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"Qph+U2ZTN3JdPo92To11TzIsJC4qI0E6Ljs4MTgzKqaScKOLZIZ0VaWQbaaY" "faCMa6mbgYd2WRQUFBEREcXFxv///////8bGxhAQEBAQEA4ODg4ODw4PDw4P" "Dg4ODg4ODg4ODg4ODg4ODg4ODg4ODw8PDxAQEBAQEBISEhMTExQUFBUVFRUV" "FRUWFhUWFhUWFRUVFRQVFRESEhEREsPDxP///////8bGxzc3N25xc0xNTklJ" "S1NTVlBRU1dYWnJ2eHN3d3N4eXR5emJkZV1gYF9iY2BiZGFkZlxeYFxeYHd8" "fXp/gHt/gnyBgXR5eWNlZl1eYGRmaH+DhEVHSMHBwv///////8bGxz4/QHJ1" "eURDRFxcXk1OT0xNTk9PUIiOkIiOkIiOj4iOkIWKjYiMj4eMj4iNkIiOj4mO" "kIqPkYqQkoqQk4qQk4qQkoaNjoKHiH6Dg4OIiYuQlEdKSsDAwP///////+Dg" "4B0dHigpKSYoKCYnJyUmJiUnJyYnKCYnKCYnKCUnKCUnJyQmJiQmJiQmJiQm" "JiQmJyQmJiMlJSMlJSQlJiMlJSMlJSMkJCIkJCMkJSIiJCEhIycnJ+Pj5P//" "/////////9LV1be5ubi7u7q+vbzAv7/CwsDDw8HExMLGxcXIyMbKycjLy8nM" "zMvOzszPz8zQz83R0M7S0dDT0tHV1NPW1tXY19XY2NXZ2NbZ2Nfa2dnc2/Lz" "8///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" "/////////////////wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAA"!第1类EtherNetIP[Params] Param1 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 ,, $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data Type 2, $ Data Size in bytes "IMPLICIT_WRITE", $ name "", $ units "", $ help string 0,1448,48, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param2 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data type (Unsigned 16–bit integer value) 2, $ Data size "IMPLICIT_READ", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1448,2, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param5 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 92 13 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xD0, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ProductName", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,16,"16", $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param6 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 9C 13 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xD0, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "FirmwareVersion", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,6,"6", $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param8 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 31 01 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Measure Range", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,4294967295,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param9 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 32 01 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "BandWaveRange", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,4294967295,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param60 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E8 03 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SensorMemory", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param61 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E9 03 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "BridgeSupply", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,2,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param62 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 EA 03 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "DecimalPlace", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,4,2, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param63 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 EB 03 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZeroBalInput", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -3100,3100,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param64 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 EC 03 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ZeroBalance", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param65 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 ED 03 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "RemoteSensing", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param66 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 EE 03 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SamplingFreq", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param67 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 EF 03 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "YaxisMode", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param68 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 F0 03 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "XaxisMode", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param69 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 F1 03 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "X_FullScale", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,9,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param70 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4D 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ToukaOutput", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 100,3200,3000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param71 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4E 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ToukaSpan", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,99999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param72 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4F 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ActualSpan", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,99999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param73 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 50 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x4000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "TEDS_Cal", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param74 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 B0 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "LineaValid", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param75 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 B1 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "EditingPoint", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,5,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param76 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 B2 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "PointValid", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param77 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 B3 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "InputData", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 100,3200,3000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param78 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 B4 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "OutputData", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,99999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param79 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 B5 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ActualData", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,99999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param80 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 15 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "DA Mode", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param81 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 16 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "DA MaxVoltage", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,10,10, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param82 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 17 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "DA Zero", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param83 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 18 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "DA Fullscale", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param84 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 79 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "LoadUnit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param85 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 7C 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ErrorSpan", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,99999,11000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param86 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 7D 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "LoadPolarity", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param87 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 DD 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Disp.Unit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,17,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param88 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 DE 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Disp.SenserMode", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param89 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 DF 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Disp.Polarity", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param90 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E0 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x4000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Disp.Preset", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param91 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E1 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Disp.DecPlace", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,4,2, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param92 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 40 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Disp.PulseCountH", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,15,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param93 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 41 