$EZEDS ALPHA v5.03.00生成电子数据表edesctext=EDS为Brooks数字MFC-RTCreateDate=03-30-2005创建时间=09:47:23ModDate=01-11-2006ModTime=11:17:19修订版=1.1VendCode=246VendName=Brooks工具ProdType=102ProdTypeStr=Vendor定制ProdCode=10MajRev=1MinRev=1ProdName=Brooks数字MFC-RTCatalog=Brooks设备网MFC-RT默认值=0x0001Pollinfo=0x000D2OSINFO=0x000D2CyclicInfo=0x000D2$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ----------------------- Input Assembly Class ------------------------- $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Input1 = 2, 0, 0x000D, "Flow", 6, "20 04 24 01 30 03", "INT( Flow ), Assembly Instance 0x01"!Input2 = 3, 0, 0x000D, "Status + Flow", 6, "20 04 24 02 30 03", "Status + INT( Flow ), Assembly Instance 0x02"!Input3 = 5, 0, 0x000D, "Status + Flow + Valve", 6, "20 04 24 03 30 03", "Status + INT( Flow ) + INT( Valve ), Assembly Instance 0x03"!Input4 = 5, 0, 0x000D, "Status + Flow + Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 04 30 03", "Status + INT( Flow ) + INT( Setpoint ), Assembly Instance 0x04"!Input5 = 7, 0, 0x000D, "Status + Flow + Setpoint + Valve", 6, "20 04 24 05 30 03", "Status + INT( Flow ) + INT( SP ) + INT( Valve ), Assembly Instance 0x05"!Input6 = 8, 0, 0x000D, "Status + Flow + SP + OR + Valve", 6, "20 04 24 06 30 03", "Status + INT( Flow ) + INT( SetPoint ) + Override + INT( Valve ), Assembly Instance 0x06"!Input7 = 4, 0, 0x000D, "Flow", 6, "20 04 24 0D 30 03", "REAL( Flow ), Assembly Instance 0x0D"!Input8 = 5, 0, 0x000D, "Status + Flow", 6, "20 04 24 0E 30 03", "Status + REAL( Flow ), Assembly Instance 0x0E"!Input9 = 9, 0, 0x000D, "Status + Flow + Valve", 6, "20 04 24 0F 30 03", "Status, REAL( Flow ), REAL( Valve ), Assembly Instance 0x0F"!Input10 = 9, 0, 0x000D, "Status + Flow + Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 10 30 03", "Status + REAL( Flow ) + REAL( Setpoint ), Assembly Instance 0x10"!Input11 = 13, 0, 0x000D, "Status + Flow + Setpoint + Valve", 6, "20 04 24 11 30 03", "Status + REAL( Flow ) + REAL( SP ) + REAL( Valve ), Assembly Instance 0x11"!Input12 = 14, 0, 0x000D, "Status + Flow + SP + OR + Valve", 6, "20 04 24 12 30 03", "Status + REAL( Flow ) + REAL( SetPoint ) + Override + REAL( Valve ), Assembly Instance 0x12"!Input13 = 8, 0, 0x000D, "Stat + PV + SV + Valve + Act Ins", 6, "20 04 24 64 30 03", "Status + INT( Flow ) + INT( Pressure ) + INT( Valve ) + Active Instance, Assembly Instance 0x64"!Input14 = 14, 0, 0x000D, "Stat + PV + SV + Valve + Act Ins", 6, "20 04 24 65 30 03", "Status + REAL( Flow ) + REAL( Pressure ) + REAL( Valve ) + Active Instance, Assembly Instance 0x65"!$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ----------------------- Output Assembly Class ------------------------ $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Output1 = 2, 0, 0x000D, "Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 07 30 03", "INT( SP ), Assembly Instance 0x07"!Output2 = 3, 0, 0x000D, "Override + Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 08 30 03", "Override + INT( SP ), Assembly Instance 0x08"!Output3 = 4, 0, 0x000D, "Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 13 30 03", "REAL( SP ), Assembly Instance 0x13"!Output4 = 5, 0, 0x000D, "Override + Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 14 30 03", "Override + REAL( SP ), Assembly Instance 0x14"!Output5 = 3, 0, 0x000D, "Setpoint + Active Instance", 6, "20 04 24 66 30 03", "INT( SP ) + Active Instance, Assembly Instance 0x66"!Output6 = 5, 0, 0x000D, "Setpoint + Active Instance", 6, "20 04 24 67 30 03", "REAL( SP ) + Active Instance, Assembly Instance 