trigger Mode", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "In Manual Trigger mode, the specified trigger threshold value is used." "In Auto Trigger mode, the trigger threshold is determined automatically " "(the midpoint of the measured peak-to-peak range of the signal).", $ Help 0,1,1, $ min, max, default values (Auto) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum46=0Param47 = $ Tachometer Trigger Threshold 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 26 03 24 01 30 05", $ Tachometer Object instance 1, attribute 5 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Trigger Threshold", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string "The trigger threshold value used in Manual Trigger mode.", $ Help -50,50,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param48 = $ Tachometer Trigger Slope 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 26 03 24 01 30 06", $ Tachometer Object instance 1, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Trigger Slope", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The slope of the signal at the threshold crossing to be used as the trigger.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum48=0Param49 = $ Tachometer Trigger Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 26 03 24 01 30 07", $ Tachometer Object instance 1, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Trigger Hysteresis", $ Name "%", $ Unit string "The amount of hysteresis around the trigger theshold.点测峰对峰范围 自动触发模式" "Voltage added to / subtracted from the Trigger Threshold value in Manual Trigger mode.", $ Help 0, 50, 2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Speed Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param50 = $ Speed Measurement Response 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 25 03 24 01 30 0E", $ Speed Measurement Object instance 1, attribute 14 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Tachometer Response Time", $ Name "", $ Unit string "Tachometer Response Time in milliseconds.", $ Help 0,2,1, $ min, max, default values (Fast) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum50=0,264.0ms,1,220.0ms,2,22.0msParam51 = $ Speed Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 25 03 24 01 30 03", $ Speed Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Speed Value", $ Name "RPM", $ Unit string "The measured speed value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Spectrum/Waveform 1 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param52 = $ Specrum/Waveform FMAX 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 01 30 06", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 1, attribute 6 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Spectrum 1 FMAX", $ Name "Hz/Orders", $ Unit string (Hz/Orders) "The maximum frequency included in the spectrum measurement.", $ Help 4,20000,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param53 = $ Specrum/Waveform Number of Spectrum Lines 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 01 30 07", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 1, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC8, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (UDINT) "Spectrum 1 Num Lines", $ Name "Lines", $ Unit string (Lines) "The number of lines or bins included in the spectrum measurement." "Valid values include 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 lines.", $ Help 100,1600,200, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param54 = $ Specrum/Waveform Window Type 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 01 30 08", $ Specrum/Waveform Object instance 1, attribute 8 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Spectrum 1 Window Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The window function to be applied to the waveform data prior to computing the spectrum.", $ Help 0,4,2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum54=0,Registical,1,Hamming,2,Hanning,3,Flat顶部4,Kaiser贝塞尔Param55 = $ Specrum/Waveform Number of Averages 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 01 30 0E", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 1, attribute 14 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Spectrum/Waveform 1 Num Avg", $ Name "Data Sets", $ Unit string (Data Sets) "The number of individual data sets to be incorporated into the average calculation.", $ Help 1,100,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Spectrum/Waveform 2 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param56 = $ Specrum/Waveform FMAX 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 02 30 06", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 2, attribute 6 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Spectrum 2 FMAX", $ Name "Hz/Orders", $ Unit string (Hz/Orders) "The maximum frequency included in the spectrum measurement.", $ Help 4,20000,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param57 = $ Specrum/Waveform Number of Spectrum Lines 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 02 30 07", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 2, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC8, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (UDINT) "Spectrum 2 Num Lines", $ Name "Lines", $ Unit string (Lines) "The number of lines or bins included in the spectrum measurement." "Valid values include 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 lines.", $ Help 100,1600,200, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param58 = $ Specrum/Waveform Window Type 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 02 30 08", $ Specrum/Waveform Object instance 2, attribute 8 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Spectrum 2 Window Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The window function to be applied to the waveform data prior to computing the spectrum.", $ Help 0,4,2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum58=0,Registical,1,Hamming,2,Hanning,3,Flat顶部4,Kaiser贝塞尔Param59 = $ Specrum/Waveform Number of Averages 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 02 30 0E", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 2, attribute 14 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Spectrum/Waveform 2 Num Avg", $ Name "Data Sets", $ Unit string (Data Sets) "The number of individual data sets to be incorporated into the average calculation.", $ Help 1,100,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 Band 1 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param60 = $ Band Measurement 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 01 30 06", $ Band Object instance 1, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 1 Meas Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measurement (or calculation) performed to produce the Band Value.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum60=0,Band全局,1,Max峰带Param61 = $ Band Minimum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 01 30 07", $ Band Object instance 1, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 1 Min Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lowest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param62 = $ Band Maximum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 01 30 08", $ Band Object instance 1, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 1 Max Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param63 = $ Band Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 01 30 03", $ Band Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 1 Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured band value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 Band 1 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param64 = $ Band Measurement 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 02 30 06", $ Band Object instance 2, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 1 Meas Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measurement (or calculation) performed to produce the Band Value.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum64=0Param65 = $ Band Minimum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 02 30 07", $ Band Object instance 2, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 1 Min Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lowest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param66 = $ Band Maximum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 02 30 08", $ Band Object instance 2, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 1 Max Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param67 = $ Band Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 02 30 03", $ Band Object instance 2, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 1 Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured band value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 Band 2 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param68 = $ Band Measurement 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 03 30 06", $ Band Object instance 3, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 2 Meas Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measurement (or calculation) performed to produce the Band Value.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum68=0Param69 = $ Band Minimum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 03 30 07", $ Band Object instance 3, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 2 Min Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lowest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param70 = $ Band Maximum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 03 30 08", $ Band Object instance 3, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 2 Max Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param71 = $ Band Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 03 30 03", $ Band Object instance 3, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 2 Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured band value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 Band 2 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param72 = $ Band Measurement 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 04 30 06", $ Band Object instance 4, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 2 Meas Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measurement (or calculation) performed to produce the Band Value.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum72=0Param73 = $ Band Minimum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 04 30 07", $ Band Object instance 4, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 2 Min Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lowest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param74 = $ Band Maximum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 04 30 08", $ Band Object instance 4, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 2 Max Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param75 = $ Band Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 04 30 03", $ Band Object instance 4, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 2 Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured band value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 Band 3 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param76 = $ Band Measurement 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 05 30 06", $ Band Object instance 5, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 3 Meas Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measurement (or calculation) performed to produce the Band Value.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum76=0Param77 = $ Band Minimum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 05 30 07", $ Band Object instance 5, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 3 Min Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lowest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param78 = $ Band Maximum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 05 30 08", $ Band Object instance 5, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 3 Max Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param79 = $ Band Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 05 30 03", $ Band Object instance 5, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 3 Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured band value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 Band 3 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param80 = $ Band Measurement 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 06 30 06", $ Band Object instance 6, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 3 Meas Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measurement (or calculation) performed to produce the Band Value.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum80=0Param81 = $ Band Minimum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 06 30 07", $ Band Object instance 6, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 3 Min Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lowest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param82 = $ Band Maximum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 06 30 08", $ Band Object instance 6, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 3 Max Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param83 = $ Band Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 06 30 03", $ Band Object instance 6, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 3 Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured band value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 Band 4 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param84 = $ Band Measurement 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 07 30 06", $ Band Object instance 7, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 4 Meas Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measurement (or calculation) performed to produce the Band Value.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum84=0Param85 = $ Band Minimum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 07 30 07", $ Band Object instance 7, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 4 Min Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lowest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param86 = $ Band Maximum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 07 30 08", $ Band Object instance 7, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 4 Max Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param87 = $ Band Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 07 30 03", $ Band Object instance 7, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band 4 Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured band value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 Band 4 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param88 = $ Band Measurement 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 08 30 06", $ Band Object instance 8, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 4 Meas Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measurement (or calculation) performed to produce the Band Value.