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String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param2 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Temperature", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param3 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Density", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param4 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Drive Gain", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param5 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Totalizer 1", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param6 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Inventory 1", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param7 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xD2, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "Status Severity", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Enum7 = 0,"Immediate Failure", 1,"Last Measured Value Failure", 2,"Function Check", 3,"Out of Specification", 4,"Maintenance Required"!Param8 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xC3, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "Status Counter", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param9 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Alert Detail", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Enum9 = 0,"Electronics Failure", 1,"Sensor Failed", 2,"Configuration Error", 3,"Core Low Power", 4,"Security Breach", 5,"Sensor-Transmitter Communication Error", 6,"Tube Not Full", 7,"Extreme Primary Purpose Variable", 9,"Flowmeter initializing", 10,"Function Check in Progress", 11,"Sensor Being Simulated", 12,"Output Fixed", 13,"Drive Over Range", 14,"Process Aberration", 15,"Discrete Event X Active", 16,"Output Saturated", 17,"Function Check Failed", 18,"Data Loss Possible"!Param10 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Discrete Actions Echo",$ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Enum10 = 0,"DiscreteActionsEcho StartSensorZero", 1,"DiscreteActionsEcho ResetAllProcessTotals", 2,"DiscreteActionsEcho ResetTotalizer1", 3,"DiscreteActionsEcho ResetTotalizer2", 4,"DiscreteActionsEcho ResetTotalizer3", 5,"DiscreteActionsEcho ResetTotalizer4", 6,"DiscreteActionsEcho ResetTotalizer5", 7,"DiscreteActionsEcho ResetTotalizer6", 8,"DiscreteActionsEcho ResetTotalizer7", 9,"DiscreteActionsEcho StartAllTotals", 10,"DiscreteActionsEcho StopAllTotals", 11,"DiscreteActionsEcho StartSmartMeterVerification", 12,"DiscreteActionsEcho ResetAllInventoryTotals"!Param11 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Volume Flow", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param12 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Totalizer 2", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param13 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Inventory 2", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param14 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Gas Flow", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param15 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Totalizer 4", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param16 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Inventory 4", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param17 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Corrected Density", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param18 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Corrected Vol Flow", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param19 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Totalizer 3", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param20 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Inventory 3", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param21 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Avg Density", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param22 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Avg Temperature", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param23 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "Batch Preset", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param24 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Density at Reference", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param25 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Std Vol Flow Rate", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param26 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Totalizer 5", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param27 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Inventory 5", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param28 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Net Mass Flow Rate", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param29 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Totalizer 6", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param30 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Inventory 6", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param31 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Net Vol Flow Rate", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param32 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Totalizer 7", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param33 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Inventory 7", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param34 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Concentration", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param35 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Density_FixedSGUnits", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param36 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Liquid Mass Flow Estimate", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param37 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Density_SpecialDensityUnits", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param38 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Batch Total", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param39 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Overshoot Compensation Value", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param40 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Batch Fill Time", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param41 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Fill Status Diagnostics", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Enum41 = 0,"FillStatDiag PrimaryFillInProgress", 1,"FillStatDiag PrimaryAOCTraining", 2,"FillStatDiag PrimaryValve", 6,"FillStatDiag FillStartNotOkay", 