EZ-EDS版本3.29.1.20209电子数据表版权2021StoneL美元,美元5美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美美德CreateDate=09-09-2021创建时间=10:54:48ModDate=09-09-2021ModTime=10:54:52修订版=1.0HomeURL=www.stonel.comVendCode=435VendName=Stonel公司ProdType=7ProdTypeStr = 通用分解I/OProdCode=11MajRev=1MinRev=10ProdName=StoneL_GPIOCatalog=StoneL_GPIO默认值=0x0001Pollinfo=0x0001OSINFO=0x00042CyclicInfo=0x00083Input1 = 1, $ Size (bytes) 0, $ All bits significant 0x0001, $ IO Type Mask "Producing Polled IO Data", 6, $ Connection Path Size "20 04 24 04 30 03", $ Connection Path!04Atr 03类 4Bit4Discrete输入5Bit7FlationInput2 = 1, $ Size (bytes) 0, $ All bits significant 0x0004, $ IO Type Mask "Producing COS IO Data", 6, $ Connection Path Size "20 04 24 04 30 03", $ Connection Path!04Attr 03类:Bit0=Discrete输入1:Bit1=Discrete输入2:Bit2=Discrete输入3:Bit3=Discrete输入4:Bit4=Discrete输入5:Bit7=故障状态Input3 = 1, $ Size (bytes) 0, $ All bits significant 0x0008, $ IO Type Mask "Producing Cyclic IO Data", 6, $ Connection Path Size "20 04 24 04 30 03", $ Connection Path!04Attr 03类:Bit0=Discrete输入1:Bit1=Discrete输入2:Bit2=Discrete输入3:Bit3=Discrete输入4:Bit4=Discrete输入5:Bit7=故障状态Output1 = 1, $ Size (bytes) 0, $ All bits significant 0x0001, $ IO Type Mask "Consuming Polled IO Data", 6, $ Connection Path Size "20 04 24 22 30 03", $ Connection Path!04Attr 03类中,0Discrete输出1:Bit1=Discrete输出2:Bit2=Discrete输出3:Bit3=Discrete输出4:Bit4=Discrete输出5:Bit7=蓝牙覆盖Output2 = 1, $ Size (bytes) 0, $ All bits significant 0x0004, $ IO Type Mask "Consuming COS IO Data", 6, $ Connection Path Size "20 04 24 22 30 03", $ Connection Path!04Attr 03类:Bit0=Discrete输出1:Bit1=Discrete输出2:Bit2=Discrete输出3:Bit3=Discrete输出4:Bit4=Discrete输出5:Bit7=蓝牙覆盖Output3 = 1, $ Size (bytes) 0, $ All bits significant 0x0008, $ IO Type Mask "Consuming Cyclic IO Data", 6, $ Connection Path Size "20 04 24 22 30 03", $ Connection Path!04类3:Bit0=Discrete输出1:Bit1=Discrete输出2:Bit2=Discrete输出3:Bit3=Discrete输出4:Bit4=Discrete输出5:Bit7=蓝牙覆盖MaxInst = 31描述符0x009Cfgserm=0[Params] Param1 = 0, 6,"20 08 24 01 30 03", 0x0030, 0xC1, 1, "Input 1 State", "", "Discrete Input Point: \n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param2 = 0, 6,"20 08 24 02 30 03", 0x0030, 0xC1, 1, "Input 2 State", "", "Discrete Input Point: \n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param3 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 6,"20 08 24 03 30 03", $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0030, $ Descriptor 0xC1, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "Input 3 State", $ name "", $ units "Discrete Input Point: \n" "\n" "", $ help string 0,1,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links 0!$ decimal places Param4 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 6,"20 08 24 04 30 03", $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0030, $ Descriptor 0xC1, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "Input 4 State", $ name "", $ units "Discrete Input Point: \n" "\n" "", $ help string 0,1,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links 0!$ decimal places Param5 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 6,"20 08 24 05 30 03", $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0030, $ Descriptor 0xC1, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "Input 5 State", $ name "", $ units "Discrete Input Point: \n" "\n" "", $ help string 0,1,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links 0!$ decimal places Param6 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 01 30 03", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 1 State", "", "Discrete Output Point: Energize Output 1\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param7 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 01 30 05", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 1 Fault Action", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired Action of Output 1 In Case Of Fault\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param8 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 01 30 06", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 1 Fault Value", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired State of Output 1 In Case Of Fault\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param9 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 01 30 07", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 1 Idle Action", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired Action of Output 1 In Case Of Idle State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param10 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 01 30 08", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 1 Idle Value", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired State of Output 1 In Case Of Idle State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param11 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 02 30 03", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 2 State", "", "Discrete Output Point: Energize Output 2\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param12 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 02 30 05", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 2 Fault Action", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired Action of Output 2 In Case Of Fault State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param13 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 02 30 06", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 2 Fault Value", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired State of Output 2 In Case Of Fault