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum88=0Param89 = $ Band Minimum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 08 30 07", $ Band Object instance 8, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 4 Min Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lowest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param90 = $ Band Maximum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 08 30 08", $ Band Object instance 8, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 4 Max Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest frequency that is included in the band.", $ Help 0.001,20000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param91 = $ Band Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 08 30 03", $ Band Object instance 8, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band 4 Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured band value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 4-20 mA Output 1 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param92 = $ 4-20 mA Output Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 2A 03 24 01 30 04", $ 4-20 mA Output Object instance 1, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "4-20 mA Output 1 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the 4-20 mA Output is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum92=0Param93 = $ 4-20 mA Output Max Range 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 2A 03 24 01 30 05", $ 4-20 mA Output Object instance 1, attribute 5 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "4-20 mA Output 1 Max Range", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measured value to associate with an output of 20 mA.", $ Help -9999999,9999999,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param94 = $ 4-20 mA Output Min Range 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 2A 03 24 01 30 06", $ 4-20 mA Output Object instance 1, attribute 6 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "4-20 mA Output 1 Min Range", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measured value to associate with an output of 4 mA.", $ Help -9999999,9999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param95 = $ 4-20 mA Output Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 07 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 7, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "4-20 mA Output 1 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this 4-20 mA output is tracking.", $ Help 0,39,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum95=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗 29加速 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 4-20 mA Output 2 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param96 = $ 4-20 mA Output Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 2A 03 24 02 30 04", $ 4-20 mA Output Object instance 2, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "4-20 mA Output 2 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the 4-20 mA Output is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum96=0Param97 = $ 4-20 mA Output Max Range 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 2A 03 24 02 30 05", $ 4-20 mA Output Object instance 2, attribute 5 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "4-20 mA Output 2 Max Range", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measured value to associate with an output of 20 mA.", $ Help -9999999,9999999,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param98 = $ 4-20 mA Output Min Range 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 2A 03 24 02 30 06", $ 4-20 mA Output Object instance 2, attribute 6 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "4-20 mA Output 2 Min Range", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measured value to associate with an output of 4 mA.", $ Help -9999999,9999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param99 = $ 4-20 mA Output Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 08 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 8, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "4-20 mA Output 2 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this 4-20 mA output is tracking.", $ Help 0,39,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum99=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗 29加速 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 1 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param100 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 1 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum100=0Param101 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 1 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param102 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 1 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum102=0,大比1,Less ThaParam103 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 1 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param104 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 1 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param105 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 1 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param106 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 1 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param107 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 1 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param108 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 1 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param109 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 1 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param110 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 1 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum110=0Param111 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 1 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param112 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 1 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param113 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 0A 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 10, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 1 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum113=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param114 = $ Alarm 1 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 1 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum114=0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 2 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param115 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 2 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum115=0Param116 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 2 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param117 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 2 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum117=0,大比1,LesstaParam118 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 2 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param119 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 2 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param120 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 2 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param121 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 2 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param122 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 2 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param123 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 2 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param124 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 2 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param125 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 2 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum125=0Param126 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 2 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param127 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 2 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param128 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 0B 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 11, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 2 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum128=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param129 = $ Alarm 2 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 2 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum129=0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 3 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param130 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 3 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum130=0Param131 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 3 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param132 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 3 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum132=0,大比1,Less ThaParam133 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 3 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param134 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 3 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param135 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 3 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param136 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 3 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param137 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 3 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param138 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 3 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param139 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 3 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param140 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 3 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum140=0Param141 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 3 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param142 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 3 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param143 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 0C 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 12, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 3 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum143=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param144 = $ Alarm 3 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 3 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum144=0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 4 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param145 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 4 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum145=0Param146 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 4 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param147 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 4 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum147=0,大比1,Less ThaParam148 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 4 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param149 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 4 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param150 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 4 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param151 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 4 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param152 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 4 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param153 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 4 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param154 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 4 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param155 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 4 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum155=0Param156 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 4 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param157 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 4 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param158 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 0D 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 13, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 4 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum158=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param159 = $ Alarm 4 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 4 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum159=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarm,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 5 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param160 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 5 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum160=0Param161 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 5 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param162 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 5 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum162=0,大比1,Less ThaParam163 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 5 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param164 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 5 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param165 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 5 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param166 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 5 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param167 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 5 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param168 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 5 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param169 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 5 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param170 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 5 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度170=0Param171 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 5 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param172 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 5 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param173 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 0E 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 14, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 5 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum173=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param174 = $ Alarm 5 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 5 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum174=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarm,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 6 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param175 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 6 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum175=0Param176 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 6 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param177 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 6 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum177=0,大比1,LesstaParam178 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 6 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param179 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 6 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param180 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 6 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param181 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 6 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param182 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 6 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param183 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 6 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param184 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 6 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param185 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 6 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum185=0Param186 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 6 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param187 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 6 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param188 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 0F 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 15, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 6 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum188=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param189 = $ Alarm 6 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 6 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum189=0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 7 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param190 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 7 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum190=0Param191 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 7 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param192 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 7 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum192=0,大比1,Less ThaParam193 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 7 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param194 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 7 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param195 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 7 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param196 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 7 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param197 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 7 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param198 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 7 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param199 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 7 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param200 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 7 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum200=0Param201 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 7 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param202 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 7 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param203 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 10 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 16, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 7 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum203=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param204 = $ Alarm 7 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 7 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum204=0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 8 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param205 