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Disp.PulseCountL", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,999999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param94 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 42 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Disp.PulcSpan", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,999999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param95 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 43 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Disp.PulseActSpan", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,99999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param96 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 44 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Disp.PulseZeroOff", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param97 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 45 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data type (Unsigned 16–bit integer value) 2, $ Data size "Disp.PulseDFilte", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,2048,16, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param98 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 46 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Disp.PulseMode", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param99 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4A 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Disp.VoltRO", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 100,5200,5000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param100 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4C 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Disp.VoltSpan", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,99999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param101 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4D 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Disp.VoltActSpan", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,99999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param102 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4E 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Disp.VoltDOffset", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param103 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4F 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data type (Unsigned 16–bit integer value) 2, $ Data size "Disp.VoltDFilter", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,2048,16, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param104 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 50 06 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Disp.VoltLPF", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,3,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param105 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 D1 07 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "LoadLPF", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,6,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param106 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 D2 07 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data type (Unsigned 16–bit integer value) 2, $ Data size "LoadDigiFilter", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,2048,16, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param107 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 D3 07 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "LoadAutoDFilter", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param108 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 FE 08 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "DigitalZeroLimit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99999,99999, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param109 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 FF 08 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "DigitalOffset", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -19999,19999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param110 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 51 14 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Cal Lock", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param111 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 52 14 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Work Lock", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param112 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 53 14 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "All Lock", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param113 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 54 14 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Panel Lock", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param114 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 B5 14 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "LCD Brightness", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,3,2, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param115 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 B6 14 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "LCD OffTimer", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,255,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param116 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 B7 14 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Language", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,3,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param117 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 B8 14 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Home Screen", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param118 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 18 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "MemorySaveMode", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,2,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param119 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 19 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "OverWriteSetting", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param120 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 1A 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "MemoryAllDelete", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,4294967295,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param121 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 22 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "OK Count", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,4294967295,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param122 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 23 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "NG Count", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,4294967295,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param123 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 7C 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Device No.", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,9999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param124 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 7D 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Buzzer", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,2,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param125 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 7E 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "StartStop Sense", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param126 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 7F 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Date Format", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,2,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param128 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 86 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Port1TrgType", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,4,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param129 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 87 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port1TrgLoadHi", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param130 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 88 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port1TrgLoadLo", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param131 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 89 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port1TrgDispHi", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param132 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 8A 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port1TrgDispLo", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param133 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 8B 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port1TrgOKcount", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param134 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 8C 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port1TrgNGcount", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param135 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 90 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Port2TrgType", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,4,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param136 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 91 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port2TrgLoadHi", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param137 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 92 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port2TrgLoadLo", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param138 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 93 