$电子数据表版权@2019-2029Yokogawa电公司Desctext = YokogawaAdmaCreateDate=07242019创建时间=09:34:08ModDate=11-27-2019ModTime=13:10:38修订版=1.0HomeURL = http://www.yokogawa.com/1_IOC_Disats_License=0x12CB8D1FVendCode=250VendName=Yokogawa电厂ProdType=43predTypeStr=Generic设备(密钥)ProdCode=201MajRev=1MinRev=1ProdName=AXG4A磁流计Catalog=AXG4A图标=AXG.icoIconContents = "AAABAAEAMDAAAAEAIACoJQAAFgAAACgAAAAwAAAAYAAAAAEAIAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD/////////////////////////////////////" "///////////////////////////+/v7/1dXV/6+vr//IyMj/5eXl//7+/v//" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "//////////////////////////////////////7+/v/Hx8f/Pj4+/0BAQP87" "Ozv/PT09/6urq//+/v7/////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" 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"PDz/k5OT/zk5Of85OTn/Ojo6/0lJSf+SkpL/n5+f//X19f//////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////+/v7/4eHh/9fX1//hoaG/5GRkf/d3d3/" "/v7+///////////////////////w8PD/QUFB/4mJif+Ojo7/kI+P/7Gxsf/+" "/v7//v7+//z8/P91dXX/Pz8//zk5Of85OTn/QUFB/4GBgf+Wlpb/5eXl//7+" "/v//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "//////////////////////////////////////////////////7+/v/+/v7/" "/v7+//7+/v/+/v7/////////////////7Ozs/6Ghof+fnpz/aGhh/3p7cP+D" "gnf/iYh8/5qZkP+dnZr/s7Oy//39/f/4+Pj/mpqa/2JiYv9oaGj/iYmJ/6ys" "rP/r6+v//v7+////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////rq+o/1pZNf9q" "ajb/cXE1/42NO/+ZmUP/np5K/5iXOv+Skjb/iolD//b28/////////////7+" "/v/+/v7//v7+//7+/v//////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////5eXi/0pKM/9ISDH/eXo4/5GROP+KijT/jYw0/4+OMv+PjjL/mphL//3+" "/f//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////8PHw/2trW/9QTzP/cXEz/4SFOv+Yl0b/jo5J/4GA" "PP+Pj0H/1ta0//3+/v/+/v7/////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "/////////////////////////////////////v7+/6iopf9JSDP/Y2Mz/3Jz" "M/9vbzP/Q0My/0pKOP9NTDr/YmJS/42Ncf+6urP/+fn5//7+/v//////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "/////////////////////v7+//7+/v/+/v7//v7+//7+/v/+/v7/5eXk/4OD" "gP9ISDP/UVEz/z4+Mv9CQTP/QkIy/0VFMv9jYzP/fHw0/4yLNf9qazT/fX1H" 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"Wzj/f380/8nKo//+/v7/////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "/////////////////////////////f39/7a1m/+VlT7/cnI2/0hHM/89PDP/" "PT0z/0BAM/9FRTP/bGsz/1VWMv+IiTX/iIhA/8XFw//Kysr/ysrK/8rKyv/K" "ysr/ysrK/6mpnv96ezb/iYk8/+Ljzv/+/v7/////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "/////////////////////////////////////////////v7+/729sv91dTb/" "Xl40/1lYNP9HRzP/R0cz/0ZGM/9ISDP/cXEz/15eM/+Kijf/f380/4yMav/Q" "z8v/6urq/+rq6v/p6un/ysrH/1VVP/+AgDT/r69w//7+/f/+////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////+/v7/" "5ufh/19fPf9YWDP/WFcz/2BgMv9eXTP/U1Iz/1FRM/9SUTP/X14y/3t6NP9n" "ZjP/j5A5/4iINv9rakf/np+T/62tpf+KioH/Sko5/2VkNP+RkTf/4ODF//7+" "/v//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "///////////+////3NzS/5aWWP/Dw27/wcJq/8HCaP/AwGr/c3I//19fM/9c" "XDP/XF0z/3V1M/97fDP/eHcz/5eXPP+Tkjv/eXk1/4aGNv9mZjX/gIE1/5WW" "OP/T0qb//v7+//7+/v//////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////6+rq/4+PVf+4uFv/u7tk/7y8af+1" "tF7/kZE4/3l5M/9wcDL/aWkz/2hoMv99fTP/i4oy/4OCM/+Skjb/n548/5eX" "Pf+Ghjb/q6tQ/+bmy//+/v7//v7+////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "/////////////////////////////////////////////////v7+//3+/f/+" "/v7//v7+//7+/v/9/v3/6enh/9PTvP/Nzqz/x8ee/8rLrP+0tJX/oaFw/6us" "ZP+qqFz/rK1V/7y9c//V1ar/+fn0//7+/v//////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "///+/v7//v7+//7+/v/+/v7//v7+//7+/v/+/v7/////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "//////////8AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="!第1类EtherNetIP[Params] Param1 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Flowrate percent", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param2 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Flowrate", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param3 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 1", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param4 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 2", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param5 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 3", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param6 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type ( UDINT ) 4, $ Data size "Total 1 cnt", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,2147483647,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param7 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type ( UDINT ) 4, $ Data size "Total 2 cnt", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,2147483647,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param8 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type ( UDINT ) 4, $ Data size "Total 3 cnt", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,2147483647,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param9 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Velocity", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param10 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Volume flow", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param11 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Mass flow", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param12 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data type ( DWORD ) 4, $ Data size "Status group 0", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum12 = 0,"10:Main board CPU failure", 1,"11:Reverse calculation failure", 