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 8 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum205=0Param206 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 8 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param207 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 8 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum207=0,大比1,LesstaParam208 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 8 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param209 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 8 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param210 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 8 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param211 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 8 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param212 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 8 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param213 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 8 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param214 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 8 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param215 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 8 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度215=0Param216 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 8 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param217 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 8 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param218 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 11 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 17, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 8 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度218=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param219 = $ Alarm 8 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 8 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum219=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarm,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 9 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param220 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 9 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum220=0Param221 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 9 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param222 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 9 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum222=0,大比1,LesstaParam223 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 9 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param224 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 9 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param225 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 9 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param226 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 9 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param227 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 9 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param228 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 9 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param229 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 9 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param230 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 9 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum230=0Param231 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 9 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param232 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 9 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param233 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 12 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 18, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 9 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum233=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param234 = $ Alarm 9 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 9 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum234=0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 10 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param235 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 10 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum235=0Param236 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 10 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param237 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 10 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum237=0,大比1,LesstaParam238 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 10 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param239 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 10 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param240 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 10 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param241 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 10 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param242 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 10 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param243 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 10 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param244 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 10 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param245 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 10 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度245=0Param246 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 10 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param247 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 10 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param248 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 13 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 19, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 10 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度248=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param249 = $ Alarm 10 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 10 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum249=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 11 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param250 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 11 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum250=0Param251 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 11 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param252 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 11 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum252=0,大比1,LesstaParam253 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 11 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param254 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 11 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param255 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 11 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param256 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 11 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param257 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 11 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param258 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 11 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param259 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 11 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param260 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 11 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum260=0Param261 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 11 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param262 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 11 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param263 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 14 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 20, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 11 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum263=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param264 = $ Alarm 11 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 11 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum264=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarm,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 12 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param265 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 12 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum265=0Param266 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 12 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param267 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 12 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum267=0,大比1,LesstaParam268 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 12 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param269 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 12 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param270 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 12 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param271 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 12 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param272 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 12 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param273 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 12 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param274 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 12 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param275 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 12 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum275=0Param276 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 12 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param277 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 12 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param278 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 15 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 21, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 12 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum278=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param279 = $ Alarm 12 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 12 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum279=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarm,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 13 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param280 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 13 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum280=0Param281 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 13 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param282 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 13 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum282=0,大比1,LesstaParam283 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 13 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param284 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 13 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param285 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 13 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param286 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 13 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param287 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 13 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param288 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 13 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param289 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 13 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param290 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 13 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度二百九十=0Param291 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 13 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param292 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 13 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param293 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 16 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 22, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 13 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum293=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param294 = $ Alarm 13 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 13 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum294=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarm,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 14 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param295 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 14 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum295=0Param296 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 14 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param297 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 14 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum297=0,大比1,LesstaParam298 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 14 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param299 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 14 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param300 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 14 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param301 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 14 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param302 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 14 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param303 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 14 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param304 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 14 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param305 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 14 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum305=0Param306 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 14 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param307 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 14 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param308 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 17 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 23, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 14 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum308=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param309 = $ Alarm 14 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 14 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum309=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 15 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param310 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 15 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum310=0Param311 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 15 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param312 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 15 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum312=0,大比1,LesstaParam313 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 15 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param314 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 15 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param315 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 15 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param316 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 15 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param317 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 15 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param318 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 15 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param319 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 15 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param320 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 15 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum320=0Param321 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 15 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param322 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 15 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param323 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 18 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 24, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 15 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum323=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param324 = $ Alarm 15 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 15 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度324=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarm,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Alarm 16 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param325 = $ Alarm Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 04", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 16 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Alarm is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum325=0Param326 = $ Alarm Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 15", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 21 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 16 Detection Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the measurement must violate the threshold before the " "Alert or Danger status is indicated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param327 = $ Alarm Condition 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 07", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 7 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 16 Condition", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines on which side of the alarm threshold values the Alert and Danger states exist." "(Condition is not applicable to Vector type alarms.)", $ Help 0,3,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum327=0,大比1,LesstaParam328 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 08", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 16 Alert Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Alert state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param329 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold (High) (Clockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 09", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 9 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 16 Danger Threshold (High)", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The threshold for the Danger state of the alarm.