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port2TrgDispHi", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param139 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 94 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port2TrgDispLo", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param140 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 95 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port2TrgOKcount", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param141 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 96 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "Port2TrgNGcount", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param143 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E0 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SD AutoSaveMode", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,2,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param144 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E1 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SD Format", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param145 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E2 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ExportSettings", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param146 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 E3 15 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ImportSettings", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param147 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 44 16 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SerialPortSelect", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param148 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 46 16 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SerialCommMode", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,3,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param149 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 47 16 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SerialBaudRate", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,5,5, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param150 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 48 16 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SerialCharacter", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param151 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 49 16 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SerialParity", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,2,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param152 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4A 16 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SerialStopBit", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param153 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4B 16 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "SerialDelimiter", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param154 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 71 17 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "TedsSerial", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99999999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param155 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 72 17 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "TedsSpan", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99999,10000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param156 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 73 17 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "TedsOutput", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,9999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param157 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 74 17 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "TedsImpedance", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param158 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 75 17 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "TedsBridgeMax", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param159 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 76 17 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "TedsCalDay", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,546902577,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param160 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 77 17 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0010, $ Descriptor 0xC7, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 2, $ Data size "TedsModelNumber", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,65535,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param161 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 58 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "CurrentWorkNo.", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,16,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param162 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 59 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ChoiceOfWorkNo.", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param163 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 5A 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "Work Copy", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,16,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param164 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 5B 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "MeasureStartCond", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,2,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param165 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 5C 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "MeasureStartLevel", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param166 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 5D 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "MeasureStopCond", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,3,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param167 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 5E 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "MeasureStopLevel", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param168 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 62 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "HHLL Enable", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param169 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 63 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "CONT HH Level", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param170 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 64 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "CONT HI Level", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param171 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 65 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "CONT LO Level", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param172 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 66 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "CONT LL Level", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param173 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 BC 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "BandWaveValid", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param174 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 BD 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ZoneDivideMode", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param175 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 BE 1B 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ShowHoldZoneNo.", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,5,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param176 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 20 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "EditingZoneNumber", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,5,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param177 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 21 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ZoneValid", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param178 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 22 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneStatingPoint", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param179 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 23 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneEndingPoint", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param180 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 24 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneLoadLevel_HI", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param181 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 25 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneLoadLevel_LO", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param182 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 26 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneDispLevel_HI", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param183 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 27 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneDispLevel_LO", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param184 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 28 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ZoneJudgeMethod", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,8,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param185 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 2B 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneMaxMinDiff", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param186 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 2C 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ZoneMaxMinMultiple", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param187 