2,"12:Main board EEPROM failure", 3,"13:Main board EEPROM default", 8,"14:Sensor board failure", 9,"15:Sensor communication error", 10,"16:A/D1 failure[Signal]", 11,"17:A/D2 failure[Exciter]", 12,"18:Coil open", 13,"19:Coil short", 14,"20:Exciter failure", 24,"27:Parameter restore incomplete", 25,"28:Indicator board failure", 26,"29:Indicator board EEPROM failure", 27,"30:LCD driver failure", 28,"31:Indicator board mismatch", 29,"32:Indicator communication error", 30,"33:microSD failure"!Param13 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data type ( DWORD ) 4, $ Data size "Status group 1", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum13 = 0,"50:Signal overflow", 1,"51:Empty pipe detection", 2,"52:H/L or HH/LL alarm", 3,"53:Adhesion over level 4", 8,"60:Span configuration error", 9,"61:PV flow select configuration error", 13,"65:H/L HH/LL configuration error", 14,"66:Density configuration error", 18,"69:Nominal size configuration error", 19,"70:Adhesion configuration error", 20,"71:Flow noise configuration error", 21,"72:Data logging not started", 29,"85:Cable misconnect", 30,"86:Coil insulation warning", 31,"131:Transmitter type mismatch"!Param14 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data type ( DWORD ) 4, $ Data size "Status group 2", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum14 = 0,"87:Adhesion over level 3", 1,"88:Low conductivity warning", 2,"89:Insulation detection", 3,"90:Flow noise over level 3", 4,"91:Flow noise over level 4", 5,"92:Autozero warning", 6,"93:Verification warning", 7,"94:Factory noise warning", 8,"95:Simulation active", 16,"101:Parameter restore running", 17,"102:Display over warning", 18,"103:microSD size warning", 19,"104:Parameter backup incomplete", 20,"105:microSD card mismatch", 21,"106:microSD card removal procedure err", 24,"120:Watchdog", 25,"121:Power off", 26,"122:Instant power failure", 27,"123:Parameter backup running", 28,"124:Data logging running"!Param15 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data type ( DWORD ) 4, $ Data size "Status group 3", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum15=24,200:可选棋盘逗号差错1,25,201:可选棋盘逗号差错2Param16 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Velocity damping", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.1,200.0,3.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param17 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Velocity damping for TTL",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.0,200.0,3.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param18 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Volume flow damping", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.1,200.0,3.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param19 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Volume flow damping for TTL",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.0,200.0,3.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param20 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Mass flow damping", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.1,200.0,3.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param21 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Mass flow damping for TTL",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.0,200.0,3.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param22 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 2F 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "PV flow select", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !元十进制精度(未使用)enum22=0,Veightity,1,Volume流,2,Mass流,3,DiagParam23 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Velocity unit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum23=0mssParam24 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Volume unit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum24 = 0,"Ml(Megaliter)", 1,"m3", 2,"kl(Kiloliter)", 3,"l(liter)", 4,"cm3", 5,"kcf", 6,"cf", 7,"mcf", 8,"Mgal(US)", 9,"kgal(US)", 10,"gal(US)", 11,"mgal(US)", 12,"kbbl(US Oil)", 13,"bbl(US Oil)", 14,"mbbl(US Oil)", 15,"ubbl(US Oil)", 16,"kbbl(US Beer)", 17,"bbl(US Beer)", 18,"mbbl(US Beer)", 19,"ubbl(US Beer)"!Param25 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Mass unit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum25 = 0,"t", 1,"kg", 2,"g", 3,"klb", 4,"lb"!Param26 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Time unit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,2, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum26=0,ss,Param27 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 34 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Velocity span", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.0,3.4e+38,1.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param28 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 35 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Volume flow span", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.0,3.4e+38,28.2743, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param29 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 36 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Mass flow span", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.0,3.4e+38,1.