美元3.11.1.20151008 EZ-EDS版本生成的电子数据表设备网元配置器生成的电子数据表csm - 3179美元美元EDS文件- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EDS文件信息部分美元[文件]DescText =“LS1881.eds”;EDS文件名CreateDate美元= 08-08-2017;美元EDS文件创建日期CreateTime = 16:26:45;EDS文件创建时间ModDate美元= 08-08-2017;美元EDS文件最后修改日期ModTime = 16:45:40;EDS文件最后修改时间修改= 1.1美元;EDS文件修订美元- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -设备信息部分(设备)VendCode美元= 515;自动售货机代码VendName美元= " Cosmo仪器有限公司。”;卖主名称字符串ProdType = 43美元;产品类型ProdTypeStr美元=“通用设备”; $ Product Type String ProdCode = 54; $ Product Code MajRev = 1; $ Device Major Revision MinRev = 1; $ Device Minot Revision ProdName = "LS-1881"; $ Device Product Name String $ ------------------------------ $ I/O Information Section [IO_Info] Default = 0x0001; $ Default I/O Type Mask = Valid connection type $ b0:Poll, b1:Strobe, b2:Change Of State, b3:Cyclic $ Poll Enable PollInfo = 0x0001, $ Poll Information, Comaptible I/O type Mask, Poll $ Poll connection can be combined with I / O type 1, $ Default Producing Connection = follow "Input1" 1; $ Default Consumed Connection = follow "Output1" StrobeInfo = 0x0002, $ Strobe Information, Compatible I/O type Mask, Strobe 9, $ Default Produced Connection 9; $ Default Consumed Connection COSInfo = 0x0004, $ COS Information, Compatible I/O type Mask, COS 1, $ Default Produced Connection 1; $ Default Consumed Connection = none CyclicInfo = 0x0008, $ Cyclic Information, Compatible I/O type Mask Cyclic 1, $ Default Producced Connection 1; $ Default Consumed Connection = none $ ------------------------------ $ defined I / O Assembly Object Instance�iInput�FProduced�j $ Produced Connection Path Entry Input1 = 192, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, $ Number Of Significant Bits(0=ALL) 0x000D, $ Comaptible I/O Type Mask "Input S8", $ Name String 6, $ Connection Path Size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help String Input2 = 168, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, $ Number Of Significant Bits(0=ALL) 0x000D, $ Compatible I/O Type Mask "Input S7", $ Name String 6, $ Connection Path Size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help String Input3 = 144, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x000D, "Input S6", 6, "20 04 24 64 30 03", ""; Input4 = 120, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x000C, "Input S5", 6, "20 04 24 64 30 03", ""; Input5 = 96, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x000D, "Input S4", 6, "20 04 24 64 30 03", ""; Input6 = 72, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x000D, "Input S3", 6, "20 04 24 64 30 03", ""; Input7 = 48, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x000D, "Input S2", 6, "20 04 24 64 30 03", ""; Input8 = 24, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x000D, "Input S1", 6, "20 04 24 64 30 03", ""; Input9 = 8, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) for Bit Strobe 0, 0x0002, "Produced Data BitStrobe", 6, "20 04 24 64 30 03", ""; $ ------------------------------ $ defined I / O Assembly Object Instance�iOutput�FConsumed�j $ Consumed Connection Path Entry Output1 = 192, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, $ Number Of Significant Bits 0x0001, $ Comaptible I/O Type Mask "Output S8", $ Name String 6, $ Connection Path Size "20 04 24 65 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help String Output2 = 168, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x0001, "Output S7", 6, "20 04 24 65 30 03", ""; Output3 = 144, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x0001, "Output S6", 6, "20 04 24 65 30 03", ""; Output4 = 120, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x0001, "Output S5", 6, "20 04 24 65 30 03", ""; Output5 = 96, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x0001, "Output S4", 6, "20 04 24 65 30 03", ""; Output6 = 72, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x0001, "Output S3", 6, "20 04 24 65 30 03", ""; Output7 = 48, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x0001, "Output S2", 6, "20 04 24 65 30 03", ""; Output8 = 24, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x0001, "Output S1", 6, "20 04 24 65 30 03", ""; Output9 = 8, $ bytes to be transfered(byte) 0, 0x0002, "Consumed Data BitStrobe", 6, "20 03 24 65 30 03", ""; $ end of CSM-3179 EDS File