(For range conditions, this is the greater threshold value.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param330 = $ Alarm Alert Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 0A", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 16 Alert Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Alert state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-6, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param331 = $ Alarm Danger Threshold Low (Counterclockwise) 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 0B", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 16 Danger Threshold Low", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lesser threshold for the Danger state of the alarm with a range condition type." "(Not used for Greater Than or Less Than conditions.)", $ Help -9999999,9999999,-8, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param332 = $ Alarm Hysteresis 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 0C", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 12 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 16 Hysteresis", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the amount by which the measurement value must transition out of the " "alarm state in order to clear the alarm state.", $ Help 0,9999,0.2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param333 = $ Alarm Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 0D", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 13 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 16 Threshold Multiplier", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Alarm thresholds are multiplied by this value when the setpoint multiplication function is invoked.", $ Help 0,10,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param334 = $ Alarm Startup Period 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 0E", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 14 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Alarm 16 Startup Period", $ Name "Min", $ Unit string (Minutes) "The amount of time that the Threshold (Setpoint) Multiplier is applied after the startup signal is received.", $ Help 0,65535,0, $ min, max, default values 1,60,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from sec to min) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param335 = $ Alarm Speed Range Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 0F", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 15 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Alarm 16 Speed Range Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether this alarm is enabled only within a certain machine speed range.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum335=0Param336 = $ Alarm Speed Range High 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 10", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 16 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 16 Speed Range High", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the greater threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at greater speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param337 = $ Alarm Speed Range Low 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 11", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 17 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Alarm 16 Speed Range Low", $ Name "CPM", $ Unit string (Cycles Per Minute) "Determines the lesser threshold of the machine speed range for which the alarm is enabled (disabled at lesser speeds).", $ Help 0,999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param338 = $ Alarm Measurement Identifier 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 19 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 25, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 16 Measurement", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the measurement value that this Alarm is tracking.", $ Help 0,41,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum338=0一全一一二全二全一差三差2差4C1带15二波段一号六号1波段27二波段2 83组9组2波段3 101波段4 112波段4号 12号 Speed号 13号Smax Mag号 14号C1xmag 152xmag1612xmag 172x Mag 183x Mag 1923xMag20一九零一一一一二一2x2x22sum损耗232Sum损耗241X阶段 252X阶段 2612X阶段 272x级 28Smax级 29加速度 30C1推理位置 31二进制位置32gSE全局3322gSE总体数341偏心度,352偏心度,361波段通路372波段接通381跟踪Mag392跟踪Mag.1跟踪阶段,412跟踪相位Param339 = $ Alarm 16 Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 03", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Alarm 16 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current status of the alarm.", $ Help 0,7,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum339=0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Relay 1 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param340 = $ Relay Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 01 30 04", $ Relay Object instance 1, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 1 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum340=0Param341 = $ Relay Latch Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 01 30 05", $ Relay Object instance 1, attribute 5 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 1 Latching Option", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay latches once activated, requiring a manual reset to deactivate.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum341=0Param342 = $ Relay Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 01 30 07", $ Relay Object instance 1, attribute 7 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Relay 1 Activation Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the voting logic must be true before the relay is activated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param343 = $ Relay Alarm Levels 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 01 30 09", $ Relay Object instance 1, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xD1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BYTE) "Relay 1 Alarm Levels", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies what alarm status values will cause the relay to activate.", $ Help 0,255,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum343=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障Param344 = $ Relay Alarm Identifier A 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 1A 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 26, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 1 Alarm Identifier A", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the alarm status that this Relay monitors.", $ Help 0,15,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Enum344 = 0, "Alarm 1", 1, "Alarm 2", 2, "Alarm 3", 3, "Alarm 4", 4, "Alarm 5", 5, "Alarm 6", 6, "Alarm 7", 7, "Alarm 8", 8, "Alarm 9", 9, "Alarm 10", 10, "Alarm 11", 11, "Alarm 12", 12, "Alarm 13", 13, "Alarm 14", 14, "Alarm 15", 15, "Alarm 16"!Param345 = $ Relay Alarm Identifier B 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 1F 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 31, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 1 Alarm Identifier B", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the alarm status that this Relay monitors.", $ Help 0,15,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Enum345 = 0, "Alarm 1", 1, "Alarm 2", 2, "Alarm 3", 3, "Alarm 4", 4, "Alarm 5", 5, "Alarm 6", 6, "Alarm 7", 7, "Alarm 8", 8, "Alarm 9", 9, "Alarm 10", 10, "Alarm 11", 11, "Alarm 12", 12, "Alarm 13", 13, "Alarm 14", 14, "Alarm 15", 15, "Alarm 16"!Param346 = $ Relay Logic 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 01 30 0C", $ Relay Object instance 1, attribute 12 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 1 Logic", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates how the associated alarm status values are used to determine the Relay Status.", $ Help 0,2,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum346=0,ARMIDAParam347 = $ Relay Installed 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 01 30 0E", $ Relay Object instance 1, attribute 14 0x12, $ Descriptor - (Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 1 Installed", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the Relay is installed.", $ Help 0,1,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum347=0Param348 = $ Relay Failsafe Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 01 30 06", $ Relay Object instance 1, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 1 Failsafe Option", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay is normally energized (activates in the event of power loss).", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum348=0Param349 = $ Relay Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 01 30 03", $ Relay Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 1 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the relay is activated.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum349=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Relay 2 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param350 = $ Relay Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 02 30 04", $ Relay Object instance 2, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 2 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum350=0Param351 = $ Relay Latch Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 02 30 05", $ Relay Object instance 2, attribute 5 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 2 Latching Option", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay latches once activated, requiring a manual reset to deactivate.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum351=0Param352 = $ Relay Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 02 30 07", $ Relay Object instance 2, attribute 7 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Relay 2 Activation Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the voting logic must be true before the relay is activated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param353 = $ Relay Alarm Levels 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 02 30 09", $ Relay Object instance 2, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xD1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BYTE) "Relay 2 Alarm Levels", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies what alarm status values will cause the relay to activate.", $ Help 0,255,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum353=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障Param354 = $ Relay Alarm Identifier A 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 1B 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 27, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 2 Alarm Identifier A", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the alarm status that this Relay monitors.", $ Help 0,15,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Enum354 = 0, "Alarm 1", 1, "Alarm 2", 2, "Alarm 3", 3, "Alarm 4", 4, "Alarm 5", 5, "Alarm 6", 6, "Alarm 7", 7, "Alarm 8", 8, "Alarm 9", 9, "Alarm 10", 10, "Alarm 11", 11, "Alarm 12", 12, "Alarm 13", 13, "Alarm 14", 14, "Alarm 15", 15, "Alarm 16"!Param355 = $ Relay Alarm Identifier B 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 20 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 32, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 2 Alarm Identifier B", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the alarm status that this Relay monitors.", $ Help 0,15,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Enum355 = 0, "Alarm 1", 1, "Alarm 2", 2, "Alarm 3", 3, "Alarm 4", 4, "Alarm 5", 5, "Alarm 6", 6, "Alarm 7", 7, "Alarm 8", 8, "Alarm 9", 9, "Alarm 10", 10, "Alarm 11", 11, "Alarm 12", 12, "Alarm 13", 13, "Alarm 14", 14, "Alarm 15", 15, "Alarm 16"!Param356 = $ Relay Logic 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 02 30 0C", $ Relay Object instance 2, attribute 12 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 2 Logic", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates how the associated alarm status values are used to determine the Relay Status.", $ Help 0,2,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum356=0,ARMIDAParam357 = $ Relay Installed 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 02 30 0E", $ Relay Object instance 2, attribute 14 0x12, $ Descriptor - (Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 2 Installed", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the Relay is installed.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum357=0Param358 = $ Relay Failsafe Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 02 30 06", $ Relay Object instance 2, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 2 Failsafe Option", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay is normally energized (activates in the event of power loss).", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum358=0Param359 = $ Relay Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 02 30 03", $ Relay Object instance 2, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 2 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the relay is activated.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum359=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Relay 3 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param360 = $ Relay Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 03 30 04", $ Relay Object instance 3, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 3 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum360=0Param361 = $ Relay Latch Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 03 30 05", $ Relay Object instance 3, attribute 5 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 3 Latching Option", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay latches once activated, requiring a manual reset to deactivate.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum361=0Param362 = $ Relay Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 03 30 07", $ Relay Object instance 3, attribute 7 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Relay 3 Activation Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the voting logic must be true before the relay is activated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param363 = $ Relay Alarm Levels 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 03 30 09", $ Relay Object instance 3, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xD1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BYTE) "Relay 3 Alarm Levels", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies what alarm status values will cause the relay to activate.", $ Help 0,255,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum363=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障Param364 = $ Relay Alarm Identifier A 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 1C 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 28, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 3 Alarm Identifier A", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the alarm status that this Relay monitors.", $ Help 0,15,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Enum364 = 0, "Alarm 1", 1, "Alarm 2", 2, "Alarm 3", 3, "Alarm 4", 4, "Alarm 5", 5, "Alarm 6", 6, "Alarm 7", 7, "Alarm 8", 8, "Alarm 9", 9, "Alarm 10", 10, "Alarm 11", 11, "Alarm 12", 12, "Alarm 13", 13, "Alarm 14", 14, "Alarm 15", 15, "Alarm 16"!Param365 = $ Relay Alarm Identifier B 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 21 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 33, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 3 Alarm Identifier B", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the alarm status that this Relay monitors.", $ Help 0,15,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Enum365 = 0, "Alarm 1", 1, "Alarm 2", 2, "Alarm 3", 3, "Alarm 4", 4, "Alarm 5", 5, "Alarm 6", 6, "Alarm 7", 7, "Alarm 8", 8, "Alarm 9", 9, "Alarm 10", 10, "Alarm 11", 11, "Alarm 12", 12, "Alarm 13", 13, "Alarm 14", 14, "Alarm 15", 15, "Alarm 16"!Param366 = $ Relay Logic 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 03 30 0C", $ Relay Object instance 3, attribute 12 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 3 Logic", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates how the associated alarm status values are used to determine the Relay Status.", $ Help 0,2,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum366=0,ARMIDAParam367 = $ Relay Installed 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 03 30 0E", $ Relay Object instance 3, attribute 14 0x12, $ Descriptor - (Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 3 Installed", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the Relay is installed.