0x67"!MaxInst=50描述符=0x0001Cfgserm=0[Params] $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ --------------------- Polled Connection Class ------------------------ $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Param1 = 0, 6,"20 05 24 01 30 64", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "Poll Prod Assy", " ", "Sets the Produce Assembly instance for the Polled I/O Conn", 1,101,2, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param2 = 0, 6,"20 05 24 01 30 65", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "Poll Cons Assy", " ", "Sets the Consume Assembly instance for the Polled I/O Conn", 1,103,7, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param3 = 0, 6,"20 05 24 01 30 66", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "Cyc I/O Produce", " ", "Sets the Default Cyclic I/O Connection Produce Assembly Instance", 1,101,2, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param4 = 0, 6,"20 05 24 01 30 68", 0x0002, 0xC7, 2, "COS I/O Produce", " ", "Sets the Default COS I/O Connection Produce Assembly Instance", 1,101,2, ,,,, ,,,, 0!$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ------------------------ Device Info Class --------------------------- $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Param5 = 0, 6,"20 30 24 01 30 03", 0x0010, 0xDA, 1, "Device Type", "", "Identifies the hierarchy of SEMI Equipment Device's device model", 0,8,"", ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param6 = 0, 6,"20 30 24 01 30 04", 0x0010, 0xDA, 1, "SEMI Rev Level", "", "Identifies the SEMI S/A Network Standard Revision level", 0,8,"", ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param7 = 0, 6,"20 30 24 01 30 05", 0x0010, 0xDA, 1, "Mfr.Name", "", "Name of the manufacturer of the device", 0,20,"", ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param8 = 0, 6,"20 30 24 01 30 06", 0x0010, 0xDA, 1, "Mfr Model Number", "", "Manufacturers model number for this device", 0,20,"", ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param9 = 0, 6,"20 30 24 01 30 07", 0x0010, 0xDA, 1, "Software Rev.", "", "Current Firmware Revision in Device Flash Memory", 0,6,"", ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param10 = 0, 6,"20 30 24 01 30 08", 0x0010, 0xDA, 1, "Hardware Rev.", "", "Current hardware board set in this device", 0,6,"", ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param11 = 0, 6,"20 30 24 01 30 09", 0x0010, 0xDA, 1, "Mfr Serial Num.", "", "Manufacturer's serial number for this device", 0,30,"", ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param12 = 0, 6,"20 30 24 01 30 0A", 0x0010, 0xDA, 1, "Device Config", "", "Additional config information about this device", 0,50,"", ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param13 = 0, 6,"20 30 24 01 30 0F", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Device Alarm On", "", "Enable reporting of Alarms via the Device Status Byte", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param14 = 0, 6,"20 30 24 01 30 10", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Device Warn On", "", "Enable reporting of Warnings via the Device Status Byte", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ -------------------------Flow Sensor Class --------------------------- $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Param15 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 01 30 03", 0x0022, 0xC6, 1, "Sensor Data Type", " ", "Sets the data type for Flow Value related attribs", 0XC1,0XCB,0XC3, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param16 