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 2D 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ZoneMaxMinCount", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,10,1, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param188 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 34 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneInflectMinLoad", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,100, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param189 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 35 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneInflectWidthA", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,9999,50, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param190 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 36 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneInflectWitdhB", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1,9999,50, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param191 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 37 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC4, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneInflectLoadDiff", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string -99999,99999,200, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param192 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 38 1C 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "ZoneInflectOffset", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,99,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param193 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) ,, $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC8, $ Data type (Unsigned 32–bit integer value) 4, $ Data size "RPI range", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 1000,3200000,5000, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param194 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 7,"20 A2 25 4E 16 30 05", $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "ControlTermBy", $ name "", $ units "", $ help string 0,1,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param195 = 0, $ reserved, shall equal 0 7,"20 A2 25 4F 16 30 05", $ Link Path Size, Link Path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data Type 1, $ Data Size in bytes "MemorySelBy", $ name "", $ units "", $ help string 0,1,0, $ min, max, default data values ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset scaling ,,,, $ mult, div, base, offset links !$ decimal places Param196 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 4C 04 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ZeroBalResetLoad", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !$ Decimal precision (not used) Param197 = 0, $ Reserved (always 0) 7,"20 A2 25 DC 05 30 05", $ Link path size $ Link path 0x0000, $ Descriptor 0xC6, $ Data type (Unsigned 8–bit integer value) 1, $ Data size "ZeroBalResetDisp", $ Parameter name "", $ Units string "", $ Help string 0,1,0, $ Minimum value $ Maximum value $ default value ,,,, $ Scaling multiplier (not used) $ Scaling divider (not used) $ Scaling base (not used) $ Scaling offset (not used) ,,,, $ Multiplier link (not used) $ Divisor link (not used) $ Base link (not used) $ Offset link (not used) !十进制精度(非使用)Object_Name=AssemblyObjectiveObject_Class_Code=0x04Assem100 = "Producing Data", $ Name , $ Path 48, $ Size 0x0001, $ Descriptor ,, $ Reserved $ Reserved 384,!$ Member size $ Member reference Assem150 = "Consuming Data", $ Name , $ Path 2, $ Size 0x0001, $ Descriptor ,, $ Reserved $ Reserved 16,!成员规模$成员引用Object_NameObject_Class_Code=0x06Connection1 = 0x04030002, $ Trigger and transport mask $ Supported transport classes: class 1 $ Supported triggers: cyclic, change of state $ Application type: exclusive-owner $ Direction: client 0x77640405, $ Connection parameters $ O->T supported size type(s): Fixed $ T->O supported size type(s): Fixed $ O->T real time transfer format: 32-bit run/idle header $ T->O real time transfer format: connection is pure data and is modeless $ O->T supported connection type(s): point-to-point $ T->O supported connection type(s): multicast, point-to-point $ O->T supported priorities: low, high, scheduled $ T->O supported priorities: low, high, scheduled Param193,Param2,Assem150, $ O->T RPI $ O->T size $ O->T format Param193,Param1,Assem100, $ T->O RPI $ T->O size $ T->O format ,, $ Proxy config size (not used) $ Proxy config format (not used) ,, $ Target config size (no config data) $ Target config format (not used) "Exclusive owner", $ Connection name string "", $ Help string "20 04 24 00 2C 96 2C 64"!$ Path Connection2 = 0x01030002, $ Trigger and transport mask $ Supported transport classes: class 1 $ Supported triggers: cyclic, change of state $ Application type: listen-only $ Direction: client 0x77240305, $ Connection parameters $ O->T supported size type(s): Fixed $ T->O supported size type(s): Fixed $ O->T real time transfer format: heartbeat $ T->O real time transfer format: connection is pure data and is modeless $ O->T supported connection type(s): point-to-point $ T->O supported connection type(s): multicast $ O->T supported priorities: low, high, scheduled $ T->O supported priorities: low, high, scheduled Param193,0,, $ O->T RPI $ O->T size $ O->T format Param193,Param1,Assem100, $ T->O RPI $ T->O size $ T->O format ,, $ Proxy config size (not used) $ Proxy config format (not used) ,, $ Target config size (no config data) $ Target config format (not used) "Listen only", $ Connection name string "", $ Help string "20 04 24 00 2C 04 2C 64"!$ Path Connection3 = 0x02030002, $ Trigger and transport mask $ Supported transport classes: class 1 $ Supported triggers: cyclic, change of state $ Application type: input-only $ Direction: client 0x77640305, $ Connection parameters $ O->T supported size type(s): Fixed $ T->O supported size type(s): Fixed $ O->T real time transfer format: heartbeat $ T->O real time transfer format: connection is pure data and is modeless $ O->T supported connection type(s): point-to-point $ T->O supported connection type(s): multicast, point-to-point $ O->T supported priorities: low, high, scheduled $ T->O supported priorities: low, high, scheduled Param193,0,, $ O->T RPI $ O->T size $ O->T format Param193,Param1,Assem100, $ T->O RPI $ T->O size $ T->O format ,, $ Proxy config size (not used) $ Proxy config format (not used) ,, $ Target config size (no config data) $ Target config format (not used) "Input only", $ Connection name string "", $ Help string "20 04 24 00 2C 03 2C 64"!$ Path Connection4 = 0x01030002, $ Trigger and transport mask $ Supported transport classes: class 1 $ Supported triggers: cyclic, change of state $ Application type: listen-only $ Direction: client 0x77240305, $ Connection parameters $ O->T supported size type(s): Fixed $ T->O supported size type(s): Fixed $ O->T real time transfer format: heartbeat $ T->O real time transfer format: connection is pure data and is modeless $ O->T supported connection type(s): point-to-point $ T->O supported connection type(s): multicast $ O->T supported priorities: low, high, scheduled $ T->O supported priorities: low, high, scheduled Param193,0,, $ O->T RPI $ O->T size $ O->T format Param193,Param1,Assem100, $ T->O RPI $ T->O size $ T->O format ,, $ Proxy config size (not used) $ Proxy config format (not used) ,, $ Target config size (no config data) $ Target config format (not used) "Listen only extended", $ Connection name string "", $ Help string "20 04 24 00 2C 07 2C 64"!$ Path Connection5 = 0x02030002, $ Trigger and transport mask $ Supported transport classes: class 1 $ Supported triggers: cyclic, change of state $ Application type: input-only $ Direction: client 0x77640305, $ Connection parameters $ O->T supported size type(s): Fixed $ T->O supported size type(s): Fixed $ O->T real time transfer format: heartbeat $ T->O real time transfer format: connection is pure data and is modeless $ O->T supported connection type(s): point-to-point $ T->O supported connection type(s): multicast, point-to-point $ O->T supported priorities: low, high, scheduled $ T->O supported priorities: low, high, scheduled Param193,0,, $ O->T RPI $ O->T size $ O->T format Param193,Param1,Assem100, $ T->O RPI $ T->O size $ T->O format ,, $ Proxy config size (not used) $ Proxy config format (not used) ,, $ Target config size (no config data) $ Target config format (not used) "Input only extended", $ Connection name string "", $ Help string "20 04 24 00 2C 06 2C 64"!object_Name =PortobjectObject_Class_Code=0xF4Port1 = TCP, "TCP/IP", "20 F5 24 01", 2, 0x00, !最大IOCunctions=4maxMsgConnections=6TSpec1 = $ 1000 packets per sec @ 1 bytes TxRx, 1, $ Connection size 1000!$ Packets per second TSpec2 = $ 1000 packets per sec @ 256 bytes TxRx, 256, $ Connection size 1000!$打包秒数[TCP/IP接口类]订正版=4Object_Name=TCP/IP接口对象Object_Class_Code=0xF5MaxInst=1数表Satistic#Instances=1最大数_Of_Dynic_Instances=0类分配数=1、2、3、6、7Instance_Attributes = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13!services=0x01x0E实例_services=0x01,0x0E,0x10校正=4Object_Name=Ethernet链接对象Object_Class_Code=0xF6MaxInst=3数数Satisticss=3最大数_Of_Dynic_Instances=0类分配数=1、2、3、6、7Instance_Attributes = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11!services=0x01x0Eservices=0x01,0x0E,0x10,0x4C界面Label1=Port1界面标签2=2端口界面Label3=内向界面类型1=2界面2=2界面Type3=1修订版=1Object_Name=qos对象Object_Class_Code=0x48MaxInst=1数表Satistic#Instances=1最大数_Of_Dynic_Instances=0类分配数=1Instance_Attributes = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!services=0x0E实例_services=0x0E0x10修订版=1Object_Name=LLDP管理对象Object_Class_Code=0x109MaxInst=1数表Satistic#Instances=1最大数_Of_Dynic_Instances=0一二三四五实例_services=0x0E0x10LLDP数据表对象修改值=1MaxInst=0数表数数=0最大数_Of_Dynic_Instances=8类分配s=2,3services=0x0E实例_services=0x0EObject_Name=LLDP数据表对象Object_Class_code=0x0000A