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param30 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 38 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Autozero exec", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum30=0,非执行,1,执行Param31 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 39 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Zero", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99.999,99.999,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param32 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 1 unit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum32 = 0,"Ml(Megaliter)", 1,"m3", 2,"kl(Kiloliter)", 3,"l(liter)", 4,"cm3", 5,"t", 6,"kg", 7,"g", 8,"kcf", 9,"cf", 10,"mcf", 11,"Mgal(US)", 12,"kgal(US)", 13,"gal(US)", 14,"mgal(US)", 15,"kbbl(US Oil)", 16,"bbl(US Oil)", 17,"mbbl(US Oil)", 18,"ubbl(US Oil)", 19,"kbbl(US Beer)", 20,"bbl(US Beer)", 21,"mbbl(US Beer)", 22,"ubbl(US Beer)", 23,"klb(US)", 24,"lb(US)"!Param33 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 1 conversion factor",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -3.4e+38,3.4e+38,1.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param34 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 1 lowcut", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.0,3.4e+38,0.84823, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param35 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 1 failure option",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum35=0,Measured值,1,Stop,2,LastParam36 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 1 option", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,2, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum36 = 0,"Balanced", 1,"Absolute", 2,"Only positive", 3,"Only negative", 4,"Hold"!Param37 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 1 start/stop", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum37=0,Stop,1,StartParam38 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 1 reset/preset", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum38=0,非执行,1,重置2,PresetParam39 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 1 preset value", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -3.4e+38,3.4e+38,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param40 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 2 unit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum40 = 0,"Ml(Megaliter)", 1,"m3", 2,"kl(Kiloliter)", 3,"l(liter)", 4,"cm3", 5,"t", 6,"kg", 7,"g", 8,"kcf", 9,"cf", 10,"mcf", 11,"Mgal(US)", 12,"kgal(US)", 13,"gal(US)", 14,"mgal(US)", 15,"kbbl(US Oil)", 16,"bbl(US Oil)", 17,"mbbl(US Oil)", 18,"ubbl(US Oil)", 19,"kbbl(US Beer)", 20,"bbl(US Beer)", 21,"mbbl(US Beer)", 22,"ubbl(US Beer)", 23,"klb(US)", 24,"lb(US)"!Param41 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 2 conversion factor",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -3.4e+38,3.4e+38,1.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param42 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 2 lowcut", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.0,3.4e+38,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param43 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 2 failure option",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum43=0,Measured值,1,Stop,2,LastParam44 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 2 option", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,3, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum44 = 0,"Balanced", 1,"Absolute", 2,"Only positive", 3,"Only negative", 4,"Hold"!Param45 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 2 start/stop", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum45=0,Stop,1,StartParam46 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 2 reset/preset", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum46=0,非执行,1,重置,2,预置Param47 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 2 preset value", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -3.4e+38,3.4e+38,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param48 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 3 unit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum48 = 0,"Ml(Megaliter)", 1,"m3", 2,"kl(Kiloliter)", 3,"l(liter)", 4,"cm3", 5,"t", 6,"kg", 7,"g", 8,"kcf", 9,"cf", 10,"mcf", 11,"Mgal(US)", 12,"kgal(US)", 13,"gal(US)", 14,"mgal(US)", 15,"kbbl(US Oil)", 16,"bbl(US Oil)", 17,"mbbl(US Oil)", 18,"ubbl(US Oil)", 19,"kbbl(US Beer)", 20,"bbl(US Beer)", 21,"mbbl(US Beer)", 22,"ubbl(US Beer)", 23,"klb(US)", 24,"lb(US)"!Param49 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 3 conversion factor",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -3.4e+38,3.4e+38,1.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param50 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 3 lowcut", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.0,3.4e+38,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param51 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 3 failure option",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum51=0,Measured值,1,Stop,2,LastParam52 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 3 option", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum52 = 0,"Balanced", 1,"Absolute", 2,"Only positive", 3,"Only negative", 4,"Hold"!Param53 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 3 start/stop", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum53=0,Stop,1,StartParam54 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Total 3 reset/preset", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum54=0,非执行,1,重置,2,预置Param55 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Total 3 preset value", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -3.4e+38,3.4e+38,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param56 