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum367=0Param368 = $ Relay Failsafe Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 03 30 06", $ Relay Object instance 3, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 3 Failsafe Option", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay is normally energized (activates in the event of power loss).", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum368=0Param369 = $ Relay Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 03 30 03", $ Relay Object instance 3, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 3 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the relay is activated.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum369=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Relay 4 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param370 = $ Relay Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 04 30 04", $ Relay Object instance 4, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 4 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum370=0Param371 = $ Relay Latch Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 04 30 05", $ Relay Object instance 4, attribute 5 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 4 Latching Option", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay latches once activated, requiring a manual reset to deactivate.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum371=0Param372 = $ Relay Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 04 30 07", $ Relay Object instance 4, attribute 7 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Relay 4 Activation Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the voting logic must be true before the relay is activated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param373 = $ Relay Alarm Levels 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 04 30 09", $ Relay Object instance 4, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xD1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BYTE) "Relay 4 Alarm Levels", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies what alarm status values will cause the relay to activate.", $ Help 0,255,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum373=0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障Param374 = $ Relay Alarm Identifier A 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 1D 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 29, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 4 Alarm Identifier A", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the alarm status that this Relay monitors.", $ Help 0,15,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Enum374 = 0, "Alarm 1", 1, "Alarm 2", 2, "Alarm 3", 3, "Alarm 4", 4, "Alarm 5", 5, "Alarm 6", 6, "Alarm 7", 7, "Alarm 8", 8, "Alarm 9", 9, "Alarm 10", 10, "Alarm 11", 11, "Alarm 12", 12, "Alarm 13", 13, "Alarm 14", 14, "Alarm 15", 15, "Alarm 16"!Param375 = $ Relay Alarm Identifier B 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 22 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 34, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 4 Alarm Identifier B", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the alarm status that this Relay monitors.", $ Help 0,15,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Enum375 = 0, "Alarm 1", 1, "Alarm 2", 2, "Alarm 3", 3, "Alarm 4", 4, "Alarm 5", 5, "Alarm 6", 6, "Alarm 7", 7, "Alarm 8", 8, "Alarm 9", 9, "Alarm 10", 10, "Alarm 11", 11, "Alarm 12", 12, "Alarm 13", 13, "Alarm 14", 14, "Alarm 15", 15, "Alarm 16"!Param376 = $ Relay Logic 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 04 30 0C", $ Relay Object instance 4, attribute 12 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 4 Logic", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates how the associated alarm status values are used to determine the Relay Status.", $ Help 0,2,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum376=0,ARMIDAParam377 = $ Relay Installed 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 04 30 0E", $ Relay Object instance 4, attribute 14 0x12, $ Descriptor - (Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 4 Installed", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the Relay is installed.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum377=0Param378 = $ Relay Failsafe Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 04 30 06", $ Relay Object instance 4, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 4 Failsafe Option", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay is normally energized (activates in the event of power loss).", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum378=0Param379 = $ Relay Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 04 30 03", $ Relay Object instance 4, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 4 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the relay is activated.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum379=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Relay 5 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param380 = $ Relay Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 05 30 04", $ Relay Object instance 5, attribute 4 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 5 Enable", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay is enabled.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum380=0Param381 = $ Relay Latch Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 05 30 05", $ Relay Object instance 5, attribute 5 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 5 Latching Option", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay latches once activated, requiring a manual reset to deactivate.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum381=0Param382 = $ Relay Delay 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 05 30 07", $ Relay Object instance 5, attribute 7 0x04, $ Descriptor - (Scaling) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Relay 5 Activation Delay", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "The time period that the voting logic must be true before the relay is activated.", $ Help 0,65530,1000, $ min, max, default values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (scale from milliseconds to seconds) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 2!$ decimal precision Param383 = $ Relay Alarm Levels 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 05 30 09", $ Relay Object instance 5, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xD1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BYTE) "Relay 5 Alarm Levels", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies what alarm status values will cause the relay to activate.", $ Help 0,255,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum383=0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,0,3,Danger,3,Disarms,4,Xdcr故障,5,Module故障Param384 = $ Relay Alarm Identifier A 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 1E 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 30, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 5 Alarm Identifier A", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the alarm status that this Relay monitors.", $ Help 0,15,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Enum384 = 0, "Alarm 1", 1, "Alarm 2", 2, "Alarm 3", 3, "Alarm 4", 4, "Alarm 5", 5, "Alarm 6", 6, "Alarm 7", 7, "Alarm 8", 8, "Alarm 9", 9, "Alarm 10", 10, "Alarm 11", 11, "Alarm 12", 12, "Alarm 13", 13, "Alarm 14", 14, "Alarm 15", 15, "Alarm 16"!Param385 = $ Relay Alarm Identifier B 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 23 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 35, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 5 Alarm Identifier B", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Identifies the alarm status that this Relay monitors.", $ Help 0,15,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Enum385 = 0, "Alarm 1", 1, "Alarm 2", 2, "Alarm 3", 3, "Alarm 4", 4, "Alarm 5", 5, "Alarm 6", 6, "Alarm 7", 7, "Alarm 8", 8, "Alarm 9", 9, "Alarm 10", 10, "Alarm 11", 11, "Alarm 12", 12, "Alarm 13", 13, "Alarm 14", 14, "Alarm 15", 15, "Alarm 16"!Param386 = $ Relay Logic 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 05 30 0C", $ Relay Object instance 5, attribute 12 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Relay 5 Logic", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates how the associated alarm status values are used to determine the Relay Status.", $ Help 0,2,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum386=0,ARMIDAParam387 = $ Relay Installed 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 05 30 0E", $ Relay Object instance 5, attribute 14 0x12, $ Descriptor - (Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 5 Installed", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the Relay is installed.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum387=0Param388 = $ Relay Failsafe Enable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 05 30 06", $ Relay Object instance 5, attribute 6 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 5 Failsafe Option", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Determines whether the Relay is normally energized (activates in the event of power loss).", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum388=0Param389 = $ Relay Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 23 03 24 05 30 03", $ Relay Object instance 5, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Relay 5 Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the relay is activated.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum389=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 Sum Harmonic Measurement Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param390 = $ Sum Harmonic Start Order 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 05 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 5, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Sum Harmonics Start Order", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The starting order for the Sum Harmonics measurement." "The amplitudes of all harmonics from this one through FMAX are included in the sum.", $ Help 1,5,4, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum390=1、1、2、2、3、3、4、4、5、5Param391 = $ Sum Harmonic Measurement Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 07 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 7, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Sum Harmonics Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measured sum harmonics value.",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 Sum Harmonic Measurement Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param392 = $ Sum Harmonic Start Order 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 06 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 6, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Sum Harmonics Start Order", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The starting order for the Sum Harmonics measurement." "The amplitudes of all harmonics from this one through FMAX are included in the sum.", $ Help 1,5,4, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum392=1、1、2、2、3、3、4、4、5、5Param393 = $ Sum Harmonic Measurement Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 08 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 8, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Sum Harmonics Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measured sum harmonics value.",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Not 1X Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param394 = $ Not 1X Measurement Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 03 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 3, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Not 1X Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The magnitude of the vibration excluding the vibration at (synchronous with) the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param395 = $ Not 1X Measurement Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 04 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 4, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Not 1X Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The magnitude of the vibration excluding the vibration at (synchronous with) the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Smax Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param396 = $ Smax Magnitude Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 05 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 5, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Smax Mag Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest peak-to-peak magnitude around the orbit.",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param397 = $ Smax Phase Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 06 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 6, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Smax Phase Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The phase at which the greatest peak-to-peak magnitude occurs around the orbit.",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 1X Vector Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param398 = $ Vector Measurement Magnitude Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 01 30 03", $ Vector Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 1X Mag Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The magnitude of the vibration at (synchronous with) the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param399 = $ Vector Measurement Phase Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 01 30 04", $ Vector Object instance 1, attribute 4 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 1X Phase Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The phase of the vibration at (synchronous with) the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 1X Vector Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param400 = $ Vector Measurement Magnitude Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 02 30 03", $ Vector Object instance 2, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 1X Mag Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The magnitude of the vibration at (synchronous with) the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param401 = $ Vector Measurement Phase Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 02 30 04", $ Vector Object instance 2, attribute 4 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 1X Phase Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The phase of the vibration at (synchronous with) the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 2X Vector Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param402 = $ Vector Measurement Magnitude Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 03 30 03", $ Vector Object instance 3, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 2X Mag Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The magnitude of the vibration at two times the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param403 = $ Vector Measurement Phase Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 03 30 04", $ Vector Object instance 3, attribute 4 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 2X Phase Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The phase of the vibration at two times the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 2X Vector Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param404 = $ Vector Measurement Magnitude Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 04 30 03", $ Vector Object instance 4, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 2X Mag Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The magnitude of the vibration at two times the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param405 = $ Vector Measurement Phase Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 04 30 04", $ Vector Object instance 4, attribute 4 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 2X Phase Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The phase of the vibration at two times the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 3X Vector Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param406 = $ Vector Measurement Magnitude Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 05 30 03", $ Vector Object instance 5, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 3X Mag Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The magnitude of the vibration at three times the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 3X Vector Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param407 = $ Vector Measurement Magnitude Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 06 30 03", $ Vector Object instance 6, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 3X Mag Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The magnitude of the vibration at three times the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ More Overall Measurement Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param408 = $ Overall 1 Filter 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 22 03 24 01 30 09", $ Overall Object instance 1, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Overall 1 Filter", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The filter applied to the input signal before the overall measurement is performed.