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 01 30 04", 0x0020, 0xC7, 2, "Sensor Data Units", " ", "Sets the units context for Flow Value related attribs", 0x1001,0x1410,0x1001, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param17 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 01 30 19", 0x0002, 0xC6, 1, "Sensor Safe State", " ", "The behavior of the Flow Value for states other than Execute", 0,3,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param18 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 01 30 23", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Gas Cal Instance", " ", "The active instance of the calibration obj.流感应器1 10 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Param19 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 01 30 08", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Sensor Alarm On", "", "Enable reporting of Flow Sensor Alarms", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param20 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 01 30 09", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Sensor Warn On", "", "Enable reporting of Flow Sensor Warnings", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ -------------------------- Actuator Class ---------------------------- $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Param21 = 0, 6,"20 32 24 01 30 03", 0x0022, 0xC6, 1, "Valve Data Type", " ", "Determines the data type for Valve Value related attribs", 0xC1,0xCB,0xC3, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param22 = 0, 6,"20 32 24 01 30 04", 0x0020, 0xC7, 2, "Valve Data Units", " ", "Sets the units context for Valve Value related attribs", 0x1001,0x1007,0x1001, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param23 = 0, 6,"20 32 24 01 30 15", 0x0002, 0xC6, 1, "Valve Safe State", " ", "The behavior of Valve Value for states other than Execute", 0,3,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param25 = 0, 6,"20 32 24 01 30 08", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Act.Alarm On", "", "Enable reporting of Actuator Alarms", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param26 = 0, 6,"20 32 24 01 30 09", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Act.Warn On", "", "Enable reporting of Actuator Warnings", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ----------------------- Flow Controller Class ------------------------ $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Param27 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 01 30 03", 0x0022, 0xC6, 1, "Ctrl Data Type", " ", "Sets the data type for Flow Control related attribs", 0XC1,0XCB,0XC3, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param28 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 01 30 04", 0x0020, 0xC7, 2, "Ctrl Data Units", " ", "Sets the units context for Flow Control related attribs", 0x1001,0x1410,0x1001, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param29 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 01 30 13", 0x0020, 0xC8, 4, "Constant Time Ramp Rate", "msec", "Sets the Flow Controller ramp time to reach the new setpoint", 0,86400000,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param30 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 01 30 64", 0x0020, 0xCA, 4, "Constant Slope Ramp Rate", "", "Sets the Flow Controller ramp slope to reach the new setpoint", 0.0,100000000,0.0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param34 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 