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Flow direction", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum56=0ForstParam57 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Density unit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !eum57=0kg/m3llb/gal2lb/cfParam58 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Fixed density", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.0,999999.0,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param59 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 6F 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data type ( DWORD ) 4, $ Data size "Alarm out mask 1", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0x02000000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum59 = 3,"13:Main board EEPROM default on", 25,"28:Indicator board failure on", 26,"29:Ind EEP FAIL on", 27,"30:LCD driver Failure on", 28,"31:Indicator board mismatch on", 29,"32:Indicator communication error on", 30,"33:microSD Failure on"!Param60 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 70 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data type ( DWORD ) 4, $ Data size "Alarm out mask 2", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0x4000000C, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum60 = 0,"50:Signal overflow on", 1,"51:Empty pipe detection on", 2,"52:H/L HH/LL alarm on", 3,"53:Adhesion over level 4 on", 8,"60:Span configuration error on", 9,"61:PV flow configuration error on", 13,"65:H/L HH/LL configuration error on", 14,"66:Density configuration error on", 18,"69:Nominal size configuration error on", 19,"70:Adhesion configuration error on", 20,"71:Flow noise config error on", 21,"72:Data logging not started on", 29,"85:Cable misconnect on", 30,"86:Coil insulation warning on", 31,"131:Transmitter type mismatch on"!Param61 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 71 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data type ( DWORD ) 4, $ Data size "Alarm out mask 3", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0x1F3700DF, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum61 = 0,"87:Adhesion over level 3 on", 1,"88:Low conductivity warning on", 2,"89:Insulation detection on", 3,"90:Flow noise over level 3 on", 4,"91:Flow noise over level 4 on", 5,"92:Autozero warning on", 6,"93:Verification warning on", 7,"94:Factory noise warning on", 8,"95:Simulation active on", 16,"101:Parameter restore running on", 17,"102:Display over warning on", 18,"103:microSD card size warning on", 19,"104:Parameter backup incomplete on", 20,"105:microSD card mismatch on", 21,"106:microSD card removal error on", 24,"120:Watchdog on", 25,"121:Power off on", 26,"122:Instant power failure on", 27,"123:Parameter backup running on", 28,"124:Data logging running on"!Param62 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 72 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data type ( DWORD ) 4, $ Data size "Alarm out mask 4", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0x00000000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum62=24,200:可选棋盘逗号差错1,25,201:可选棋盘逗号差错2Param63 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 C7 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Adhesion check", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum63=0,Diblebility,1,EnableParam64 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Adhesion measure value",$ Parameter name "M ohm", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param65 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Adhesion status", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum65 = 0,"Level0", 1,"Level1", 2,"Level2", 3,"Level3", 4,"Level4"!Param66 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 CF 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Flow noise check", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum66=0,Diblebility,1,EnableParam67 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Flow noise value", $ Parameter name "cm/s", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param68 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Flow noise status", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum68 = 0,"Level0", 1,"Level1", 2,"Level2", 3,"Level3", 4,"Level4"!Param69 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 D6 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Flow noise damping", $ Parameter name "s", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.1,500.0,3.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param70 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 D7 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Flow noise span", $ Parameter name "cm/s", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0.1,999.9,150.