MC5000L EDS文件版本1.10作者:美元。Higuchi (Lintec有限公司),日期:01/05/28 (yy / mm / dd)(*:必需的,没有:选项)美元$ $更新14/05/27 T。北野(Lintec有限公司)。Ver.1.00 - > Ver.1.10 $ $“文件描述”部分[文件]DescText =“MC5000L EDS文件”;文件描述文本(ASCII *) CreateDate美元= 05-28-2001;文件创建日期(日期*)美元CreateTime = 15:00:00;文件创建时间(TIME_OF_DAY *) ModDate美元= 05-27-2014;美元的最后修改日期(日期)ModTime = 11:55:00;最后修改时间(TIME_OF_DAY)修订= 1.4美元;EDS修改(修改*)美元“设备描述”部分(设备)VendCode = 400;美元供应商ID(使用UINT *) VendName =“LINTEC有限公司”; $ Vendor Name (ASCII *) ProdType=26; $ Device Type (UINT *) ProdTypeStr="Mass Flow Controller"; $ Device Type String (ASCII *) ProdCode=2; $ Product Code (UINT *) MajRev=2; $ Major Revision (USINT *) MinRev=1; $ Minor Revision (USINT *) ProdName="MC-5000L"; $ Product Name (ASCII *) $ Catalog=; $ Catalog Number (ASCII) [IO_Info] Default=0x0001; $ Default I/O Type Mask (WORD *) = Poll $ *** I/O Type Mask Detail *** $ bit0:Poll $ bit1:Strobe $ bit2:Change of State $ bit3:Cyclic $ bit4-15:reserved PollInfo= $ Poll Information 0x0001, $ Combatible I/O Type Mask (WORD *) = Poll 2, $ Default Producing Connection (UINT *) = 1 1; $ Default Consuming Connection (UINT *) = 1 $ StrobeInfo= $ Strobe Information $ 0x0003, $ Combatible I/O Type Mask (WORD *) = Poll or Strobe $ 1, $ Default Producing Connection (UINT *) = 1 $ 0; $ Default Consuming Connection (UINT *) = 0 $ COSInfo= $ Change of State Information $ 0x0003, $ Combatible I/O Type Mask (WORD *) = Poll or Strobe $ 1, $ Default Producing Connection (UINT *) = 1 $ 0; $ Default Consuming Connection (UINT *) = 0 $ CyclicInfo= $ Cyclic Information $ 0x0003, $ Combatible I/O Type Mask (WORD *) = Poll or Strobe $ 1, $ Default Producing Connection (UINT *) = 1 $ 0; $ Default Consuming Connection (UINT *) = 0 Input1= $ Producing Connection 1 "Flow" 2, $ Size (UNIT *) = 2byte 0, $ Number of Significant Bits (UINT *) = All bits are significant 0x0001, $ Compatible I/O Type Mask (WORD *) = Poll "Flow", $ Name String (ASCII *) = Status and Flow 6, $ Connection Path Size (UINT *) = 6 "20 04 24 01 30 03", $ Connection Path (ASCII *) = Class 4 , Instance 1 , Attribute 3 ""; $ Help String (ASCII *) = none Input2= 3, 0, 0x0001, "Status,Flow", 6, "20 04 24 02 30 03", "Default Input"; Input3= 5, 0, 0x0001, "Status,Flow,Valve", 6, "20 04 24 03 30 03", ""; Input4= 5, 0, 0x0001, "Status,Flow,Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 04 30 03", ""; Input5= 7, 0, 0x0001, "Status,Flow,Setpoint,Valve", 6, "20 04 24 05 30 03", ""; Input6= 8, 0, 0x0001, "Status,Flow,Setpoint,Override,Valve", 6, "20 04 24 06 30 03", ""; Input7= 1, 0, 0x0001, "Status", 6, "20 04 24 09 30 03", ""; Input8= 8, 0, 0x0001, "Status,Exception Detail Alarm", 6, "20 04 24 0A 30 03", ""; Input9= 8, 0, 0x0001, "Status,Exception Detail Warning", 6, "20 04 24 0B 30 03", ""; Input10= 15, 0, 0x0001, "Status,Exception Detail Alarm,Exception Detail Warning", 6, "20 04 24 0C 30 03", ""; Input11= 4, 0, 0x0001, "FP-Flow", 6, "20 04 24 0D 30 03", ""; Input12= 5, 0, 0x0001, "Status,FP-Flow", 6, "20 04 24 0E 30 03", ""; Input13= 9, 0, 0x0001, "Status,FP-Flow,FP-Valve", 6, "20 04 24 0F 30 03", ""; Input14= 9, 0, 0x0001, "Status,FP-Flow,FP-Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 10 30 03", ""; Input15= 13, 0, 0x0001, "Status,FP-Flow,FP-Setpoint,FP-Valve", 6, "20 04 24 11 30 03", ""; Input16= 14, 0, 0x0001, "Status,FP-Flow,FP-Setpoint,Override,FP-Valve", 6, "20 04 24 12 30 03", ""; Output1= $ Consuming Connection 1 "Setpoint" 2, $ Size (UNIT *) = 2byte 0, $ Number of Significant Bits (UINT *) = All bits are significant 0x0001, $ Compatible I/O Type Mask (WORD *) = Poll "Setpoint", $ Name String (ASCII *) = Setpoint 6, $ Connection Path Size (UINT *) = 6 "20 04 24 07 30 03", $ Connection Path (ASCII *) = Class 4 , Instance 7 , Attribute 3 "Default Output"; $ Help String (ASCII *) = none Output2= 3, 0, 0x0001, "Override,Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 08 30 03", ""; Output3= 4, 0, 0x0001, "FP-Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 13 30 03", ""; Output4= 5, 0, 0x0001, "Override,FP-Setpoint", 6, "20 04 24 14 30 03", "";