美元3.23.1.20171205 EZ-EDS版本生成的电子数据表[文件]DescText =“EVT-T9DA”;CreateDate = 07-23-2002;CreateTime = 09:30:30;ModDate = 07-18-2018;ModTime = 16:39:11;修订= 1.4;HomeURL = " https://www.ckd.co.jp ";(设备)VendCode = 201;VendName = " CKD公司”;ProdType = 0; ProdTypeStr = "Generic Device"; ProdCode = 90; MajRev = 20; MinRev = 1; ProdName = "EVT-T9DA"; Catalog = "SM-A02930(-A)"; [IO_Info] Default = 0x0001; $ Default I/OConnection is Poll PollInfo = 0x0003, $ Strobe can be combined with 4, $ Default Input = Input4 (Monitor) $ 0 or 4 Regulator blocks connected 4; $ Default Output = Output4 (Control) $ 0 or 4 Regulator blocks connected StrobeInfo = 0x0003, $ Poll can be combined with 4, $ Default Input = Input4 $ 0 or 4 Regulator blocks connected 0; $ Default Output = No data $ -- Input Connections -- Input1 = 2, $ 1 Regulator block connected 0, $ All bit is significant 0x0003, $ Poll and Strobeused this data "Input Data", $ Data name 6, $ Path size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help string Input2 = 4, $ 2 Regulator blocks connected 0, $ All bit is significant 0x0003, $ Poll and Strobeused this data "Input Data", $ Data name 6, $ Path size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help string Input3 = 6, $ 3 Regulator blocks connected 0, $ All bit is significant 0x0003, $ Poll and Strobeused this data "Input Data", $ Data name 6, $ Path size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help string Input4 = 8, $ 0 or 4 Regulator blocks connected 0, $ All bit is significant 0x0003, $ Poll and Strobeused this data "Input Data", $ Data name 6, $ Path size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help string $ -- Output Connections -- Output1 = 2, $ 1 Regulator block connected 0, $ All bit is significant 0x0001, $ Poll used this data "Output Data", $ Data name 6, $ Path size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help string Output2 = 4, $ 2 Regulator blocks connected 0, $ All bit is significant 0x0001, $ Poll used this data "Output Data", $ Data name 6, $ Path size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help string Output3 = 6, $ 3 Regulator blocks connected 0, $ All bit is significant 0x0001, $ Poll used this data "Output Data", $ Data name 6, $ Path size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help string Output4 = 8, $ 0 or 4 Regulator blocks connected 0, $ All bit is significant 0x0001, $ Poll used this data "Output Data", $ Data name 6, $ Path size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Connection Path ""; $ Help string [ParamClass] Object_Name = "Parameter Object"; Object_Class_Code = 0x0F; MaxInst = 0; Descriptor = 0x0000; CfgAssembly = 0;