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param71 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 D8 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Low conductivity function",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum71=0,DisableParam72 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Conductivity", $ Parameter name "mS/cm", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param73 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "IEX coil resistance", $ Parameter name "ohm", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param74 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Electrode voltage A", $ Parameter name "V", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param75 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data type ( REAL ) 4, $ Data size "Electrode voltage B", $ Parameter name "V", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0.0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param76 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Empty status", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum76=0,Full,1,EmptyParam77 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E5 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Verification mode", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum77=0,无流,1,FlowParam78 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E6 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Verification execute", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum78=0,非执行,1,执行Param79 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E7 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0002, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Verification No", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum79=0,Factory,1,Previce,2,PresentParam80 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E8 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Verification check result",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,3, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum80 = 0,"Passed", 1,"Failed", 2,"Canceled", 3,"No Data", 4,"Unknown", 5,"Skip"!Param81 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 EA 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Magnetic result", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,3, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum81 = 0,"Passed", 1,"Failed", 2,"Canceled", 3,"No Data", 4,"Unknown", 5,"Skip"!Param82 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 EB 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Exciting circuit result",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,3, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum82 = 0,"Passed", 1,"Failed", 2,"Canceled", 3,"No Data", 4,"Unknown", 5,"Skip"!Param83 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 EC 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Calculation circuit result",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,3, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum83 = 0,"Passed", 1,"Failed", 2,"Canceled", 3,"No Data", 4,"Unknown", 5,"Skip"!Param84 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 ED 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Device status result", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,3, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum84 = 0,"Passed", 1,"Failed", 2,"Canceled", 3,"No Data", 4,"Unknown", 5,"Skip"!Param85 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 EE 00 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Connection status result",$ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,3, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Enum85 = 0,"Passed", 1,"Failed", 2,"Canceled", 3,"No Data", 4,"Unknown", 5,"Skip"!Param86 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 14 01 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0012, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type ( USINT ) 1, $ Data size "Write protect", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string ,,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)Enum86=0Param87 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 15 01 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xDA, $ Data type ( SHORT_STRING ) 1, $ Data size "Enable write protect", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,8," ", $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param88 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 16 01 30 05",$ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x4000, $ Descriptor 0xDA, $ Data type ( SHORT_STRING ) 1, $ Data size "New password", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,8," ", $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param1000 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path (class, instance, attribute) 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type ( UDINT ) 4, $ Data size "RPI Range", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 5000,10000000,20000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ Default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(未使用)sgroup1 = "处理变量"11 12 4 4、5 6 7 8 9 1011组2表示状态 4 12 13 14 15Group3 = 处理参数7 16171819202122group4=system单元423242526Group5=Cal5 27 28 29 30 31Group6 = Totalizer1 8323334353637397组2 8 40414243444546478组3 8495051525455第9组=传感器调适Group10=外部补偿2 57 58Group11表示保护者 3 86 87 88第12组=Awarm掩码4 59606162第13组=Dignosis 23,6364656667686970717273747576777879808182838485Object_Name=ActiveObjectiveObject_Class_Code=0x04Assem5 = "CONFIG", $ Assembly Name "20 04 24 05 30 03", $ Path 92, $ Size in bytes 0x0000, $ Descriptor, default = 0 ,, $ Reserved fields 32,Param16, $ Velocity damping 32,Param17, $ Velocity damping for TTL 32,Param18, $ Volume flow damping 32,Param19, $ Volume flow damping for TTL 32,Param20, $ Mass flow damping 32,Param21, $ Mass flow damping for TTL 8,Param23, $ Velocity unit 8,Param24, $ Volume unit 8,Param25, $ Mass unit 8,Param26, $ Time unit 32,Param33, $ Total 1 conversion factor 32,Param34, $ Total 1 lowcut 8,Param35, $ Total 1 failure option 8,Param36, $ Total 1 option 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 32,Param39, $ Total 1 preset value 8,Param40, $ Total 2 unit 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 32,Param41, $ Total 2 conversion factor 32,Param42, $ Total 2 lowcut 8,Param43, $ Total 2 failure option 8,Param44, $ Total 2 option 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 32,Param47, $ Total 2 preset value 8,Param48, $ Total 3 unit 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 32,Param49, $ Total 3 conversion factor 32,Param50, $ Total 3 lowcut 8,Param51, $ Total 3 failure option 8,Param52, $ Total 3 option 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 32,Param55, $ Total 3 preset value 8,Param56, $ Flow direction 8,Param57, $ Density unit 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 32,Param58!