7,"FillStatDiag AOCFlowRateTooHigh", 8,"FillStatDiag MaximumFillTimeExceeded", 9,"FillStatDiag SlugFlow", 10,"FillStatDiag TubeNotFull", 11,"FillStatDiag DriveOverrange", 12,"FillStatDiag CriticalSensorFailure", 13,"FillStatDiag CriticalTransmitterFailure", 14,"FillStatDiag DensityOutOfLimits", 15,"FillStatDiag TemperatureOutofLimits"!Param42 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Gas Void Fraction", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param43 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Contract Total 1", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param44 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Contract Total 2", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param45 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Contract Total 3", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param46 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Contract Total 4", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param47 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Net Oil Flow @ Line", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param48 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Net Water Flow @ Line",$ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param49 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Watercut @ Line", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param50 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Net Oil Total @ Line", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param51 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Net Water Total @ Line", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param52 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Density Oil @ Line", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param53 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Net Oil Flow @ Ref", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param54 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Net Water Flow @ Ref", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param55 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Watercut @ Ref", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param56 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Net Oil Total @ Ref", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param57 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Net Water Total @ Ref",$ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param58 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Total time mist detected", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param59 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "APM Status", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !小数位数unum59=0tmParam60 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Status Diagnostics", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param61 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "LPO", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param62 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "RPO", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param63 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Live Zero", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param64 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Tube Frequency", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param65 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Core Temperature", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param66 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Case Temperature", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param67 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Core In Volts", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param68 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Flow Verification Zero", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param69 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Result 1", $ name "", $ units "LPO Normalized stiffness.Reg 5782", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param70 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Result 2", $ name "", $ units "RPO Normalized stiffness.Reg 5784", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param71 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Result 3", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param72 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Result 4", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param73 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Result 5", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param74 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Result 6", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param75 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Data 1", $ name "", $ units "Confidence Interval LPO.Reg 6360", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param76 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Data 2", $ name "", $ units "Confidence Interval RPO.Reg 6362", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param77 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Data 3", $ name "", $ units "LPO Std.德夫.Reg 6356", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param78 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Data 4", $ name "", $ units "RPO Std.德夫Reg 6358", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param79 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Data 5", $ name "", $ units "LPO Meter Factor Reg 6371", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param80 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Data 6", $ name "", $ units "RPO Meter Factor Reg 6373", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param81 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Data 7", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param82 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Data 8", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param83 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Data 9", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param84 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "SMV Run Number", $ name "", $ units "Reg 5826", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param85 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "SMV Progress", $ name "", $ units "Reg 3020", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param86 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "Code 1", $ name "", $ units "Abort code Reg 3002", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param87 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "Code 2", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param88 