01 30 0B", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Ctrl.Alarm On", "", "Enable reporting of Flow Controller Alarms", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param35 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 01 30 0C", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Ctrl.Warn On", "", "Enable reporting of Flow Controller Warnings", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ---------------------- Pressure Sensor Class ------------------------- $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Param36 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 02 30 03", 0x0022, 0xC6, 1, "Sensor Data Type", " ", "Sets the data type for Pressure Value related attribs", 0XC1,0XCB,0XC3, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param37 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 02 30 04", 0x0020, 0xC7, 2, "Sensor Data Units", " ", "Sets the units context for Pressure Value related attribs", 0x1001,0x1410,0x1001, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param38 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 02 30 19", 0x0002, 0xC6, 1, "Sensor Safe State", " ", "The behavior of the Pressure Value for states other than Execute", 0,3,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param39 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 02 30 23", 0x0000, 0xC7, 2, "Applic.Instance", " ", "The active Pressure Application applied to the Pressure sensor", 1,10,1, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param40 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 02 30 08", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Sensor Alarm On", "", "Enable reporting of Pressure Sensor Alarms", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param41 = 0, 6,"20 31 24 02 30 09", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Sensor Warn On", "", "Enable reporting of Pressure Sensor Warnings", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ -------------------- Pressure Controller Class ----------------------- $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Param42 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 02 30 03", 0x0022, 0xC6, 1, "Ctrl Data Type", " ", "Sets the data type for Pressure Control related attribs", 0XC1,0XCB,0XC3, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param43 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 02 30 04", 0x0020, 0xC7, 2, "Ctrl Data Units", " ", "Sets the units context for Pressure Control related attribs", 0x1001,0x1410,0x1001, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param44 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 02 30 13", 0x0020, 0xC8, 4, "Constant Time Ramp Rate", "msec", "Sets the Pressure Controller ramp time to reach the new setpoint", 0,86400000,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param45 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 02 30 64", 0x0020, 0xCA, 4, "Constant Slope Ramp Rate", "", "Sets the Pressure Controller ramp slope to reach the new setpoint", 0.0,100000000,0.0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param49 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 02 30 0B", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Ctrl.Alarm On", "", "Enable reporting of Pressure Controller Alarms", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param50 = 0, 6,"20 33 24 02 30 0C", 0x0002, 0xC1, 1, "Ctrl.Warn On", "", "Enable reporting of Pressure Controller Warnings", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0![EnumPar] Param1 = "(1)Flow", "(2)Status+Flow", "(3)Status+Flow+Valve", "(4)Status+Flow+Setpoint", "(5)Status+Flow+Setpoint+Valve", "(6)Status+Flow+Setpoint+Override+Valve", "(7) N/A", "(8) N/A", "(9)Not Supported", "(10)Not Supported", "(11)Not Supported", "(12)Not Supported", "(13)FP-Flow", "(14)FP-Status+Flow", "(15)FP-Status+Flow+Valve", "(16)FP-Status+Flow+Setpoint", "(17)FP-Status+Flow+Setpoint+Valve", "(18)FP-Status+Flow+Setpoint+Override+Valve", "(19) N/A", "(20) N/A", "(21) N/A", "(22) N/A", "(23) N/A", "(24) N/A", "(25) N/A", "(26) N/A", "(27) N/A", "(28) N/A", "(29) N/A", "(30) N/A", "(31) N/A", "(32) N/A", "(33) N/A", "(34) N/A", "(35) N/A", "(36) N/A", "(37) N/A", "(38) N/A", "(39) N/A", "(40) N/A", "(41) N/A", "(42) N/A", "(43) N/A", "(44) N/A", "(45) N/A", "(46) N/A", "(47) N/A", "(48) N/A", "(49) N/A", "(50) N/A", "(51) N/A", "(52) N/A", "(53) N/A", "(54) N/A", "(55) N/A", "(56) N/A", "(57) N/A", "(58) N/A", "(59) N/A", "(60) N/A", "(61) N/A", "(62) N/A", "(63) N/A", "(64) N/A", "(65) N/A", "(66) N/A", "(67) N/A", "(68) N/A", "(69) N/A", "(70) N/A", "(71) N/A", "(72) N/A", "(73) N/A", "(74) N/A", "(75) N/A", "(76) N/A", "(77) N/A", "(78) N/A", "(79) N/A", "(80) N/A", "(81) N/A", "(82) N/A", "(83) N/A", "(84) N/A", "(85) N/A", "(86) N/A", "(87) N/A", "(88) N/A", "(89) N/A", "(90) N/A", "(91) N/A", "(92) N/A", "(93) N/A", "(94) N/A", "(95) N/A", "(96) N/A", "(97) N/A", "(98) N/A", "(99) N/A", "(100) Status + INT( Flow ) + INT( Pressure ) + INT( Valve ) + Active Instance", "(101) Status + REAL( Flow ) + REAL( Pressure ) + REAL( Valve ) + Active Instance"!Param2 = "(1) N/A", "(2) N/A", "(3) N/A", "(4) N/A", "(5) N/A", "(6) N/A", "(7) Setpoint", "(8) Vlv.Over.+Setpoint", "(9) N/A", "(10) N/A", "(11) N/A", "(12) N/A", "(13) N/A", "(14) N/A", "(15) N/A", "(16) N/A", "(17) N/A", "(18) N/A", "(19) FP-Setpoint", "(20) FP-Vlv.Over.+Setpoint", "(21) N/A", "(22) N/A", "(23) N/A", "(24) N/A", "(25) N/A", "(26) N/A", "(27) N/A", "(28) N/A", "(29) N/A", "(30) N/A", "(31) N/A", "(32) N/A", "(33) N/A", "(34) N/A", "(35) N/A", "(36) N/A", "(37) N/A", "(38) N/A", "(39) N/A", "(40) N/A", "(41) N/A", "(42) N/A", "(43) N/A", "(44) N/A", "(45) N/A", "(46) N/A", "(47) N/A", "(48) N/A", "(49) N/A", "(50) N/A", "(51) N/A", "(52) N/A", "(53) N/A", "(54) N/A", "(55) N/A", "(56) N/A", "(57) N/A", "(58) N/A", "(59) N/A", "(60) N/A", "(61) N/A", "(62) N/A", "(63) N/A", "(64) N/A", "(65) N/A", "(66) N/A", "(67) N/A", "(68) N/A", "(69) N/A", "(70) N/A", "(71) N/A", "(72) N/A", "(73) N/A", "(74) N/A", "(75) N/A", "(76) N/A", "(77) N/A", "(78) N/A", "(79) N/A", "(80) N/A", "(81) N/A", "(82) N/A", "(83) N/A", "(84) N/A", "(85) N/A", "(86) N/A", "(87) N/A", "(88) N/A", "(89) N/A", "(90) N/A", "(91) N/A", "(92) N/A", "(93) N/A", "(94) N/A", "(95) N/A", "(96) N/A", "(97) N/A", "(98) N/A", "(99) N/A", "(100) N/A", "(101) N/A", "(102) INT( SP ) + Active Instance", "(103) REAL( SP ) + Active Instance"!Param3 = "(1)Flow", "(2)Status+Flow", "(3)Status+Flow+Valve", "(4)Status+Flow+Setpoint", "(5)Status+Flow+Setpoint+Valve", "(6)Status+Flow+Setpoint+Override+Valve", "(7) N/A", "(8) N/A", "(9)Not Supported", "(10)Not Supported", "(11)Not Supported", "(12)Not