$ Fixed density Assem100 = "IN1", $ Assembly Name "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ Path 61, $ Size in bytes 0x0000, $ Descriptor, default = 0 ,, $ Reserved fields 32,Param1, $ Flowrate% 32,Param2, $ Flowrate 32,Param3, $ Total 1 32,Param4, $ Total 2 32,Param5, $ Total 3 32,Param6, $ Total 1 cnt 32,Param7, $ Total 2 cnt 32,Param8, $ Total 3 cnt 32,Param9, $ Velocity 32,Param10, $ Volume flow 32,Param11, $ Mass flow 32,Param12, $ Status group 0 32,Param13, $ Status group 1 32,Param14, $ Status group 2 32,Param15, $ Status group 3 8,Param23!$ Velocity unit Assem101 = "IN2", $ Assembly Name "20 04 24 65 30 03", $ Path 39, $ Size in bytes 0x0000, $ Descriptor, default = 0 ,, $ Reserved fields 32,Param1, $ Flowrate% 32,Param2, $ Flowrate 32,Param3, $ Total 1 32,Param6, $ Total 1 cnt 32,Param10, $ Volume flow 32,Param12, $ Status group 0 32,Param13, $ Status group 1 32,Param14, $ Status group 2 32,Param15, $ Status group 3 8,Param24, $ Volume unit 8,Param26, $ Time unit 8,Param32!$ Total 1 unit Assem102 = "IN3", $ Assembly Name "20 04 24 66 30 03", $ Path 62, $ Size in bytes 0x0000, $ Descriptor, default = 0 ,, $ Reserved fields 32,Param1, $ Flowrate% 32,Param2, $ Flowrate 32,Param3, $ Total 1 32,Param4, $ Total 2 32,Param5, $ Total 3 32,Param6, $ Total 1 cnt 32,Param7, $ Total 2 cnt 32,Param8, $ Total 3 cnt 32,Param10, $ Volume flow 32,Param11, $ Mass flow 32,Param12, $ Status group 0 32,Param13, $ Status group 1 32,Param14, $ Status group 2 32,Param15, $ Status group 3 8,Param24, $ Volume unit 8,Param25, $ Mass unit 8,Param26, $ Time unit 8,Param32, $ Total 1 unit 8,Param40, $ Total 2 unit 8,Param48!$ Total 3 unit Assem103 = "IN4", $ Assembly Name "20 04 24 67 30 03", $ Path 49, $ Size in bytes 0x0000, $ Descriptor, default = 0 ,, $ Reserved fields 32,Param12, $ Status group 0 32,Param13, $ Status group 1 32,Param14, $ Status group 2 32,Param15, $ Status group 3 32,Param64, $ Adhesion measure value 8,Param65, $ Adhesion status 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 32,Param67, $ Flow noise value 8,Param68, $ Flow noise status 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 8,, $ Padding 32,Param72, $ Conductivity 32,Param73, $ IEX coil resistance 32,Param74, $ Electrode voltage A 32,Param75, $ Electrode voltage B 8,Param76!$ Empty status Assem150 = "OUT1", $ Assembly Name "20 04 24 96 30 03", $ Path 6, $ Size in bytes 0x0000, $ Descriptor, default = 0 ,, $ Reserved fields 8,Param37, $ Total 1 start/stop 8,Param38, $ Total 1 reset/preset 8,Param45, $ Total 2 start/stop 8,Param46, $ Total 2 reset/preset 8,Param53, $ Total 3 start/stop 8,Param54!3元重置/预置对象Object_Class_Code=0x06Connection1 = 0x04030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77640405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,,Assem150, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem100, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 92,Assem5, $ Target config size, format "Process Variable + Total + Configuration",$ Connection Name "Process Variable + Total + Configuration",$ Help Name "20 04 24 05 2C 96 2C 64";$ Path Connection2 = 0x04030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77640405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,,Assem150, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem100, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 0,, $ Target config size, format "Process Variable + Total",$ Connection Name "Process Variable + Total",$ Help Name "20 04 24 00 2C 96 2C 64";$ Path Connection3 = 0x02030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x44640305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,0,, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem100, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 92,Assem5, $ Target config size, format "Process Variable + Configuration",$ Connection Name "Process Variable + Configuration",$ Help Name "20 04 24 05 2C 03 2C 64";$ Path Connection4 = 0x02030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x44640305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,0,, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem100, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 0,, $ Target config size, format "Process Variable ", $ Connection Name "Process Variable ", $ Help Name "20 04 24 00 2C 03 2C 64";$ Path Connection5 = 0x04030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77640405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,,Assem150, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem101, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 92,Assem5, $ Target config size, format "Volume + Total + Configuration",$ Connection Name "Volume + Total + Configuration",$ Help Name "20 04 24 05 2C 96 2C 65";$ Path Connection6 = 