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "Code 3", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param101 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData01", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param102 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData02", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param103 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData03", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param104 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData04", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param105 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData05", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param106 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData06", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param107 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData07", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param108 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData08", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param109 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData09", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param110 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData10", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param111 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData11", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param112 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData12", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param113 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData13", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param114 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData14", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param115 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData15", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param116 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData16", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param117 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData17", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param118 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData18", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param119 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData19", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param120 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData20", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param121 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData21", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param122 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData22", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param123 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData23", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param124 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData24", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param125 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData25", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param126 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData26", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param127 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData27", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param128 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData28", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param129 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData29", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param130 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData30", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param131 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData31", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param132 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0230, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "InputUserData32", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param201 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Discrete Actions", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Enum201 = 0,"DiscreteActions StartSensorZero", 1,"DiscreteActions ResetAllProcessTotals", 2,"DiscreteActions ResetTotalizer1", 3,"DiscreteActions ResetTotalizer2", 4,"DiscreteActions ResetTotalizer3", 5,"DiscreteActions ResetTotalizer4", 6,"DiscreteActions ResetTotalizer5", 7,"DiscreteActions ResetTotalizer6", 8,"DiscreteActions ResetTotalizer7", 9,"DiscreteActions StartAllTotals", 10,"DiscreteActions StopAllTotals", 11,"DiscreteActions StartSmartMeterVerification", 12,"DiscreteActions ResetAllInventoryTotals"!Param202 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "External Pressure", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param203 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "External Temperature", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param204 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Batch Target", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param205 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xD3, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Batcher Control", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Enum205 = 1,"BatcherControl StartFill", 2,"BatcherControl EndFill", 3,"BatcherControl PauseFill", 4,"BatcherControl ResumeFill", 5,"BatcherControl CIP", 6,"BatcherControl StartTraining", 7,"BatcherControl SaveAOCCalibration"!Param206 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "Maximum Batch Time", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param207 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "External Water Cut", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param301 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData01", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param302 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData02", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param303 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData03", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param304 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xCA, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData04", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param305 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC3, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData05", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param306 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC3, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData06", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param307 