State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param14 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 02 30 07", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 2 Idle Action", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired Action of Output 2 In Case Of Idle State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param15 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 02 30 08", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 2 Idle Value", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired State of Output 2 In Case Of Idle State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param16 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 03 30 03", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 3 State", "", "Discrete Output Point: Energize Output 3\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param17 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 03 30 05", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 3 Fault Action", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired Action of Output 3 In Case Of Fault State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param18 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 03 30 06", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 3 Fault Value", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired State of Output 3 In Case Of Fault State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param19 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 03 30 07", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 3 Idle Action", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired Action of Output 3 In Case Of Idle State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param20 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 03 30 08", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 3 Idle Value", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired State of Output 3 In Case Of Idle State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param21 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 04 30 03", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 4 State", "", "Discrete Output Point: Energize Output 4\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param22 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 04 30 05", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 4 Fault Action", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired Action of Output 4 In Case Of Fault State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param23 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 04 30 06", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 4 Fault Value", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired State of Output 4 In Case Of Fault State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param24 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 04 30 07", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 4 Idle Action", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired Action of Output 4 In Case Of Idle State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param25 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 04 30 08", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 4 Idle Value", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired State of Output 4 In Case Of Idle State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param26 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 05 30 03", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 5 State", "", "Discrete Output Point: Energize Output 5\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param27 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 05 30 05", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 5 Fault Action", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired Action of Output 5 In Case Of Fault State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param28 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 05 30 06", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 5 Fault Value", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired State of Output 5 In Case Of Fault State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param29 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 05 30 07", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 5 Idle Action", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired Action of Output 5 In Case Of Idle State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param30 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 05 30 08", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Output 5 Idle Value", "", "Discrete Output Point: Use This To Set Desired State of Output 5 In Case Of Idle State\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!Param31 = 0, 6,"20 09 24 08 30 03", 0x0000, 0xC1, 1, "Bluetooth� Override State (if equipped)", "", "Allows Bluetooth� to override the DeviceNet� bus\n" "\n" "", 0,1,0, ,,,, ,,,, 0!PARIM1=OFFONPARAM2=OFFONspram3=OFFONPARAM4=OFFONspram5=OFFONspram6=OFFONparam7 = 故障值 挂起最后状态PARAM8=OFFONparam9=Idle值,Hold倒数状态spram10=OFFONparam11=OFFONparam12 = 故障值 挂起最后状态spram13=OFFONparam14=Idle值,Hold倒数状态spram15=OFFONspram16=OFFONparam17表示故障值 延迟最后状态spram18=OFFONparam19=Idle值,Hold倒数状态spram20=OFFONspram21=OFFONparam22 = 故障值 挂起最后状态spram23=OFFONparam24=Idle值,Hold倒数状态spram25=OFFONspram26=OFFONparam27表示故障值 延迟最后状态param28=OFFONparam29=Idle值,Hold倒数状态spram30=OFFONparam31 = 残疾,babled第1组=DIP对象5号、1 2 3 4 5Group2 = DOP Objects2667910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031endfile