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum408=0,None,1,Low通过滤波Param409 = $ Overall 1 Low Pass Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 22 03 24 01 30 0A", $ Overall Object instance 1, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Overall 1 Low Pass Filter", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string (Hz) "The corner frequency of the Low Pass Filter.", $ Help 100,20000,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param410 = $ Overall 2 Filter 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 22 03 24 02 30 09", $ Overall Object instance 2, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Overall 2 Filter", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The filter applied to the input signal before the overall measurement is performed.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum410=0,None,1,Low通过滤波Param411 = $ Overall 2 Low Pass Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 22 03 24 02 30 0A", $ Overall Object instance 2, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Overall 2 Low Pass Filter", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string (Hz) "The corner frequency of the Low Pass Filter.", $ Help 100,20000,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ More Band Measurement Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param412 = $ Band Frequency Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 01 30 09", $ Band Object instance 1, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 1 Freq Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the units of the band Minimum and Maximum Frequency values.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum412=0,Hz,1,OrdersParam413 = $ Band Frequency Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 02 30 09", $ Band Object instance 2, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 1 Freq Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the units of the band Minimum and Maximum Frequency values.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum413=0,Hz,1,OrdersParam414 = $ Band Frequency Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 03 30 09", $ Band Object instance 3, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 2 Freq Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the units of the band Minimum and Maximum Frequency values.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum414=0,Hz,1,OrdersParam415 = $ Band Frequency Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 04 30 09", $ Band Object instance 4, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 2 Freq Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the units of the band Minimum and Maximum Frequency values.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum415=0,Hz,1,OrdersParam416 = $ Band Frequency Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 05 30 09", $ Band Object instance 5, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 3 Freq Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the units of the band Minimum and Maximum Frequency values.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum416=0,Hz,1,OrdersParam417 = $ Band Frequency Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 06 30 09", $ Band Object instance 6, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 3 Freq Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the units of the band Minimum and Maximum Frequency values.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum417=0,Hz,1,OrdersParam418 = $ Band Frequency Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 07 30 09", $ Band Object instance 7, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 4 Freq Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the units of the band Minimum and Maximum Frequency values.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum418=0,Hz,1,OrdersParam419 = $ Band Frequency Units 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 08 30 09", $ Band Object instance 8, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 4 Freq Units", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Specifies the units of the band Minimum and Maximum Frequency values.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum419=0,Hz,1,Orders$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ V3 Channel Parameters $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param420 = $ Channel 1 Very Low HPF Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 01 30 64", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 100 0x10, $ Descriptor - (Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Very Low HPF Freq", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The corner frequency for the Very Low high pass filter option.", $ Help 0,10000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param421 = $ Channel 1 Low HPF Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 01 30 65", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 101 0x10, $ Descriptor - (Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Low HPF Freq", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The corner frequency for the Low high pass filter option.", $ Help 0,10000,5, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param422 = $ Channel 1 Medium HPF Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 01 30 66", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 102 0x10, $ Descriptor - (Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Medium HPF Freq", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The corner frequency for the Medium high pass filter option.", $ Help 0,10000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param423 = $ Channel 1 High HPF Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 01 30 67", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 103 0x10, $ Descriptor - (Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 High HPF Freq", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The corner frequency for the High high pass filter option.", $ Help 0,10000,40, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param424 = $ Channel 1 Very High HPF Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 01 30 68", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 104 0x10, $ Descriptor - (Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Very High HPF Freq", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The corner frequency for the Very High high pass filter option.", $ Help 0,10000,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param425 = $ Channel 2 Very Low HPF Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 02 30 64", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 100 0x10, $ Descriptor - (Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Very Low HPF Freq", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The corner frequency for the Very Low high pass filter option.", $ Help 0,10000,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param426 = $ Channel 2 Low HPF Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 02 30 65", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 101 0x10, $ Descriptor - (Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Low HPF Freq", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The corner frequency for the Low high pass filter option.", $ Help 0,10000,5, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param427 = $ Channel 2 Medium HPF Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 02 30 66", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 102 0x10, $ Descriptor - (Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Medium HPF Freq", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The corner frequency for the Medium high pass filter option.", $ Help 0,10000,10, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param428 = $ Channel 2 High HPF Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 02 30 67", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 103 0x10, $ Descriptor - (Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 High HPF Freq", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The corner frequency for the High high pass filter option.", $ Help 0,10000,40, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param429 = $ Channel 2 Very High HPF Corner Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 02 30 68", $ Channel Object instance 1, attribute 104 0x10, $ Descriptor - (Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Very High HPF Freq", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string "The corner frequency for the Very High high pass filter option.", $ Help 0,10000,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Additional Measured Values $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param430 = $ Gap Measurement Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 01 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Gap Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measured transducer gap value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param431 = $ Gap Measurement Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 02 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 2, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Gap Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The measured transducer gap value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param432 = $ Maximum Speed Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 25 03 24 01 30 05", $ Speed Object instance 1, attribute 5 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Peak Speed Value", $ Name "RPM", $ Unit string "The greatest measured speed value since the last reset of the peak speed.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param433 = $ Setpoint Multiplier Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 08 00 24 01 30 03", $ Discrete Input Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Setpoint Multiplier Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether the setpoint multiplier is activated.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum433=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Revision 4 Parameters $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param434 = $ Acceleration Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 25 03 24 01 30 0D", $ Speed Object instance 1, attribute 13 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Acceleration Value", $ Name "RPM/min", $ Unit string "The measured acceleration (speed rate-of-change) value.", $ Help -9999999, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $ Param440 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 01 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 1, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 1 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum440=0$ $ Param441 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 02 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 2, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 2 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum441=0$ $ Param442 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 03 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 3, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 3 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum442=0$ $ Param443 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 04 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 4, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 4 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum443=0$ $ Param444 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 05 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 5, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 5 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum444=0$ $ Param445 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 06 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 6, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 6 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum445=0$ $ Param446 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 07 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 7, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 7 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum446=0$ $ Param447 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 08 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 8, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 8 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum447=0$ $ Param448 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 09 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 9, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 9 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum448=0$ $ Param449 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 0A 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 10, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 10 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum449=0$ $ Param450 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 0B 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 11, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 11 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum450=0$ $ Param451 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 0C 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 12, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 12 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum451=0$ $ Param452 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 0D 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 13, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 13 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum452=0$ $ Param453 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 0E 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 14, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 14 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum453=0$ $ Param454 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 0F 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 15, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 15 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum454=0$ $ Param455 = $ Alarm Inhibit Tach Fault $ 0, $ Data Placeholder $ 7, "21 1D 03 24 10 30 14", $ Alarm Object instance 16, attribute 20 $ 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) $ 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) $ "Alarm 16 Inhibit Tach Fault", $ Name $ "", $ Unit string (Not Used) $ "Determines whether the Tach Fault status is prohibited during the startup period.", $ Help $ 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) $ , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) $ 0!小数精度$Enum455=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Revision 5 Parameters $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param456 = $ Tachometer Fault Timeout 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 26 03 24 01 30 0A", $ Tachometer Object instance 1, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Tach Fault Timeout", $ Name "Sec", $ Unit string (Seconds) "A Tachometer Fault is indicated if no pulses are detected for this period.", $ Help 1,64,11, $ min, max, default values (True Pk2Pk) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Revision 6 Parameters $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param457 = $ Tachometer Zero Fault Inhibit 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 26 03 24 01 30 0B", $ Tachometer Object instance 1, attribute 11 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Inhibit Zero Pulse Tach Fault", $ Name "S", $ Unit string (Seconds) "Determines whether a Tach Fault is indicated when no tachometer pulses are detected.