Supported", "(13)FP-Flow", "(14)FP-Status+Flow", "(15)FP-Status+Flow+Valve", "(16)FP-Status+Flow+Setpoint", "(17)FP-Status+Flow+Setpoint+Valve", "(18)FP-Status+Flow+Setpoint+Override+Valve", "(19) N/A", "(20) N/A", "(21) N/A", "(22) N/A", "(23) N/A", "(24) N/A", "(25) N/A", "(26) N/A", "(27) N/A", "(28) N/A", "(29) N/A", "(30) N/A", "(31) N/A", "(32) N/A", "(33) N/A", "(34) N/A", "(35) N/A", "(36) N/A", "(37) N/A", "(38) N/A", "(39) N/A", "(40) N/A", "(41) N/A", "(42) N/A", "(43) N/A", "(44) N/A", "(45) N/A", "(46) N/A", "(47) N/A", "(48) N/A", "(49) N/A", "(50) N/A", "(51) N/A", "(52) N/A", "(53) N/A", "(54) N/A", "(55) N/A", "(56) N/A", "(57) N/A", "(58) N/A", "(59) N/A", "(60) N/A", "(61) N/A", "(62) N/A", "(63) N/A", "(64) N/A", "(65) N/A", "(66) N/A", "(67) N/A", "(68) N/A", "(69) N/A", "(70) N/A", "(71) N/A", "(72) N/A", "(73) N/A", "(74) N/A", "(75) N/A", "(76) N/A", "(77) N/A", "(78) N/A", "(79) N/A", "(80) N/A", "(81) N/A", "(82) N/A", "(83) N/A", "(84) N/A", "(85) N/A", "(86) N/A", "(87) N/A", "(88) N/A", "(89) N/A", "(90) N/A", "(91) N/A", "(92) N/A", "(93) N/A", "(94) N/A", "(95) N/A", "(96) N/A", "(97) N/A", "(98) N/A", "(99) N/A", "(100) Status + INT( Flow ) + INT( Pressure ) + INT( Valve ) + Active Instance", "(101) Status + REAL( Flow ) + REAL( Pressure ) + REAL( Valve ) + Active Instance"!Param4 = "(1)Flow", "(2)Status+Flow", "(3)Status+Flow+Valve", "(4)Status+Flow+Setpoint", "(5)Status+Flow+Setpoint+Valve", "(6)Status+Flow+Setpoint+Override+Valve", "(7) N/A", "(8) N/A", "(9)Not Supported", "(10)Not Supported", "(11)Not Supported", "(12)Not Supported", "(13)FP-Flow", "(14)FP-Status+Flow", "(15)FP-Status+Flow+Valve", "(16)FP-Status+Flow+Setpoint", "(17)FP-Status+Flow+Setpoint+Valve", "(18)FP-Status+Flow+Setpoint+Override+Valve", "(19) N/A", "(20) N/A", "(21) N/A", "(22) N/A", "(23) N/A", "(24) N/A", "(25) N/A", "(26) N/A", "(27) N/A", "(28) N/A", "(29) N/A", "(30) N/A", "(31) N/A", "(32) N/A", "(33) N/A", "(34) N/A", "(35) N/A", "(36) N/A", "(37) N/A", "(38) N/A", "(39) N/A", "(40) N/A", "(41) N/A", "(42) N/A", "(43) N/A", "(44) N/A", "(45) N/A", "(46) N/A", "(47) N/A", "(48) N/A", "(49) N/A", "(50) N/A", "(51) N/A", "(52) N/A", "(53) N/A", "(54) N/A", "(55) N/A", "(56) N/A", "(57) N/A", "(58) N/A", "(59) N/A", "(60) N/A", "(61) N/A", "(62) N/A", "(63) N/A", "(64) N/A", "(65) N/A", "(66) N/A", "(67) N/A", "(68) N/A", "(69) N/A", "(70) N/A", "(71) N/A", "(72) N/A", "(73) N/A", "(74) N/A", "(75) N/A", "(76) N/A", "(77) N/A", "(78) N/A", "(79) N/A", "(80) N/A", "(81) N/A", "(82) N/A", "(83) N/A", "(84) N/A", "(85) N/A", "(86) N/A", "(87) N/A", "(88) N/A", "(89) N/A", "(90) N/A", "(91) N/A", "(92) N/A", "(93) N/A", "(94) N/A", "(95) N/A", "(96) N/A", "(97) N/A", "(98) N/A", "(99) N/A", "(100) Status + INT( Flow ) + INT( Pressure ) + INT( Valve ) + Active Instance", "(101) Status + REAL( Flow ) + REAL( Pressure ) + REAL( Valve ) + Active Instance"!param13 = 残疾,babledspram14=dabledParam15 = "BOOL", "SINT", "INT", "DINT", "LINT", "USINT", "UINT", "UDINT", "ULINT", "REAL", "LREAL"!param17表示零度、宽度、延迟最后值、安全值使用spram19=dabledspram20=dabledParam21 = "BOOL", "SINT", "INT", "DINT", "LINT", "USINT", "UINT", "UDINT", "ULINT", "REAL", "LREAL"!param23 = 零/关闭/闭合,Full比例/On/Openparam25=残疾,abeldparam26 = 残疾,babledParam27 = "BOOL", "SINT", "INT", "DINT", "LINT", "USINT", "UINT", "UDINT", "ULINT", "REAL", "LREAL"!param34 = 残疾,babledparam35 = 残疾,cabledParam36 = "BOOL", "SINT", "INT", "DINT", "LINT", "USINT", "UINT", "UDINT", "ULINT", "REAL", "LREAL"!param38 = 零度 宽度 延迟最后值 安全值spram40=dabledspram41=dabledParam42 = "BOOL", "SINT", "INT", "DINT", "LINT", "USINT", "UINT", "UDINT", "ULINT", "REAL", "LREAL"!spram49=dabledspram50=dabled第1组=四组一二三四Group2=DeviceInfo 8,56,7,8,9,9,10,11,12Group3=Flow传感器4 15161718第4组=valve 3 212223Group5=Flow控件4 27282930Group6=Sftstart控件4 293044457组=ARMs/Warnings 8 131419202634358组436373839Group9=Presserve控件4 42434445