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC3, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData07", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param308 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC3, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData08", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param309 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC1, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData09", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param310 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC1, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData10", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param311 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC1, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData11", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param312 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0200, $ Descriptor 0xC1, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "OutputUserData12", $ name "", $ units "New Help String", $ help string ,,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param999 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0004, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data Type 4, $ Data Size in bytes "RPI Range", $ name "", $ units "This parameter limits the range of the RPI (Requested Packet Interval) value", $ help string 5000,1000000,50000, $ min, max, default data values 1,1000,1,0, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links 1!小数位数Object_Class_Code=0x04Assem100 = "Common Input Data", "20 04 24 64 30 03", 36, 0x0040, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10!$ END OF COMMON Assem101 = "Liquid Volume", "20 04 24 65 30 03", 48, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10, $ END OF COMMON 32,Param11, 32,Param12, 32,Param13!Assem102 = "Gas Standard Volume", "20 04 24 66 30 03", 48, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10, $ END OF COMMON 32,Param14, 32,Param15, 32,Param16!Assem103 = "API Referral", "20 04 24 67 30 03", 76, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10, $ END OF COMMON 32,Param11, 32,Param12, 32,Param13, 32,Param17, 32,Param18, 32,Param19, 32,Param20, 32,Param21, 32,Param22, 32,!Assem104 = "Concentration Measurement", "20 04 24 68 30 03", 100, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10, $ END OF COMMON 32,Param11, 32,Param12, 32,Param13, 32,Param24, 32,Param25, 32,Param26, 32,Param27, 32,Param28, 32,Param29, 32,Param30, 32,Param31, 32,Param32, 32,Param33, 32,Param34, 32,Param35, 32,Param37!Assem105 = "Batcher", "20 04 24 69 30 03", 72, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10, $ END OF COMMON 32,Param11, 32,Param12, 32,Param13, 32,Param38, 32,Param39, 32,Param40, 32,Param41, 32,Param204, 16,Param23, 16,!Assem106 = "Small Input Configurable Data Set", "20 04 24 6A 30 03", 68, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10, $ END OF COMMON 32,Param101, 32,Param102, 32,Param103, 32,Param104, 32,Param105, 32,Param106, 32,Param107, 32,Param108!Assem107 = "Medium Input Configurable Data Set", "20 04 24 6B 30 03", 100, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10, $ END OF COMMON 32,Param101, 32,Param102, 32,Param103, 32,Param104, 32,Param105, 32,Param106, 32,Param107, 32,Param108, 32,Param109, 32,Param110, 32,Param111, 32,Param112, 32,Param113, 32,Param114, 32,Param115, 32,Param116!Assem108 = "Large Input Configurable Data Set", "20 04 24 6C 30 03", 164, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10, $ END OF COMMON 32,Param101, 32,Param102, 32,Param103, 32,Param104, 32,Param105, 32,Param106, 32,Param107, 32,Param108, 32,Param109, 32,Param110, 32,Param111, 32,Param112, 32,Param113, 32,Param114, 32,Param115, 32,Param116, 32,Param117, 32,Param118, 32,Param119, 32,Param120, 32,Param121, 32,Param122, 32,Param123, 32,Param124, 32,Param125, 32,Param126, 32,Param127, 32,Param128, 32,Param129, 32,Param130, 32,Param131, 32,Param132!Assem109 = "APM - Liquid Volume", "20 04 24 6D 30 03", 112, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10, $ END OF COMMON 32,Param11, $ START OF LIQUID VOLUME 32,Param12, 32,Param13, $ END OF LIQUID VOLUME 32,Param42, 32,Param43, 32,Param44, 32,Param45, 32,Param46, 32,Param47, 32,Param48, 32,Param49, 32,Param50, 32,Param51, 32,Param52, 32,Param53, 32,Param54, 32,Param55, 32,Param56, 32,Param57!Assem110 = "APM - Gas Volume", "20 04 24 6E 30 03", 80, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param1, $ START OF COMMON 32,Param2, 32,Param3, 32,Param4, 32,Param5, 32,Param6, 16,Param7, 16,Param8, 32,Param9, 32,Param10, $ END OF COMMON 32,Param14, $ START OF GAS VOLUME 32,Param15, 32,Param16, $ END OF GAS VOLUME 32,Param43, 32,Param44, 32,Param45, 32,Param46, 32,Param58, 32,Param59, 32,Param36, 32,Param55!Assem112 = "Device Status", , 116, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param60, 32,Param61, 32,Param62, 32,Param63, 32,Param64, 32,Param65, 32,Param66, 32,Param67, 32,Param68, 32,Param69, 32,Param70, 32,Param71, 32,Param72, 32,Param73, 32,Param74, 32,Param75, 32,Param76, 32,Param77, 32,Param78, 32,Param79, 32,Param80, 32,Param81, 32,Param82, 32,Param83, 16,Param84, 16,, 16,Param85, 16,, 16,Param86, 16,, 16,Param87, 16,, 16,Param88, 16,!Assem150 = "Common Output Data", "20 04 24 96 30 03", 4, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param201!Assem151 = "External Process Data Set", "20 04 24 97 30 03", 12, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param201, 32,Param202, 32,Param203!Assem152 = "Batcher Data Set", "20 04 24 98 30 03", 20, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param201, 32,Param204, 32,Param205, 32,Param206, 16,Param23, 16,!Assem153 = "Batcher and External Process Data Set", "20 04 24 99 30 03", 28, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param201, 32,Param202, 32,Param203, 32,Param204, 32,Param205, 32,Param206, 16,Param23, 16,!Assem154 = "Output Configurable Data Set", "20 04 24 9A 30 03", 52, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param201, 32,Param301, 32,Param302, 32,Param303, 32,Param304, 16,Param305, 16,, 16,Param306, 16,, 16,Param307, 16,, 16,Param308, 16,, 8,Param309, 24,, 8,Param310, 24,, 8,Param311, 24,, 8,Param312, 24,!Assem155 = "APM External Process Data Set", "20 04 24 9B 30 03", 16, 0x0000, ,, 32,Param201, 32,Param202, 32,Param203, 32,Param207!Object_Name表示连接管理对象Object_Class_Code=0x06Connection1 = 0x02010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem100, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Mass Flow In (Input Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 64"!