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values (Do Not Inhibit) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum457=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 Thrust Position Measurement Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param458 = $ Channel 1 Measurement Mode 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 28 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 40, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Measurement Mode", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The Measurement Mode determines which measurements are performed.", $ Help 0,6,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum458=0,Stard,1,Truft定位,2,替代GSE,3,Contin gSE,4,Eccentity,5,Band通卡,6,TrackingParam459 = $ Transducer 1 Target Angle 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 01 30 0B", $ Transducer Object instance 1, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 1 Target Angle", $ Name "Deg", $ Unit string (Degrees) "The angle of the target relative to the shaft axis.", $ Help 0,90,90, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param460 = $ Transducer 1 Upscale 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 01 30 0C", $ Transducer Object instance 1, attribute 12 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Xdcr 1 Upscale", $ Name " ", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates which direction is considered positive displacement.\n" "0 = Target moving away from transducer is positive displacement.\n" "1 = Target moving towards transdcuer is positive displacement.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum460=0Param461 = $ Position Measurement 1 Offset 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 09 30 7A", $ AIP Object instance 9, attribute 122 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Calibration Bias", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Sets the Zero position.Setting the zero position\n" "compensates for the static gap.", $ Help -9999999,9999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param462 = $ Position Measurement 1 Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 09 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 9, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Thrust Position 1 Value", $ Name " ", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The position value measured from the input signal and adjusted for any offset.", $ Help -9999999,9999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 Thrust Position Measurement Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param463 = $ Channel 2 Measurement Mode 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 29 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 41, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Measurement Mode", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The Measurement Mode determines which measurements are performed.", $ Help 0,6,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum463=0,Standard,1,Truft定位,2,替代GSE,3,Contin gSE,4,Eccentity,5,Band通卡,6,TrackingParam464 = $ Transducer 2 Target Angle 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 02 30 0B", $ Transducer Object instance 2, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Xdcr 2 Target Angle", $ Name "Deg", $ Unit string (Degrees) "The angle of the target relative to the shaft axis.", $ Help 0,90,90, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param465 = $ Transducer 2 Upscale 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 28 03 24 02 30 0C", $ Transducer Object instance 2, attribute 12 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Xdcr 2 Upscale", $ Name " ", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates which direction is considered positive displacement.\n" "0 = Target moving away from transducer is positive displacement.\n" "1 = Target moving towards transdcuer is positive displacement.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum465=0Param466 = $ Position Measurement 2 Offset 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 0A 30 7A", $ AIP Object instance 10, attribute 122 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Calibration Bias", $ Name "Volts", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Sets the Zero position.Setting the zero position\n" "compensates for the static gap.", $ Help -9999999,9999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param467 = $ Position Measurement 2 Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 0A 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 10, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Thrust Position 2 Value", $ Name " ", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The position value measured from the input signal and adjusted for any offset.", $ Help -9999999,9999999,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Revision 7 Parameters $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param468 = $ Specrum/Waveform Data Format 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 01 30 0C", $ Specrum/Waveform Object instance 1, attribute 12 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Spectrum 1 Data Format", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The data format of the spectrum data.", $ Help 0,1,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum468=0综合数一Param469 = $ Specrum/Waveform Data Format 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 02 30 0C", $ Specrum/Waveform Object instance 2, attribute 12 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Spectrum 2 Data Format", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The data format of the spectrum data.", $ Help 0,1,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum469=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ gSE Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param470 = $ gSE Overall 1 Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 0B 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 11, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "gSE Overall 1 Value", $ Name "gSE", $ Unit string (gSE) "The measured gSE Overall value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param471 = $ gSE Overall 2 Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 0C 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 12, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "gSE Overall 2 Value", $ Name "gSE", $ Unit string (gSE) "The measured gSE Overall value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ gSE Parameters $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param472 = $ Band Spectrum Option 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 2A 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 42, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 1 Spectrum", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Selects the spectrum measurement that the Band measurement is associated with.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum472=0Param473 = $ Band Spectrum Option 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 2B 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 43, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 1 Spectrum", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Selects the spectrum measurement that the Band measurement is associated with.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum473=0Param474 = $ Band Spectrum Option 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 2C 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 44, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 2 Spectrum", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Selects the spectrum measurement that the Band measurement is associated with.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum474=0Param475 = $ Band Spectrum Option 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 2D 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 45, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 2 Spectrum", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Selects the spectrum measurement that the Band measurement is associated with.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum475=0ContalspectrumParam476 = $ Band Spectrum Option 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 2E 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 46, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 3 Spectrum", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Selects the spectrum measurement that the Band measurement is associated with.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum476=0Param477 = $ Band Spectrum Option 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 2F 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 47, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 3 Spectrum", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Selects the spectrum measurement that the Band measurement is associated with.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum477=0Param478 = $ Band Spectrum Option 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 30 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 48, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Band 4 Spectrum", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Selects the spectrum measurement that the Band measurement is associated with.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum478=0Param479 = $ Band Spectrum Option 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 31 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 49, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Band 4 Spectrum", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Selects the spectrum measurement that the Band measurement is associated with.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values (mils) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum479=0ContalspectrumParam480 = $ Channel 1 gSE Low Cutoff Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 03 30 05", $ Channel Object instance 3, attribute 5 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 gSE High Pass Filter", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The high pass filter corner frequency (low cutoff frequency) selection.", $ Help 0,4,4, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum480=0,200赫兹,1,500赫兹,2,1000赫兹,3,2000赫兹,4,5000赫兹Param481 = $ Channel 1 gSE Full Scale 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 03 30 0A", $ Channel Object instance 3, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 gSE Full Scale", $ Name "gSE", $ Unit string "The maximum signal level expected to be processed by the channel.", $ Help 0,10000,20, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param482 = $ Channel 2 gSE Low Cutoff Frequency 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 04 30 05", $ Channel Object instance 4, attribute 5 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 gSE High Pass Filter", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The high pass filter corner frequency (low cutoff frequency) selection.", $ Help 0,4,4, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum482=0,200Hz,1,500Hz,2,1000Hz,3,2000Hz,4,5000HzParam483 = $ Channel 2 gSE Full Scale 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1F 03 24 04 30 0A", $ Channel Object instance 4, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 gSE Full Scale", $ Name "gSE", $ Unit string "The maximum signal level expected to be processed by the channel.", $ Help 0,10000,20, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ gSE Spectrum 1 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param484 = $ Specrum/Waveform FMAX 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 03 30 06", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 3, attribute 6 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "gSE Spectrum 1 FMAX", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string (Hz) "The maximum frequency included in the spectrum measurement.", $ Help 10,5000,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param485 = $ Specrum/Waveform Number of Spectrum Lines 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 03 30 07", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 3, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC8, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (UDINT) "gSE Spectrum 1 Num Lines", $ Name "Lines", $ Unit string (Lines) "The number of lines or bins included in the spectrum measurement." "Valid values include 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 lines.", $ Help 100,1600,200, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param486 = $ Specrum/Waveform Window Type 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 03 30 08", $ Specrum/Waveform Object instance 3, attribute 8 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "gSE Spectrum 1 Window Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The window function to be applied to the waveform data prior to computing the spectrum.", $ Help 0,4,2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum486=0,Registical1,Haming2,Hanning3,Flat顶部4,Kaiser贝塞尔Param487 = $ Specrum/Waveform Data Format 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 03 30 0C", $ Specrum/Waveform Object instance 3, attribute 12 0x12, $ Descriptor - (Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "gSE Spectrum 1 Data Format", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The data format of the spectrum data.", $ Help 0,1,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum487=0,Complex,1,magnideParam488 = $ Specrum/Waveform Number of Averages 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 03 30 0E", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 3, attribute 14 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "gSE Spectrum 1 Num Avg", $ Name "Data Sets", $ Unit string (Data Sets) "The number of individual data sets to be incorporated into the average calculation.", $ Help 1,100,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ gSE Spectrum 2 Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param489 = $ Specrum/Waveform FMAX 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 04 30 06", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 4, attribute 6 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "gSE Spectrum 2 FMAX", $ Name "Hz", $ Unit string (Hz) "The maximum frequency included in the spectrum measurement.", $ Help 10,5000,1000, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param490 = $ Specrum/Waveform Number of Spectrum Lines 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 04 30 07", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 4, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC8, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (UDINT) "gSE Spectrum 2 Num Lines", $ Name "Lines", $ Unit string (Lines) "The number of lines or bins included in the spectrum measurement." "Valid values include 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 lines.", $ Help 100,1600,200, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param491 = $ Specrum/Waveform Window Type 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 04 30 08", $ Specrum/Waveform Object instance 4, attribute 8 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "gSE Spectrum 2 Window Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The window function to be applied to the waveform data prior to computing the spectrum.", $ Help 0,4,2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum491=0,Registical,1,Hamming,2,Hanning,3,Flat顶部4,Kaiser贝塞尔Param492 = $ Specrum/Waveform Data Format 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 04 30 0C", $ Specrum/Waveform Object instance 4, attribute 12 0x12, $ Descriptor - (Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "gSE Spectrum 2 Data Format", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The data format of the spectrum data.", $ Help 0,1,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度unm492=0Param493 = $ Specrum/Waveform Number of Averages 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 24 03 24 04 30 0E", $ Spectrum/Waveform Object instance 4, attribute 14 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "gSE Spectrum 2 Num Avg", $ Name "Data Sets", $ Unit string (Data Sets) "The number of individual data sets to be incorporated into the average calculation.", $ Help 1,100,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 Eccentricity Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param494 = $ Channel 1 Eccentricity Update Rate 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 32 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 50, attribute 1 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Eccentricity Update Rate", $ Name "Seconds", $ Unit string "The update rate for the eccentricity, min gap, and max gap measurements.", $ Help 1,255,60, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param495 = $ Channel 1 Eccentricity Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 0D 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 13, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Eccentricity", $ Name "pk-pk", $ Unit string "The measured eccentricity value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 Eccentricity Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param496 = $ Channel 2 Eccentricity Update Rate 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 33 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 51, attribute 1 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Eccentricity Update Rate", $ Name "Seconds", $ Unit string "The update rate for the eccentricity, min gap, and max gap measurements.", $ Help 1,255,60, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param497 = $ Channel 2 Eccentricity Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0A 00 24 0E 30 03", $ AIP Object instance 14, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Eccentricity", $ Name "pk-pk", $ Unit string "The measured eccentricity value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 Band Pass Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param498 = $ Band Minimum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 09 30 07", $ Band Object instance 9, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band Pass Min Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lowest frequency that is included in the band pass measurement.", $ Help 25,1000,75, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param499 = $ Band Maximum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 09 30 08", $ Band Object instance 9, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band Pass Max Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest frequency that is included in the band pass measurement.", $ Help 100,5500,200, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param500 = $ Band Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 09 30 03", $ Band Object instance 9, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Band Pass Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured band pass value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 Band Pass Settings $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param501 = $ Band Minimum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 0A 30 07", $ Band Object instance 10, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band Pass Min Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The lowest frequency that is included in the band pass measurement.", $ Help 25,1000,75, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param502 = $ Band Maximum Freq 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 0A 30 08", $ Band Object instance 10, attribute 8 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band Pass Max Freq", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The greatest frequency that is included in the band pass measurement.", $ Help 100,5500,200, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision Param503 = $ Band Measured Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 1E 03 24 0A 30 03", $ Band Object instance 10, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Band Pass Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string "The measured band pass value.", $ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 1 Tracking Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param504 = $ Vector Measurement Magnitude Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 07 30 03", $ Vector Object instance 7, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Tracked Mag Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The magnitude of the vibration at the tracked multiple of the machine speed.",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param505 = $ Vector Measurement Phase Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 07 30 04", $ Vector Object instance 7, attribute 4 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Tracked Phase Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The phase of the vibration at the tracked multiple of the machine speed.",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param506 = $ Vector Measurement Speed Multiple 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 07 30 07", $ Vector Object instance 7, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Tracked Speed Multiple", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The multiple of the machine speed to be tracked.",$ Help 0.1,20,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param507 = $ Vector Measurement Filter Type 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 07 30 09", $ Vector Object instance 7, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 1 Tracking Filter Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The type of filter used to track the machine speed multiple.",$ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum507=0Param508 = $ Vector Measurement Bandwidth 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 07 30 0A", $ Vector Object instance 7, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Tracking Filter Bandwidth", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The bandwidth of the filter used to track the machine speed multiple.",$ Help 0.1,25,5, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param509 = $ Vector Measurement Q 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 07 30 0B", $ Vector Object instance 7, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 1 Tracking Filter Q", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The Q of the filter used to track the machine speed multiple.",$ Help 1,200,25, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Channel 2 Tracking Measurements $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param510 = $ Vector Measurement Magnitude Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 08 30 03", $ Vector Object instance 8, attribute 3 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Tracked Mag Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The magnitude of the vibration at (synchronous with) the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param511 = $ Vector Measurement Phase Value 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 08 30 04", $ Vector Object instance 8, attribute 4 0x30, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Tracked Phase Value", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The phase of the vibration at (synchronous with) the machine speed .",$ Help 0, 9999999, 0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param512 = $ Vector Measurement Speed Multiple 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 08 30 07", $ Vector Object instance 8, attribute 7 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Tracked Speed Multiple", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The multiple of the machine speed to be tracked.",$ Help 0.1,20,1, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 3!$ decimal precision Param513 = $ Vector Measurement Filter Type 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 08 30 09", $ Vector Object instance 8, attribute 9 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Ch 2 Tracking Filter Type", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The type of filter used to track the machine speed multiple.",$ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum513=0Param514 = $ Vector Measurement Bandwidth 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 08 30 0A", $ Vector Object instance 8, attribute 10 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Tracking Filter Bandwidth", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The bandwidth of the filter used to track the machine speed multiple.",$ Help 0.1,25,5, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision Param515 = $ Vector Measurement Q 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 29 03 24 08 30 0B", $ Vector Object instance 8, attribute 11 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xCA, 4, $ Data Type and Size - (REAL) "Ch 2 Tracking Filter Q", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "The Q of the filter used to track the machine speed multiple.",$ Help 1,200,25, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 1!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Tachometer Status $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param516 = $ Tachometer Status 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 25 03 24 01 30 04", $ Speed Object instance 1, attribute 4 0x32, $ Descriptor - (Monitor, Read Only, Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Tachometer Status", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates whether a tach fault exists.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum516=0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Miscellaneous Parameters $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param989 = $ Trend Trigger 0, $ Data Placeholder , , $ No associated parameter 0x200, $ Descriptor - (Hidden) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Trend Trigger", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Setting this module's bit in the strobe command message causes the trend to be triggered.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!$ decimal precision $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Device Mode Parameters $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Param990 = $ Autobaud Disable 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 03 00 24 01 30 64", $ DeviceNet Object instance 1, attribute 100 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC1, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (BOOL) "Autobaud", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "When Enabled (recommended) the module will listen to other devices on the network to determine " "the correct baud rate to use for communications.When Disabled the module baud rate must be set " "manually.", $ Help 0,1,0, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum990=0Param991 = $ Poll Response Assembly 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 26 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 38, attribute 1 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC6, 1, $ Data Type and Size - (USINT) "Poll Response Assembly", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Selects the Assembly instance used for the I/O Poll response.", $ Help 101,199,101, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum991=101Param992 = $ Poll Response Size 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 0F 00 24 27 30 01", $ Parameter Object instance 39, attribute 1 0x00, $ Descriptor - (None) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Poll Response Size", $ Name "Bytes", $ Unit string (Bytes) "Selects the size of the I/O Poll response.", $ Help 4,176,20, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度 $设备模式属性必须是最后参数,以便ADR正确工作Param999 = $ Device Mode 0, $ Data Placeholder 7, "21 20 03 24 01 30 03", $ Device Mode Object instance 1, attribute 3 0x02, $ Descriptor - (Enumeration) 0xC7, 2, $ Data Type and Size - (UINT) "Device Mode", $ Name "", $ Unit string (Not Used) "Indicates the current Mode of the device.", $ Help 1,2,2, $ min, max, default values , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset scaling (Not Used) , , , , $ mult, div, base, offset links (Not Used) 0!小数精度Enum999=1,运行模式2,程序模式修订版=2Assem2 = $ Assembly Instance 2 "Strobe Command", $ Name "20 04 24 02 30 03", $ Path 1, $ Size (bytes) 0, $ Discriptor (no edits) ,, $ Reserved fields 1, Param989, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 7, !$ Member size (bits), Member Reference Assem100 = $ Assembly Instance 100 "Alarm and Relay Status", $ Name "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Path 8, $ Size (bytes) 0, $ Discriptor (no edits) ,, $ Reserved fields 3, Param114, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param129, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 1, Param433, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 1, Param349, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param144, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param159, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 1, Param8, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 1, Param359, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param174, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param189, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 1, Param26, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 1, Param369, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param204, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param219, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 1, Param516, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 1, Param379, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param234, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param249, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 1, , $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 1, Param389, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param264, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param279, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 2, , $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param294, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param309, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 2, , $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param324, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 3, Param339, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 2, !$ Member size (bits), Member Reference Assem101 = $ Assembly Instance 101 "Default Poll Assembly 101", $ Name "20 04 24 65 30 03", $ Path 176, $ Size (bytes) 0, $ Discriptor (no edits) ,, $ Reserved fields 32, Param18, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param36, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param430, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param431, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param51, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param432, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param63, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param67, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param71, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param75, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param79, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param83, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param87, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param91, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param398, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param399, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param400, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param401, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param402, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param403, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param404, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param405, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param406, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param407, $ Member size (bits), Member Reference 32, Param394, $ Member size (bits), Member 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461 462第17组 = 二通道位置测量 4 464 465 466 467第18组 = 84814804844854864874888Group19=Chanel2gSE测量 8483482471489499491492493Group20 =Chanel1偏心度量2 494 495Group21=Chanel2中心度量2496497第22组 = 通道1测量 6 504 505 506 507 508 50923组2跟踪测量651051151251451524组+1通道测量 3 498 499 500Group25=Chanel2频带测量3 501 502 503Group26=Sum调和度量4 390391392393组27 = 14 398 399 400401402403404405406407394395396397Group28=420mA输出149293949529组=420mA输出2 4 96 97 98 99组30=ARM115100102103104105106107108109110111112113114101组31 = ARM2 15 115 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 116组32 = ARM3 15 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 131第33组 = ARM4 15 145 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 146第34组 = ARM5 15 160 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 161组35 = ARM6 15 175 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 187 188 189 176第36组=ARM71519019219319419519619719719819920020220220320419group37=ARM815205207208209210211212212213214214215215216216217218219206第38组 = ARM9 15 220 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 232 233 234 221组39=ARM1015235237238239240241242243244244244242442424424246247247248249236第40组 = ARM11 15 250 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 251Group41=ARM1215267268269270271272273274274275277277272772727727266第42组 = ARM 13 15 280 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 281第43组 = ARM14 15 295 298 299 301 302 303 304 305 306 306 307 308 309 296第44组 = ARM 15 15 310 313 314 315 316 316 317 318 319 320 321第45组 = ARM 16 15325327328329330331332333333334333335333333333第46组 = 中继1 10 340 341 342 343 344第47组 = 中继2 10 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359第48组 = 中继3 10 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369第49组 = 中继4 10 370 371 372 373 374 375 375 376 377 378 379第50组 = 中继5 10,380,381,382,383,384,385,386,387,388,389Group51=Minitor数据 50743081825426364344516514326367717579838791391393398399400401402403404404404406407394395396397492467477471495497500503504505505555第52组 = 重力状态 22 433 114 129 144 159 174 189 204 219 234 249 264 279 294 309 3243 339 349 369 379 389XM-124Std动态测量模块EDS文件