0x04030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77640405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,,Assem150, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem101, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 0,, $ Target config size, format "Volume + Total", $ Connection Name "Volume + Total", $ Help Name "20 04 24 00 2C 96 2C 65";$ Path Connection7 = 0x02030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x44640305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,0,, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem101, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 92,Assem5, $ Target config size, format "Volume + Configuration",$ Connection Name "Volume + Configuration",$ Help Name "20 04 24 05 2C 03 2C 65";$ Path Connection8 = 0x02030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x44640305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,0,, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem101, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 0,, $ Target config size, format "Volume", $ Connection Name "Volume", $ Help Name "20 04 24 00 2C 03 2C 65";$ Path Connection9 = 0x04030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77640405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,,Assem150, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem102, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 92,Assem5, $ Target config size, format "Mass + Total + Configuration",$ Connection Name "Mass + Total + Configuration",$ Help Name "20 04 24 05 2C 96 2C 66";$ Path Connection10 = 0x04030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77640405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,,Assem150, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem102, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 0,, $ Target config size, format "Mass + Total", $ Connection Name "Mass + Total", $ Help Name "20 04 24 00 2C 96 2C 66";$ Path Connection11 = 0x02030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x44640305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,0,, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem102, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 92,Assem5, $ Target config size, format "Mass + Configuration", $ Connection Name "Mass + Configuration", $ Help Name "20 04 24 05 2C 03 2C 66";$ Path Connection12 = 0x02030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x44640305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,0,, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem102, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 0,, $ Target config size, format "Mass", $ Connection Name "Mass", $ Help Name "20 04 24 00 2C 03 2C 66";$ Path Connection13 = 0x04030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77640405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,,Assem150, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem103, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 92,Assem5, $ Target config size, format "Diagnostic + Total + Configuration",$ Connection Name "Diagnostic + Total + Configuration",$ Help Name "20 04 24 05 2C 96 2C 67";$ Path Connection14 = 0x04030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x44640405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,,Assem150, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem103, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 0,, $ Target config size, format "Diagnostic + Total", $ Connection Name "Diagnostic + Total", $ Help Name "20 04 24 00 2C 96 2C 67";$ Path Connection15 = 0x02030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x44640305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,0,, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem103, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 92,Assem5, $ Target config size, format "Diagnostic + Configuration",$ Connection Name "Diagnostic + Configuration",$ Help Name "20 04 24 05 2C 03 2C 67";$ Path Connection16 = 0x02030002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class x:reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x44640305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT = VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param1000,0,, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param1000,,Assem103, $ T->O RPI, size , format ,, $ Proxy config size, format 0,, $ Target config size, format "Diagnostic", $ Connection Name "Diagnostic", $ Help Name "20 04 24 00 2C 03 2C 67";$ Path [Capacity] MaxIOConnections = 4!maxMsgConnections=6TSpec1 = $ 1000 packets per sec @ 1 bytes TxRx, 1, $ Connection size 1000!$ Packets per second TSpec2 = $ 1000 packets per sec @ 256 bytes TxRx, 256, $ Connection size 1000!$打包二Object_Name=Devie级环对象Object_Class_Code=0x47MaxInst=1数表Satistic#Instances=1最大数_Of_Dynic_Instances=0Ring_Supervisorapi类分配数=1实例_属性=1、2、10、12services=0x01x0E实例服务=0x010E校正=4Object_Name=TCP/IP接口对象Object_Class_Code=0xF5MaxInst=1数表Satistic#Instances=1最大数_Of_Dynic_Instances=0类分配数=1、2、3、6、7Instance_Attributes = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13!services=0x01x0E实例_services=0x01,0x0E,0x10校正=4Object_Name=Ethernet链接对象Object_Class_Code=0xF6MaxInst=2数表静态=2最大数_Of_Dynic_Instances=0类分配数=1、2、3、6、7Instance_Attributes = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11!services=0x01x0Eservices=0x01,0x0E,0x10,0x4C界面Label1=Port1界面标签2=2端口界面类型1=2界面2=2修订版=1Object_Name=qos对象Object_Class_Code=0x48MaxInst=1数表Satistic#Instances=1最大数_Of_Dynic_Instances=0类分配数=1Instance_Attributes = 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!services=0x0Eservices=0x0E,0x10