$ exclusive owner path Connection2 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem150, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem100, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Mass Flow In & Basic Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 96 2C 64"!$ exclusive owner path Connection3 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem151, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem100, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Mass Flow In & External Data Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 97 2C 64"!$ exclusive owner path Connection4 = 0x01010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem100, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Mass Flow In (Listen Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FF 2C 64"!$ exclusive owner path Connection5 = 0x02010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem101, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Volume Flow In (Input Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 65"!$ exclusive owner path Connection6 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem150, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem101, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Volume Flow In & Basic Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 96 2C 65"!$ exclusive owner path Connection7 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem151, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem101, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Vol Flow In & External Data Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 97 2C 65"!$ exclusive owner path Connection8 = 0x01010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem101, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Volume Flow In (Listen Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FF 2C 65"!$ exclusive owner path Connection9 = 0x02010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem102, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "GSV In (Input Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 66"!$ exclusive owner path Connection10 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem150, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem102, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "GSV In & Basic Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 96 2C 66"!$ exclusive owner path Connection11 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem151, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem102, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "GSV In & External Data Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 97 2C 66"!$ exclusive owner path Connection12 = 0x01010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem102, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "GSV In (Listen Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FF 2C 66"!$ exclusive owner path Connection13 = 0x02010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem103, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "API In (Input Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 67"!$ exclusive owner path Connection14 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem150, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem103, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "API In & Basic Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 96 2C 67"!$ exclusive owner path Connection15 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem151, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem103, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "API In & External Data Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 97 2C 67"!$ exclusive owner path Connection16 = 0x01010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem103, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "API In (Listen Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FF 2C 67"!$ exclusive owner path Connection17 = 0x02010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem104, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "CM In (Input Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 68"!$ exclusive owner path Connection18 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem150, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem104, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "CM In & Basic Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 96 2C 68"!$ exclusive owner path Connection19 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem151, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem104, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "CM In & External Data Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 97 2C 68"!$ exclusive owner path Connection20 = 0x01010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem104, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "CM In (Listen Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FF 2C 68"!$ exclusive owner path Connection21 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem152, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem105, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Batcher In & Batcher Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 98 2C 69"!$ exclusive owner path Connection22 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem153, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem105, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Batcher In & External Data Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 99 2C 69"!$ exclusive owner path Connection23 = 0x01010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem105, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Batcher In (Listen Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FF 2C 69"!$ exclusive owner path Connection24 = 0x02010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem106, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Small Config In (Input Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 6A"!$ exclusive owner path Connection25 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem154, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem106, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Small Config In & Config Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 9A 2C 6A"!$ exclusive owner path Connection26 = 0x02010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem107, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Medium Config In (Input Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 6B"!$ exclusive owner path Connection27 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem154, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem107, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Medium Config In & Config Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 9A 2C 6B"!