美元3.31.1.20220631 EZ-EDS版本生成的电子数据表[文件]DescText =“松下机器人通讯适配器G4”;CreateDate = 02-20-2023;CreateTime = 17:11:25;ModDate = 02-21-2023;ModTime = 15:13:25;修订= 1.00;(设备)VendCode = 453;VendName = "松下连接有限公司”;ProdType = 144;ProdTypeStr = "设备类型字符串未找到”; ProdCode = 1; MajRev = 1; MinRev = 1; ProdName = "Panasonic Robot Comm Adaptor G4"; [IO_Info] Default = 0x0001; $ Default IO Connection = Poll PollInfo = 0x000F, $ Compatible IO type mask = All connections 1, $ Input1 1; $ Output1 StrobeInfo = 0x000F, $ Compatible IO type mask = All connections 1, $ Input1 1; $ Output1 COSInfo = 0x0007, $ Compatible IO type mask = All connections 1, $ Input1 1; $ Output1 CyclicInfo = 0x000B, $ Compatible IO type mask = All connections 1, $ Input1 1; $ Output1 Input1 = 256, $ 256 byte(2040 General I/O bits + 8 Status bits -> 256 bytes max) 0, $ All bits are significant 0x000F, $ Compatible IO type mask = All connections "ABCC Produce", $ Name 7, $ Path size "20 04 25 64 00 30 03", $ Assembly object, Inst 100, Attr 3 "Data produced by the Anybus-CC"; Output1 = 256, $ 256 byte(2040 General I/O bits + 8 Status bits -> 256 bytes max) 0, $ All bits are significant 0x000F, $ Compatible IO type mask = All connections "ABCC Consume", $ Name 7, $ Path size "20 04 25 96 00 30 03", $ Assembly object, Inst 150, Attr 3 "Data consumed by the Anybus-CC "; [ParamClass] MaxInst = 0; $ Max Instances - total # configuration parameters Descriptor = 0x0000; $ Parameter Class Descriptor - No parameters CfgAssembly = 0; $ The config assembly is not supported.