$ exclusive owner path Connection28 = 0x02010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem108, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Large Config In (Input Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 6C"!$ exclusive owner path Connection29 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem154, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem108, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Large Config In & Config Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 9A 2C 6C"!$ exclusive owner path Connection30 = 0x01010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x47750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem108, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "Large Config In (Listen Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FF 2C 6C"!$ exclusive owner path Connection31 = 0x02010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem109, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "APM Liquid In (Input Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 6D"!$ exclusive owner path Connection32 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem150, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem109, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "APM Liquid In & Basic Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 96 2C 6D"!$ exclusive owner path Connection33 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem155, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem109, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "APM Liquid In & APM Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 9B 2C 6D"!$ exclusive owner path Connection34 = 0x01010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem109, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "APM Liquid In (Listen Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FF 2C 6D"!$ exclusive owner path Connection35 = 0x02010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem110, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "APM Gas In (Input Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 6E"!$ exclusive owner path Connection36 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem150, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem110, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "APM Gas In & Basic Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 96 2C 6E"!$ exclusive owner path Connection37 = 0x04010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750405, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,,Assem155, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem110, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "APM Gas In & APM Out", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C 9B 2C 6E"!$ exclusive owner path Connection38 = 0x01010002, $ TRIGGER AND TRANSPORT MASK $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 0 (class 0:null) $ 1 = 1 (class 1:dup.detect) $ 2 = 0 (class 2:acknowledged) $ 3 = 0 (class 3:verified) $ 4 = 0 (class 4:non-block) $ 5 = 0 (class 5:non-block, frag) $ 6 = 0 (class 6:multicast, frag) $ 7-15 = 0 (class :reserved) $ 16 = 1 (trigger: cyclic) $ 17 = 0 (trigger: cos) $ 18 = 0 (trigger: appl) $ 19-23 = 0 (trigger: reserved (must be zero)) $ 24 = 0 (transport type: listen-only) $ 25 = 0 (transport type: input-only) $ 26 = 1 (transport type: exclusive-owner) $ 27 = 0 (transport type: redundant-owner) $ 28-30 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 31 = 1 (client = 0 / server = 1) 0x77750305, $ CONNECTION PARAMETERS BIT ASSIGNMENTS $ BIT=VAL DESCRIPTION $ 0 = 1 (O=>T fixed) $ 1 = 0 (O=>T variable) $ 2 = 1 (T=>O fixed) $ 3 = 0 (T=>O variable) $ 4-7 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 8-10 = 4 (O=>T header (4 byte run/idle)) $ 11 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 12-14 = 0 (T=>O header (pure data)) $ 15 = 0 (reserved (must be zero)) $ 16 = 0 (O=>T connection type: NULL) $ 17 = 0 (O=>T connection type: MULTI) $ 18 = 1 (O=>T connection type: P2P) $ 19 = 0 (O=>T connection type: RSVD) $ 20 = 0 (T=>O connection type: NULL) $ 21 = 1 (T=>O connection type: MULTI) $ 22 = 0 (T=>O connection type: P2P) $ 23 = 0 (T=>O connection type: RSVD) $ 24 = 0 (O=>T priority: LOW) $ 25 = 0 (O=>T priority: HIGH) $ 26 = 1 (O=>T priority: SCHEDULED) $ 27 = 0 (O=>T priority: RSVD) $ 28 = 0 (T=>O priority: LOW) $ 29 = 0 (T=>O priority: HIGH) $ 30 = 1 (T=>O priority: SCHEDULED) $ 31 = 0 (T=>O priority: RSVD) Param999,0,, $ O=>T RPI, size in bytes, format Param999,,Assem110, $ T=>O RPI, size in bytes, format ,, $ config part 1 (dynamic assemblies) ,, $ config part 2 (module configuration) "APM Gas In (Listen Only)", $ connection name "", $ Help string "20 04 24 01 2C FF 2C 6E"!$ exclusive owner path Connection39 = 0x02010002, $ 0-15 = supported transport classes $ 16 = trigger: cyclic $ 17 = trigger: change of state $ 18 = trigger: application $ 19-23 = trigger: reserved $ 24 = application type: listen-only $ 25 = application type: input-only $ 26 = application type: exclusive-owner $ 27 = application type: redundant-owner $ 28-30 = reserved $ 31 = Direction: Client = 0 / Server = 1 0x77550305, $ 0 = O->T fixed size supported $ 1 = O->T variable size supported $ 2 = T->O fixed size supported $ 3 = T->O variable size supported $ 4-5 = O->T number of bytes per slot (obsolete) $ 6-7 = T->O number of bytes per slot (obsolete) $ 8-10 = O->T Real time transfer format $ 11 = reserved $ 12-14 = T->O Real time transfer format $ 15 = reserved $ 16 = O->T connection type: NULL $ 17 = O->T connection type: MULTICAST $ 18 = O->T connection type: POINT2POINT $ 19 = O->T connection type: reserved $ 20 = T->O connection type: NULL $ 21 = T->O connection type: MULTICAST $ 22 = T->O connection type: POINT2POINT $ 23 = T->O connection type: reserved $ 24 = O->T priority: LOW $ 25 = O->T priority: HIGH $ 26 = O->T priority: SCHEDULED $ 27 = O->T priority: reserved $ 28 = T->O priority: LOW $ 29 = T->O priority: HIGH $ 30 = T->O priority: SCHEDULED $ 31 = T->O priority: reserved Param999,0,, $ O->T RPI, size, format Param999,,Assem112, $ T->O RPI, size, format ,, $ proxy config size, format ,, $ target config size, format "Device Status (Input Only)", $ Connection Name "", $ help string "20 04 24 01 2C FE 2C 70"!object_Name =PortobjectObject_Class_Code=0xF4Port1 = TCP, "EtherNet/IP Port", "20 F5 24 01", 1, 0x01, !最大IOCunctions = 10maxMsgConnections = 10马克斯康默斯PerMcast=0Tspec1=Rx42005ms-200包/秒Tspec2=Rx12200Tspec3=Rx20200Tspec4=Rx28200Tspec5=Tx36200Tspec6=Tx48200Tspec7=Rx52200Tspec8Tx64200Tspec9Tx68200Tspec10=Tx72200Tspec11=Tx80200Tspec12=Tx100200Tspec13Tx112200Tspec14Tx116200Tspec15=Tx164200